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Uhh, how about you tell your son to get up and go do something? This is his household, too. For nearly 30 years, you've not put the thought in his mind one tiny bit that he has to work to maintain a household. You thought it was alright to treat him like a 4 year old, and you still do. This is not my household. I'm not going to work my fingers to the bone for it. When I do that, it'll be for my own home. Not yours. So, I don't know what to tell you if you refuse to make him responsible for anything. And he's the one talking about he wants babies and kids. Not without any way to support them, you don't. Not with me anyway.

If you and your family want him to get married and have babies without a steady job, then I'll step out so he can find someone stupid enough to do that with him without any source of a secured income. Because I'm not the one. He knows exactly how I am. I never hid how I was. He knew from the start how I felt about certain things. I wouldn't mind having kids, but I'm not getting married. Get over it. And don't expect me to feel bad because you've treated him like a toddler and never held any standard up to him.
If people like you weren't allowed to exist, then I can guarantee that no one would ever feel the need to commit suicide again. Your heinous and pathetic existence is below contempt. You are not a vulture; you are a MAGGOT. Your very identity is synonymous with treason, sadism and unjustified hate. You have no ******* soul. And mine was ripped out and stomped on because of people just like you. Blame it all on me, why don't you. No. Shut the fresia up and die.
I really need help, but my mother cannot give it to me - another three weeks of poor eating and then I am the f*&% out of here
Pardon the chuckling, mom. But you put "get to know" and "me" in the same sentence and I found that to be incredibly hilarious.
WTF, tossed and turned all night, awake since 4:40am, don't know why, arrgghh. Must be the bowling alley cheese burger still in me.
I haven't heard from you in almost a year and 'you'd better not have gained weight' is one of the first things you say? Ah, nostalgia. But I have missed hearing from you guys. It's hilarious that your wife blocked me on your contacts, I'm definitely looking forward to meeting her eventually.
My feet are itching. Hurry up 2016. I need to be moving, I've been in one place too long already.
"You're more the kind of guy who...sticks to himself, right?"

These kind of remarks are refreshingly straightforward.
I'm in love with someone who doesn't exist anymore. While she's still alive, the person she used to be is long dead. Here I am clinging to the few scraps that remain of a past that wasn't even all that good, yet I still romanticize because I was more ignorant and happy then, and at least it's better than now.
just count the days, 20 days and you are out of here... they ask me how I can have the energy to move again after all that happened, but my mother's house is total hell
Can't be sure, everything is possible. But I won't give you any room to move freely...for all I know you're out to get me. And I don't tolerate this.
zibafu said:
So apparently I have a friend who is a flat earther.....

Yes that's right people, a flat earth theorist....

Just let that sink in...

I think I've had one or two of those. Operative word: HAD.
fresia.... this changes everything. Threw me abruptly right back to reality. He's right.
I see my life constantly keeps going in the same **** cycle every year going on a decade now, even when I change my way of thinking, behavior, and life plan. Ground Hog's day over & over. Except in that movie, "Phil" starts to change his attitude & way of thinking, then his "curse" is broken. When will things actually change for me?! Scared it may never. I keep trying to fight a battle I continually cannot win & I have to accept this. There's no other way. Makes me cry thinking this.

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