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Rodent said:
mountainvista said:
jd7 said:
My dispatcher needs some D. Please Universe get her some D. The angst is just too much.

My doc routinely Rxes 50,000 IUs of Vitamin D. Maybe that would help?

Nah, the other kind of D...am I right?

No. Not that kind. The kind that would stop her borderline insane "If-you-dont-notice-me-and-feed-my-attention-demon-I-will-destroy-you." That kind of D.

Some people are not objectively capable of observing just how over the top (and emotionally revealing) their behaviors are.

Then, it's woe is me. My life is so hard en masse. She just needs her ass spanked and her hair pulled so she'll calm down a bit.
This cat sure does stare a lot... and its head is big... and so are its eyes.

johnny196775Again said:
When you text someone is that done on a phone?

Yes. Although, you can communicate between phones and computers, too.
Thinking of finally giving myself a target. A very good thesis would be a good treater target, it could lead to PhD. Finally starting to think of most of the abilities I've got, I've wasted too much of it.
SophiaGrace said:
EveWasFramed said:
Mr Seal The Albatros said:
EveWasFramed said:
My head is killing me. Someone put me out of my misery.

*hugs* Hang in there Eve.

Thank you, lovely. <3

*shoots you in the head with a 12 gauge*

There. :)

:club: You have poor aim and now revenge draws near. lol

johnny196775Again said:
i cut my finger shopping for food. So be careful shopping.

I've done that. I've also broken nails on envelopes. :cool:
EveWasFramed said:
SophiaGrace said:
EveWasFramed said:
Mr Seal The Albatros said:
EveWasFramed said:
My head is killing me. Someone put me out of my misery.

*hugs* Hang in there Eve.

Thank you, lovely. <3

*shoots you in the head with a 12 gauge*

There. :)

:club: You have poor aim and now revenge draws near. lol

*wraps her arms around her head protectively* ahhhh! *runs away*
Last week somebody at work took this photograph of me. I was stood next to the manager. We both had Christmas jumpers on.
I begged them not to. While they were getting ready with the camera I was saying 'don't do it, no !'
I then gave them money (only £1) to not put the photo on Facebook. They didn't put it on which I am glad about.
Last time somebody did that I spent hours crying. Really hysterically. I don't think it's normal behaviour but oh well !
johnny196775Again said:
why is it all of my friends on the internet are female?
Interesting. Why are all your friends you made on the internet female?
johnny196775Again said:
why is it all of my friends on the internet are female?

Hmm...now that I think about it, seems to be the same with me. At least the really good friends are exclusively female.

SophiaGrace said:
Because we're non-threatening. :)

*raises aggressive voice* Does that mean I'm threatening?!

...well, that's actually not that far from the truth.

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