When was the last time..

Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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I work in retail, my patience is always being tested.

when was the last time you were in love?
I thought I was in love for 9 years and that ended 2 years ago

When was the last time you saw a falling star
Trying at this very moment in time

When was the last time you were misunderstood
About 3 years ago, when I finally snapped after 10 years of abuse I had finally escaped my ex threw a fit in my new home toward my daughter all over some points in our divorce, I let him have it verbally then rang my solicitor and he has never spoke a crossword since.

When was the last time you consulted with a Solicitor or Lawyer.
Earlier today, I ate too many


When was the last time you had a treat of any sorts?
Not counting all the virtual ones I eat on here, a couple of weeks ago I had some homemade apple cobbler. :)

When was the last time you got lost?
About a year ago; been lost ever since.

When was the last time you said "fresia it" and did it anyway?
A week ago

When was the last time you went out of your way for another
Hmm, drunk, not sure. I had two drinks last night & felt a buzz... I have a low tolerance.

When was the last time you had a headache
The months of April & May

When was the last time you did not feel like your self
Last night... had me some caramel fudge brownie ice cream

When was the last time you saw a wild animal?
About 3 months ago, fox in the street on the way to work.

when was the last time you visited another country?

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