What are you feeling, hoping, thinking, or remembering right now?

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loketron said:
cheaptrickfan said:
I am hoping that I have finally found it. It's taken long enough, *********.

found wha? can i ask???

Could be anything - my sanity, true love, or that thing I lost a few years ago...

Who could tell?
I forgot to go to church for Easter Sunday.. I forgot to pray last night..

Hmm.. I hope that god understands that even though Im not that religious, that I dont know how to pray or go to his house of prayer, that I still believe in him in.
I feel bad and disoriented, not wanting to return to my work life tomorrow *sigh* after a 5 day break. I'm thinking of a way to get rid of the super red pimple on my cheek eww dont wanna go like that ='( !!
saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad stressed worried guilty and saaad *tear*
evanescencefan91 said:
saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad stressed worried guilty and saaad *tear*

awww...sweetie don't feel guilty.

I hope you feel better soon whatever is bothering you.


my parents aren't letting me go to europe this summer it's a trip I've been planning with my penpal wah for about a year

and I thought for sure that I could go, because before my parents said it'd be okay, I had even bought my ticket but now they're not letting me go :(

I've never been out of the country before and it's just that everyone I know has been some place my roommate has been to africa and japan and this summer she's going to Chili and it sucks, becuase I feel like I'll never get to do anything cool or exciting, like in 8th grade the year before i was old enough to go on our churches mission trip they went to freaking Puerto Rico and okay get this next year when i can go they go to ******* OHIO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and all they did was teach sunday school to kids, okay my siter got to go scuba diving in purtio rico, and I couldn't go. As a kid our trips were lame our parents took us on lame vacations like to minisota or wisconisn

I thought well now I'm 19 I'm a legal ******* adult if I can't depend on my parents to do something cool, I'll do it myself, but I can't dop that either

and I feel bad because I really thought I could for go for sure :(
Feeling absolutely hopeless after I found out that my wife was cheating on me and was able to look me in the eyes and talk to me like nothing was happening.

It feels like...only being able to focus on something so horrible that happened to your best friend and now you don't even know who they are. In a way it feels like she stole a part of me from myself and I feel mostly empty like a black hole is constantly tugging away at everything that makes me, me. All I can concentrate on is the hurt and I can't see everything else around me.
Oh wow....My step duaghter Kelsie is trying to get in touch with me.
I miss her so much. I raised her when she was only a todler.
We got seperated becuase her mother and I broke up.
She grown up into a very beautiful young woman.

She taught me so much about life. She demand total respect as a human being.
She was very mature or wise. She made me cried a couple of times too.lol

She was my little gymnist. She could back flip from a stand still @ the age of 5.
Watching her fall on her head was very painful for me, but she was very determind to accomplish it.
She practice doing sumersults and all kinds of crazy gymnastics moves around the house all day.
Then she had me spot her until she was able to do it on her own.
She also knew how to take an engine apart and put it back together in five minutes. To her is was just a puzzle.
She aslo learned how to put the pedal to the metal at a very young age. I bought her a bad ass goat kart with an over sized engine in it.:p

You must be 258.381973 years old. I bet some people would like to know your secret!

WOOO HOOOO! I found my torch underneath my bed! Been without it for a month and I have needed it at work! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
other than this evil plague on humanity called homework and grades :(

and allergies and botched summer plans :( I feel pretty content.

I'm not tottaly alone anymore, and I can't guaranty that it'll work or that months from now I won't be starting another lonely thread about how people suck and betray you,

but for the most part I think something we should all learn, is that you should never assume someone doesn't like you. I mean for my entire life thats what I did. I just thought it'd be safer and easier stay out of everyone's way. When I wrote my essay on personalities for my psychology class last year I said I was shy and tried to stay out of other people's way, my teacher commented that other people might see that as being standoffish

it's a self fullfilling prophecy sometimes people are unrelable and we worry, but it's not up to us,

unless someone says go away be friendly, and it's also an added perk of annoying stupid people who won't honestly tell you to go away.

we all do stupid honeysuckle and make fools of ourselves but fyi they do too


Be a friend whether they want it or not!!

( also fyi i know i ranted about the self fulling prophcey somewhere, just google psych self fullfilling prophecy, just if you becuase you act like no one likes you, no one will like you)

hope it helps,

i need some test subjects so i can see if this hypothesis holds any water to it
ehh I feel sad, my grades are at risk, and my summers probably going to be lame


goddamn it I'm 19 I'm suppose to crazy kick ass stuff
I hate my parents

I'm too good and well behaved to live an exciting life
evanescencefan91 said:
I'm too good and well behaved to live an exciting life

Haha I know you feel. Even though its boring as hell I actually don't have any desire to turn into a crazy, daredevil, party animal. I guess its just who I am.


Feeling stressed, annoyed, and confused at the moment. Can't wait for classes to end.
sad lonely scared nervous stressed lonely :(

and frustrated


this is all your fault, stupid pollen trees

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