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lonelyfairy said:
perfanoff said:
lonelyfairy said:
i always fail everything. maybe it's my fault. why life is so hard? like knifes stabbing me.

Most likely you are concentrating on your fails and not on your successes. Or God forbid, BOTH :)

this is probably true. i always focus on the negative side. i should look all the positive things. :/

There's you ;)
My age group: "Today's teen music is garbage! Not like -insert 90's band-!"

My parents' generation: "Recent music is garbage! Not like The Beatles!"

My grandfather to my mother in her youth: "Turn off those **** Beatles, young lady! What trash!"

After some extra studying, I now completely understand my math problems.

I feel smart. :D

You know what's also funny? I can make sex jokes out of anything we're studying in school.
I wonder if I'll ever completely understand myself. I'm reading Greek philosophy...Socrates said "know thyself", Plato said "I must first know myself, as the Delphian inscription says; to be curious about that which is not my concern, while I am still in ignorance of my own self would be ridiculous." Knowing yourself is a lifelong quest I think...at least in my case. I do know a lot about me, but some things remain a mystery. I think self-reflection and time are the best answers.
Wow. Never in a million years would I have guessed that Christians would have established the most elite universities in the entire world.
You don't want to roll with me, baby, because I'll knock you down so fast, you won't even know that you stood the fresia up. Sit the fresia down.
You make absolutely no sense, but I know one thing that does. I won't do it though, I have to realize my brain isn't working properly right now in regards to making rational decisions.

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