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Ok, she's had my manuscript for a week now and I've heard nothing.

Naturally, I'm thinking the worst: She hates it; thinks I suck as a writer; I should just go to cosmetology school or become a Columbus Park Crack Whore because I'll never make a living as a writer.

I was out grocery shopping just now and heard Coldplay's Viva la Vida while I was in the store and it made me very sad.

WTH is wrong with me? An existential crisis in the frozen foods aisle is kind of pathetic.
well actually that's kinda conveint, have an emotional breakdown oh what to do,

o look an entire asile of ice cream

problme solved


stay strong cheaptrick i hope things get better

evanescencefan91 said:
well actually that's kinda conveint, have an emotional breakdown oh what to do,

o look an entire asile of ice cream

problme solved


stay strong cheaptrick i hope things get better


I didn't even buy any ice cream. I got Hot Pockets instead.

I think this crisis calls for homemade ice cream. Time to fire up the ice cream maker!

Thanks, sweetie.
I'm thinking what I find myself thinking quite often - it sure would be great if ______ could find a job and move into her own place so I can have some space in this very small apartment of mine. It has been years as it is. My young adulthood is slipping away, and here I am with the "responsibility" to take care of someone who is capable of taking care of herself, but is so consumed by misery herself, that she won't leave the house but once a week... and that's briefly for church. She's not PUSHING to find a job. On weekends off like I have now, I'd like to at least be able to chill my misery away. But I can't even do that. I can't, on my days off, even lay half or fully naked on my couch with the fan blowing and some soothing music playing. I can't watch a movie that may have sexual explicit themes (not talking porn or anything) in the privacy of my home because this home is our home. I don't even want to seek friends to have over for company as long as she's here. A date? here? not happening. ZERO help financially. I am absolutely sick of this.
I'm sorryjjam that must be a tough situation

college is nice i guess at least on a saturday

we kicked penn state's ass


just doing homework

and ya i'm sorry i'm not here as often as I'd like to be,

i don't have a new hoard of real friends left, i'm getting out i'm just buisy and lazy, and those two don't mix, so i just keep getting busier

good god i can't spell how do you spell busy busiy ?

you guys get what i mean right

... the ability to charge mney from snacks from the C store to my u ill is going to kill my figure and probably get my parents a littler peeved when they notice

mm theey've got v8 soda cheeto's candy bars VW XXX mmmm

and even ice cream, though i haven't gotten any from thetre yet, there's an ice cream machine in the cafiteria, with crushed candy bar toppings, i like it with butterfinger crumble nummy XD

of course it is a rather long walk from my dorm, to the store and caffiteria, of course when you do it every day, ya it's a long way, two hallways up the stairs, one more hallway through the loungue to the main desk,down another hallway through another lounge and then down a fligh of stairs,

god one time i went to the caf and i forgot my id card to get in, and god i had t go all the way back to my room then back to the caf again
ya i hope the walking bruns off some of that crap
so i donno, i'm bikking to most my classes, i play soccer,i got my ps2 so i can play ddr rec room open 24 hours, i might go there later

ahh nothing like a 3mile run at 3 in the morning


i guess things are a bit better, i still don't have any nice close knit group of friends like back then, but i've met few people and we've started playing soccer on friday's at the back of the pentacrest, and we played long past dark and then we went to buffalo wildwings and got some food, it was fun

i hope things will be good here :)

dear god it'a hard to get off the internet once you've gotten on

i ..just can't seem to pull away from it

ennnh ennhh enhj

*tries to pull head away from screen*

it's just too powerfull



okay this time i'm really getting off watch ennh come on okay deep breaths coun of 3 1 2
evanescencefan91 said:
i guess things are a bit better, i still don't have any nice close knit group of friends like back then, but i've met few people and we've started playing soccer on friday's at the back of the pentacrest, and we played long past dark and then we went to buffalo wildwings and got some food, it was fun

Cool! I knew it would get better :D
thanks punisher i hope things continue to go well, my knee has mostly healed up, just a small scab now, no more nasty pus or serium, but it did take awhile, about 2 and a half weeks witth a lot of washing, bandaids, nneosporin and rubbing alcohal

god that last one burned,

ehhi tell you guys about yesterday which was pretty fun i got a chance to visit my sister she;s only a few blocks away from my drom and sshe has two adorable little kitties that i got to play with,

aww i do miss caroline and columbus i donna i might maybe ask my mom if i can come one weekend so i can see them

i haven't been home going back home like eeveryweekend, which i think is kinda lame in over a month i don't really feel homesick,

there are some people that have going back home like every weekend, which i think is kinda lame

i donno i think i'm making better friends with the janitoral staff tthen with people on my floor fml

i know sometime i'll probably miss my mom, but not yet, she came down like 3 days ago to drrop off somethings, and i was like oh thankgod she's not here everyday ;p

i do miss my kitties thoug and i feel bad, cuz they don't know where i am, my mom said, sometimes, they'd come into my room and start meowing, ohh and i felt really sad :(

i just wish there was a way that i could let them know that i'm okay and i love them and i'm not that far away,

i know getting all sentimental over my cats, but ya they're kind and fluffy


ehh and today i',m going to be ddoing homework, and if i can get to it laundry,

god how can 2 weeks worth of outfits fill up my laundry bag already it's real heavy too

hey on thursday i pickeed up Dan Browns new book the lost symbol, at the university bookstore, you can charge purchases there to the u bill :D

it's pretty good,

and i need books to read, or i dread going to the cafiteria and i'lll put it off till i'm about to fall over from hunger, cuz i don't want to eat alone, books are good friends, thy eat with you
ehh homework sucks


i should be getting paid for this honeysuckle

i need a job or just more money



heh i'm alwyas spmming this thread but whtvr

DEAR ******* GOD!!!!!

well the good news is i finnaly discovered what that nasty smell in our dorm was,

so on thhursday my momm decided to come down and give me a bunch of jackets and winter coats

that was like when i first noticed the smell it's source baffled me for quite some time,

when i open my closet, i noticed that was where the smell was strongest, dear god i though a mouse or some animal had gotten ion there and died,

so finnaly got to looking, and i took everything out and gave each item a sniff,

my nice, winter coat, that i really liked

ding ding ding

oh god how could it smell so much and why, well it had to be somthing, so i checked thee pockets, i felt somethig in one sniffed and almost died what could be so gross, at the worstt i figured it could only be a really roten apple or granola b ar


appearntly my mother or someone must have borowed and walked some radom dog,

do you get wher ei'm going with this becuase i don't filling like writting in the specific blamk parts

and then came hoe taken off the coat put it in the closet and completly forgot about it

and mind you it was a winter coat and it is now september so that ******* thing was in there for probably 8-9months

i mean good god how could have she not noticed that, just grab a random stinking coat out of the closet, drive 40 miles and then give it to me of course

now don't get me wrong she is my mother and i lo.....v...e her, i don;t want any death or misfortunate to befall her,

it's just another ******* tally on the why mother is a horrible person list


ya sorry if you actually read all that thanks for reasing ,my exciting ancedote of the college girl and the adventures of finding the bad smell in the dorm fml

hmm i wonder if fmylfe.com would actually take it

they've never takn my previous 3 submissions


dear god i pray i can find a place that sells febrez on campus
i know and ave to wait till next week to get it washed it's sooo messed up

idono on a deeper level mybe

I'm not cool, I'm not a badass, i'm not a genious, I'm not tough, I'm not sexy, I'm a kind decent good person, please tell me, that's enough to live a full content good life, that is not a waste
not being able to sleep sucks, at least i'm making some hadway on my essay, it's for my socal psychlogy class, i have to write about advertismets and the techniques they use to change people's attitudes, i donno

they way the essay is written ad it's content has to be so specific and they want me to incorparate stuff from the class ... *gags*

i'm gonna proabably send what i have via email to thee ta i hope theey reply back in time for me to make adjustiments,

what can i conncet to the class,

ahhh that people ussaly associate actractive people to have postivie traits such as trustworthyness

ehh essay suck

i just wrote one last week, god it's like i'm a freakin hamster running on a wheel of essys and projects, finsih one and i have to do another

ehh college life,

animal house tottaly portrayed it wrong :(

I think you're a very, very cool person. You're a lot smarter than me.
You have a great sense of humor. And you're stronger than you think you are.
AND you're really, reallly smexy.

You're very beautiful inside and out.

Someday someone will be very,very happy and luckie to be with you.
evanescencefan91 said:
animal house tottaly portrayed it wrong :(

hehe :) yeah, certainly a lot more 'ass glued to library chair' in reality eh?

the insane searching for periodicals and journals in giant labyrinth like libraries and then inevitably its not there.. blah..

your subject sound interesting though.. persuasion methods in advertising...

like.. if you dont buy this toothpaste you will remain hideous for the rest of your like, will never be able to find a mate and die alone in an outhouse in the desert chewing on your own socks.. ha!

we had a pretty good show about commercials and 'how they work' here in aust called 'the gruen transfer' it was screened on the abc (abc.net.au).. might be something interesting.. they had competing advertising agencies making ads for something 'unsellable' (like child labour) at the end of each show.. they are on u-tube.. some funny ones..

good luck:)

Lonesome Crow said:

I think you're a very, very cool person. You're a lot smarter than me.
You have a great sense of humor. And you're stronger than you think you are.
AND you're really, reallly smexy.

You're very beautiful inside and out.

Someday someone will be very,very happy and luckie to be with you.

the art of being nice.

you kick arse LC.
Thankyou crow you are so sweet, you bring a smilie to my face

you're so awesome


i hope someday you have everything you could ever hope for




3 and a half years ago, seem so long, time moves slowly

things change, but the fundamentals of it never does

and dear god that was a gaint nasty spider

dman f*cks are evrey

I'm not just saying that just to be nice.

That the truth Evenscence....
Becuase sometime others can see in us what we can't see in ourselves.
That's what I see in you....beside I've seen your smexy pitures too :p

I hope and wish the same for you too.

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