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Time to be pursued, not the purser it is to tiring and gotten me no where..
1. Yuck.

2. Why is it so hard for some people not to follow simple information, it is really annoying and time wasting. I wouldn't mind if it was the odd mindless mistake that everyone makes. But this is just a blatant disregard for the set parameters, almost like a sense of entitlement just because they feel like it.
If you think I'm going to be bothered by that, think again. I only said something about it to let you know that I won't be - not because I was bothered by it. That's your choice. Act however you want. I was breathing before you, and I'll breathe after you.
VanillaCreme said:
If you think I'm going to be bothered by that, think again. I only said something about it to let you know that I won't be - not because I was bothered by it. That's your choice. Act however you want. I was breathing before you, and I'll breathe after you.

Good Lord I wouldn't want to run into you in a dark alley. If I did I'd better have my affairs in order. :) :p
Oh... really... can you just stop messing with stuff...

BeyondShy said:
Good Lord I wouldn't want to run into you in a dark alley. If I did I'd better have my affairs in order. :) :p

It's okay. I only carry a metal bat and a blade. Can't do too much damage in a short period of time.
Two beers left for the evening and I don't know what I'm gonna eat yet. And when. I'm sure it will unfold...in the meantime, let's munch some chips and blast music. A proper alternative to reminiscing and making pointless New Year's resolutions. Not that anyone would be bothered by noise since they've been doing fireworks since early morning.
I'm so bad at math that it's impossible to learn such basic equations. Why isn't anything written in layman terms? Everything requires SOME knowledge of the explanation!

The x occurring in a polynomial is commonly called either a variable or an indeterminate.

Right ok... *scrolls down a bit...*

which can be simplified to

PQ = 4x^2 + 21xy + 2x^2y + 12x + 15y^2 + 3xy^2 + 28y + 5

The fucks going on? Whatever happened to numbers??? I'm SURE there's more basic explanations! Grrr...
Yeah, yeah fine. Just pretend I'm not there.
Wait. I'm not there.
..Carry on.

I'll just ring in the new year the way it I'd want it to end eventually- with a good, non-student meal for once, and while studying. I like my hardcore fun.
9006 said:
I'm so bad at math that it's impossible to learn such basic equations. Why isn't anything written in layman terms? Everything requires SOME knowledge of the explanation!

The x occurring in a polynomial is commonly called either a variable or an indeterminate.

Right ok... *scrolls down a bit...*

which can be simplified to

PQ = 4x^2 + 21xy + 2x^2y + 12x + 15y^2 + 3xy^2 + 28y + 5

The fucks going on? Whatever happened to numbers??? I'm SURE there's more basic explanations! Grrr...

Have you tried using Khan Academy? I've been using it to learn some Algebra for the Economics courses I'm doing and for someone totally useless at Maths, it's been really helpful and is free as well.
Didn't ask for this reminder while sobering up...makes you shiver worse than forking around in an iron pot. Cthulhu forbid that's not who I think it's about. I could understand it though. Given the hypothetical choice, they would root against me. Every single one of them.

Pfft...so what? I'm just gonna get back to binge-watching Game of Thrones.

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