What Size Is Best??

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Apr 6, 2010
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O... It's this age old question again....

What Penis size is too small, what size is too big? Of course, I searched this in google first but I'm tired of seeing these bullshit answers "O , Size doesn't really matter" --> This is clearly not true because if a guy were only 2 inches, size suddenly becomes a major issue. What size is considered within the realm of adequate ?
*sigh* There is so much information about this on the internet, it's almost not worth replying to this question. :p Haha no offense. Here's a helpful wiki article complete with creepy pictures of penises:


But I'll sum up most of what I've learned about the subject: MOST studies find that about 5-6 inches length is average.

But really, when people say size doesn't matter, they're mostly referring to LENGTH. A woman's vagina only has sensation about 3 inches in...so any weewee about that long will work for a woman. Actually, several women have told me that if a penis is too long, it will hurt them because the weewee slams into their cervix and causes pain. What's probably more important than LENGTH of a penis is GIRTH, or the width AROUND of the penis. The average girth also happens to be about 5 inches or so. Girth is measured by taking a tape measure, wrapping it around the penis, and seeing what number ya get.

I think every guy wonders about this at least once in their life...so there's nothing wrong with wondering or asking about it.

I'll leave you with one more tidbit: MOST, MOST, MOST women don't care what size their guy is as long as he can please her. Only shallow women have a preference for "big black dongs" or whatever. (which is a myth, by the way). I won't go into specifics, but I've seen plenty of black dudes naked and none of them have been monsters or clearly above average. So don't be a gorramned retard and repeat that myth to me because I've heard it so many times my head's gonna explode. XD haha

Well, there ya go. All you ever needed to know about dongs, straight from the horse's....

....best not to finish that phrase in this context.
**** BJD, you are 100% correct! To the word! Where the hell did you learn the truth?!
Keep spreading the message!! lol

Badjedidude said:
Actually, several women have told me that if a penis is too long, it will hurt them because the weewee slams into their cervix and causes pain.

This is true.

Badjedidude said:
What's probably more important than LENGTH of a penis is GIRTH, or the width AROUND of the penis.

I wouldn't say that it is "important," (there's no need in giving a population of men something new to obsess over) but unless you're talking about a weewee (to use your word lol) of massive lengths, a difference in girth is what is more noticeable than differences in length. Even when considering girth, I imagine that there is such as thing as too much of a good thing. But really, those cases have got to be kind of rare.

The vast majority of men have very little worry about either way, I'd say: too big, too small, what have you.

Badjedidude said:
I'll leave you with one more tidbit: MOST, MOST, MOST women don't care what size their guy is as long as he can please her.

This is the most important of all.

Besides, sex isn't all about the mechanics of the act.
I just want to congratulate BJD on his scientific accuracy (aside from the non-scientific term "weewee" :p).

Oh, and it should come as NO surprise to anyone that many men lie about their size (or measure it incorrectly in order to add some length), particularly on the internet.
I am skeptical about the 5 to 6 inch average thing. I have seen most of my clients' bits and pieces, and have been surprised by just how many teeny weenies there are.
nerdygirl said:
I am skeptical about the 5 to 6 inch average thing. I have seen most of my clients' bits and pieces, and have been surprised by just how many teeny weenies there are.

Yeah, but maybe a certain sort of guy that's uncomfortable about his size will gravitate more to recieving your...."services," nerdy. ;) haha ALSO....are the clients' weenies tiny when ERECT? or flaccid? Because even the smallest flaccid penises (penii?) end up being about average when erect. *shrug*

Steel said:
Oh, and it should come as NO surprise to anyone that many men lie about their size (or measure it incorrectly in order to add some length), particularly on the internet.

Hahaha no kidding. :p If a guy on the internet tells you his penis size, you generally have to subtract about 3-5 inches from the number they give you to have a close approximation to their actual size. :p

cheaptrickfan said:
Besides, sex isn't all about the mechanics of the act.

Yup yup, totally agree. :)
6 inch penis? Don't you mean 1/10560th of a mile penis? Here's a tip: measure it in metric. The double digits really stroke your... err... ego :p

I have read that the average depth of a woman is around 5 inches. Of course it varies by person and also by degree of arousal, but remember that the part that fits snug and has all the good nerve endings is even less than that :p
Anonymouse said:
I think about like sex and junk.

I've always wondered about this. What women think about during sex and stuff or what they expect and how far I probably am from meeting that.

I always worry that I'll be the guy who finally climbs in bed with a gal and after five minutes she asks if I'm done yet or if she can go home or something like that. I can kinda be my own boner-kill.
That is problem the hardest thing about being a male is if you weren't gifted with a big enough size down there. Girls who drop a guy because they don't feel he is big enough. It's pretty unfair, you know? Maybe more guys need to drop a girl because her breasts aren't big enough. I'm probably average but yet another thing to worry about.
My dick is the bomb. Nobody should worry about the size of their prize, just rock it like a hurricane! Unless you have a super micro penis, then you need to date short japanese girls or get really good with your tounge :) then your fine.
yesm said:
My dick is the bomb. Nobody should worry about the size of their prize, just rock it like a hurricane!

You are the only person to get an honest smile and laugh out of me all day.

That was pretty awesome.
I HAVE THE TINIEST PENIS ON THE PLANET!!!! IT'S SMALLER THAN A MICROBE!!! Feel better everyone? Now we all know who's smallest, so every man can rest happy, ok? :p hahaha

Women only care about size if their guy cares about size. True story.
Badjedidude said:
Only shallow women have a preference for "big black dongs" or whatever. (which is a myth, by the way).

I don't think that being attracted to certain physical attributes makes one shallow. Whether it be a preference for brunettes, Blonds, chubbiness, asians, or big breasts. Everybody has their own taste.
mintymint said:
I don't think that being attracted to certain physical attributes makes one shallow. Whether it be a preference for brunettes, Blonds, chubbiness, asians, or big breasts. Everybody has their own taste.

Then what makes someone shallow? People use the word shallow all the time and if it isn't about physical characteristics then what is it about 0_0? Like take breasts for example. If I was to not date a girl because her breasts were to big or to small but she was an awesome person, I'd consider myself shallow. Awesome people should be given a chance. I know I like brunettes a lot but It doesn't rule out the fact that I'd date a blonde girl. Blondes are just as beautiful to me. I'm perfectly fine either way. You shouldn't rule out a total category of people just because of your personal preference. There's something special to find in almost everybody.
Hmmmmm fair enough, man. ^_^

My point was mostly that the big black dong thing is a myth, so poor whiteys like me shouldn't worry about it. It's sad that I even had to say that, actually. -_-

I'll never understand why guys can be so sensitive about their wangs. All that it is is an empty, hanging little bag-construct of flesh and cartilage that fills up with blood when you're turned on (and sometimes just when you're sleeping --see "morning wood")...now does THAT sound like something to be worried about? Come on.

Every guy should be forced to live in close quarters with other dudes for like a year. That's plenty of time to be naked enough to see each other's peeners and get immune to it and learn to not worry about such small things as penis size. Honestly, the first time you poop in front of another man, you will lose your inhibitions about nudity and nakedness, and therefore also probably size. Really, in the grand scheme of one's life, is the size of a ******* penis (ignore the wordplay, please) really THAT important? Let's move on to more pressing matters, guys...like the economy, politics, family, boobies...


EDIT: Remedy has a good point, there. It IS kinda shallow to like someone SOLELY for their looks....so I guess the key is to find a balance. I won't deny that I have preferences when it comes to looks; every guy does. The thing is to find a match between looks and inside character. :) It's only shallow if you're basing your choice on JUST physical characteristics.
Badjedidude said:
It IS kinda shallow to like someone SOLELY for their looks....so I guess the key is to find a balance. I won't deny that I have preferences when it comes to looks; every guy does. The thing is to find a match between looks and inside character. :) It's only shallow if you're basing your choice on JUST physical characteristics.

Exactly. I don't remember saying anything to the contrary.

Badjedidude said:
Every guy should be forced to live in close quarters with other dudes for like a year. That's plenty of time to be naked enough to see each other's peeners and get immune to it and learn to not worry about such small things as penis size. Honestly, the first time you poop in front of another man, you will lose your inhibitions about nudity and nakedness, and therefore also probably size.

Sorry BJD, I have no intention of moving to Kansas :p
mintymint said:
Sorry BJD, I have no intention of moving to Kansas

T_T My plan has failed. All I wanted to do was glimpse your majestic unit, minty....yet now I shall wander in darkness forever.


P.S. I'm still not bi. XD GAAAAHHH HAHAHAHA ha ha...ha...*chuckles at Knight*
Have you had to poop in front of other guys...?

This sounds like experience talking.

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