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I feel hurt twice today. I feel like I have done something wrong, but I don't understand what or why. The other makes me feel so sick, it was horrible and now the lies, since when is it not okay to say no?
A Librarian's Rant (2/24/2012)

'I wish our exigent library patrons would understand that I'm just a volunteer, not God. They get so snarky with me and don't even seem to realize or care that, as a volunteer, there are some questions I'm either not allowed to answer or not given the answers to. In fact I'm not supposed to be answering questions at all; volunteers are supposed to direct every question except "Where's the bathroom?" to the front desk. I just do it to be nice and save them time, even though they're wasting mine. And then they get all in a huff because I can't get them an answer instantaneously. "Are you sure you're supposed to be working here?" is a common sneer I get.

Well excuse me. I'm sorry I'm not allowed to give you a time slot for a computer (so you can be a 45-year-old man pretending to be a 15-year-old boy in a teen chat room... don't think I'm not watching you like a hawk). I'm sorry I can't use my incredible mind powers to tell you where in space-time your transit request is located right that very moment. I'm sorry I don't know on exactly which row of which section of which shelf you can find "How to Cook for Your Dog", or what the book jacket of Adrian Peterson's bio says, or the name of that one movie your kid saw that one time about that one guy who did stuff. Do you see the word "omniscient" anywhere on my badge? My job is to keep the information organized, not to find it for you. If you've used the catalog and you still don't know where to look, there's a bunch of people sitting behind the reference desk getting paid to do a lot less work than I do for free. Go over there and give them something to do other than surf the 'net, and let me do my job without your attitude. Honestly.

Sometimes I wish I could become automated like that dead guy's hologram in "I, Robot". "I'm sorry, my responses are limited. You must ask the right question."

P.S. It's a library, not a daycare. It's not my job to babysit your kids while you let them run around unsupervised, screaming and knocking stuff over for me to pick up, so that you can chat up Lateisha on your cell phone. Don't be a lazy parent. Come by yourself, or teach your brats how to behave in public. That's what you volunteered for.'
I can't wait to find a therapist, in just some weeks i will find the search, my self esteem is totally in pieces, I hope to find out what is wrong with me

LonesomeDay said:
Sad. I cried because David Bowie is dead.

I still can't deal with it...
I feel frustrated because of what could happen, which is quite foolish. But I can't stop thinking about it. It's bothering me to no end. I must be patient for the time being. The right moment will come to address this issue and now is not it. I hope they- or rather, he- will be show more understanding than before. I am not asking for anything that is of any sort of value to anyone other than myself. Let me be.
Maybe I should set my goal of reading 30 books higher but it's going to be all heavy reading so it's likely that this is a realistic limit.
Solivagant said:
Looking for jobs makes me want to be dead.

This makes user 130057 very sad :(

Quickly! Someone buy a pumpkin and turn the calendar to October or something!
user 130057 said:
Solivagant said:
Looking for jobs makes me want to be dead.

This makes user 130057 very sad :(

Quickly! Someone buy a pumpkin and turn the calendar to October or something!

This makes ladyforsaken sad too. :(

user 130057, I'm kinda on it!!

Cheer up, Solivagant & I wish you all the best on your job search. *hugs*
Vent here if it'll help. Anything is better than you being down cos of this. :\

If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result, then filling out all these applications is insanity. It's certainly driving me mad at this point, anyway. It's supremely depressing. I'm honestly starting to feel like I'm just incapable of anything.

lonelyfairy said:
Ditto... It's a real pain. :/ I hope you find what you're looking for~!

^ Thanks fairy.
Solivagant said:
If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result, then filling out all these applications is insanity. It's certainly driving me mad at this point, anyway. It's supremely depressing. I'm honestly starting to feel like I'm just incapable of anything.

lonelyfairy said:
Ditto... It's a real pain. :/ I hope you find what you're looking for~!

^ Thanks fairy.

*hugs* It's definitely insane and not something which should happen in that way... It shouldn't take so much time to get one job. I can relate so well... :< It makes the person wonder if there's something badly wrong in them when no one hires, it's super devastating and frustrating. I don't know where you live but this whole economical crisis thing makes finding a job very hard. It makes me feel like I don't even exist. This probably doesn't help you much but just wanted to let you know that you aren't alone with this. *hugs*

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