When is it ok to cry or scream out loud?

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Nov 12, 2010
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Hello everyone.
I just thought i would throw this one out there,see what you think.
Since last April i have been plagued by this dense ,heavy depression that persists till now.Cant shake it off,it comes and goes in waves but wont leave my side.I was going to say like a "Dark Passenger" but i'm Not Dexter,lol and i don't have murderous thoughts.Just depressing ones.
Every now and then it all gets too much and i cry.Bawl like a big baby.When things are really bad i wail like a banshee (fabled irish ghost).Although on one hand its not ok to be in this state of mind,not that i can help it (or i don't think i can) i don't see a problem with letting things out and getting this negative emotion out of my system.We all need a release,right?

Problem is is when my boss overheard my little emotional episode and thought it was scary to hear it.He thought i was having a heart attack at first becaUse i was slightly out of breath in between tears.I can understand from his point of view it may have seemed frightening,and although i dont get that wound up every day i felt i NEEDED to vent my pain out like that.I didnt intend anyone to witness or hear it,just happened that way.As a result i didnt feel down for at least 2 days after that,so some good must come out of it?
I dunno .
Having been a lifelong member of the depression club, I can tell you that crying is going to happen. There have been a few times where the desire to cry has come at an inopportune moment, like you, when at work. Thus far I have managed to keep it penned up while at work. But getting home is a different story.
I had a recent bout that took me home from work and out the next day, I spent about 24 hours in bed and cried for a good portion of it. Thankfully, that sort of debilitating episode is EXTREMELY rare for me (the last was about 6 years ago).
There is nothing wrong with crying, sometimes it may be the only outlet.
The question I ask is this. Is your boss the sort who understands or is he the type who will over react?
Sometimes the thing happens when it happens. Fortunately for me, the few times it has threatened to come out while at work, my supervisor (friend) was there and was able to cut me loose for the day or give me a few minutes to go hide somewhere and get it under control. And He has never said a word about it to anyone or made an issue out of it to me.
People are aware of my depression at work and can only do so much.My boss who i've had a strained working relationship with over 6 years
is sympathetic but has strongly suggested that if i didn't seek some sort of counciling (which i have since) then i could no longer work there.
He has given me the odd hour off here and there so i am thankful,so in return i am seeking out CBT therapy.
It's good that you're seeking counseling. I have in the past, but currently do not feel the need for it, but am open to it in the future if I feel that I need to go back. What is "CBT" therapy?
Go ahead and scream and yell.

Just... ya know... not on the bus or in the movies. o_o

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