When watching porn becomes just sad...it's time to kill your sex drive.

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I told myself "Luna, you've got to stop coming to these boards and flooding it with your misery. Nobody cares anyway. Get a life."
Or maybe, I should go out and get laid but nooooooo...my womanly emotions would rather have me find a long-term partner vs prowling a downtown bar; hooking up with some random guy who probably has multiple STDs, an angry baby-momma, and lives in a crappy apartment with ugly, flowery wallpaper.

And besides, prowling sounds like work.
I wear light makeup maybe once or twice a week, and even then - still look shiteous.
I don't know how to "poof" my hair, walk in heels, and if I tried stripping, I would probably trip myself and fall flat on my face.


How does one go about permanently killing their sex drive?

I have taken both birth control pills and anti-depressants separately and they did not help for that. I still have quite a bit left over and am thinking of mashing them together in some fruity drink for me to chug down, because I am stubborn and I hate to take any medication of any sort.
I would do this in hopes that the "out of sight, out of mind" concept will work.
I am aware that I sound like a nutter, but alas, I have been left with no choice!

******, complain, *****, *****, complain some more*


The good thing about marriage (ideally) is that I will have some sex-slave for life that hopefully knows how to fix a car.

Suggestions...suggestions...real suggestions...plz...
And yes, I am being very ******* serious.

Luna come to Chatroom let's talk.
Edit: hmm. you posted this like 30 min ago.
Don't do it :(.

Everyone here loves and cares about you!!
You're not flooding ALL with your misery.

I've never seen a picture of you, but I really really really really really doubt that you're 'shiteous'

But I know for sure that your personality is BEAUTIFUL, You're friendly, kind and caring,
I've talked with you, i've read advice you've posted on the forums.
Honest to god, I know one day you'll meet the right guy and he'll be the luckiest guy in the world.
And he'll love you for who you are.

And i'm not just saying this to make you feel better. This is the truth!

Please come talk to me, (or talk to someone here).
PM/Chatroom . . about anything, anytime. I'm a good listener.
I hope for you that some man randomly falls into your life and you life happily ever after. Dont count it out just yet.

I am married, and it is EXACTLY like having a sex slave.

So, that still may happen for you. And I bet it WILL happen.

I agree that watching porn gets sad. I dont really watch people having sex for the purpose of getting aroused anymore; that was getting sad for me. I really limit that now. I still watch amature fetish stuff. I (objectively) talk to people that do fetish stuff. I get ...like... hypnotized by watching people do very strange things.

If you REALLY figure out how to kill your sex drive...and it actually WORKS> please please share the secret.

Sometimes I think sex in general controls my life. It probably does.

There are antidepressants that can kill your sex drive. I know of one in particular, but I dont think I want to tell you. I really think you would rather have sex even if it is with yourself...in the future maybe ? IDK> I have NO ANSWERS. Im sorry. I really do wish the best for you.

Thanks. I am confident :) and I am glad that you have embraced your sexuality. I hope everyone does :)

the thing is I am married now, and I have to be monogomous. It gets monotonous. I love him. I love him more than ice cream. Yes, it is true, I miss being with other people sometimes. I tried to just totally destroy my gay side, but it is just as bad with men. I dont know how well that it is working.

do you know what I miss the most ?



I know I can be faithfull. I will NEVER cheat on him :) ever :) But the lack of freaky sex is leaving me kind of ...pervy sometimes. i really think about this stuff a lot And sometimes I feel alone. I am just a bored housewife.

when i "joke around" about thinking I am in heat, I am not really joking around
Firstly: WE DO CARE! No idea about all the idiots around your place, but I'm sure some of them care, too. And those who don't, well, their loss. For they don't get to know you, and shouldn't deserve you. And they are missing out a lot. You're a great person, y'know? It's about time you come to realize that. And don't even think of harming yourself! The world would be a much worse place without you.

As about sex drive: things like that come, Luna. Well, there's one really simple way out: stop watching porn. I mean it. Only makes you feel worse and worthless and all that crap. Where in fact those guys and gals there are pathetically worthless for selling themselves.... and it's so overtly fake that most of them aren't sexy at all.

There's no really recipe for being sexy. It's not like do this and this and this and that and you'll be sexy. Na-ah, no go. It's about letting yourself go, just enjoying and being what you truly are. That alone is way more sexy than anything else. Probably more than everything else combined. Of course, one can not be completely uninhibited when pressured, when not with the right person and at the wrong time and place. Oh, and speaking of it: believe it or not, there's a picture of you where you do look sexy (at least to me), and you're completely clothed and even hiding your face. So believe me - under the right circumstances, I'm sure you can be very sexy. And of course, prowling bars is no good for you, so don't do that.

And don't you dare thinking about permanently killing your sex drive. For when you meet your dream guy, you don't want to regret any stupid things you have done in the past. As for a day to day, month to month basis, I honestly don't have any idea, sorry. I've been having similar problem, but learnt to ignore it. There are days when the drive is way too high. And I **** well try to get the best out of it and enjoy time with myself, since I don't have anyone. On other days, when it kills itself, well, then I'm free to do everything else I wish, without stupid distractions. Except watching porn, of course. That just makes it horrible.

Oh, and by the way: yarn can wait some 30-40 years for when we have grandchildren. ;)

Séan and eris have spoken wise words, you listen to those two!
This is why I don't watch porn & don't do "solo sex". It kills my sex-drive and stops me from feeling sexually frustrated. o_o

Better than any antidepressant or birth control drug in my opinion. :)
Huh, anyone remember my thread about denying your sexual desires = Happiness. Oh yeah Luna was kinda on my side on that one. I killed my porn habit a long time ago and see the world more clearly now. But I have to say its pretty hot knowing that a woman watches porn.

Huh advice....advice.....

Ok here something you can try. Its a physical need to have sex and yes it can be very hard to control, I even get urges that I cant sometimes control. But I found a not so secret or uncommon way to in time control it. Ok, this is not for the unhealthy, so if your underweight dont try this. But learning how to not eat for an entire day at least once or twice a week, tames your physical need to feed, which also can help with controling your physical need for sexual desires. Try it, and yes some may call it fasting which is a religious thing, but also has so much posotives is physical control than just spiritual.

Or we can just meet up some where and I can fresia the brains out of you :)
Maybe change your beliefs about sex. It's known that lack sex can cause depression
in women. Everybody has different sex drives.
Your moral and beliefs is in conflict with what your body is telling you.

It's like thAT itch your gatta scratch...if you havn't had a sexual experince with another human being.
As sexually as I am...I've been in relationship where the sex drive is no longer there.
Thats becuuase I got it all the time ..3-4 times per day. After living with a person for years
we actually only have sex once every other month. Hahahahahaa marriage kills sex drives
for some people.

I'm not really into porn...I like to feel my woman squirm and quiver:p
Hi Luna
This probably isn't gonna help.
Just to say, I'm in your exact same predicament, although prob. different circumstances e.g.: age etc. so although I can't help out much I can
totally sympathise . That's no consolation I know, but I FEEL YOUR PAIN.

Kind of similar to your case, I don't get out much (no social life), hence don't meet men, also I can't have sex with a man unless
I feel a physical/chemical connection (doesn't have to be emotional) and also yeah I can't pull to save my life.

Anyway, this is how I deal with this.
I do get different obsessions regularly with things, e.g. with the porn, (cos it goes in phases).
When I do, I just tell myself:
OK you wanna do this thing, go ahead. And I just ride it out.

I tell myself : you want to watch porn every evening from 6pm onwards?? ... Be my guest! / you want to pretend you're cyber-dancing in
some supercool club in Second Life for some unfathomable reason for 5 hrs on the trot?? Be my guest!
and so on.
And I let myself go. I mean really milk it. But without feeling
the least bit guilty. THAT is the key. Just give yourself permission to do it
like it's no big deal.

Result? I get bored to death of it, eventually.
Until the next time == or the next obsession comes along for you, for sure.
Works for me, prob won't be much help but just a tiny suggestion :)

Hey I was considering the celibacy thing too and infact, not just that but going the whole hog & applying to some convent - I believe there is
one just by Hyde Park infact - however I think that's a tad unrealistic for me.

Cos really I don't think celibacy is the answer; as other people have written, the right guy will come along.
You just have to be a teeny bit patient.

In the meantime put yourself out there -- if like me u can't really go out, then try those wretched dating sites cos amongst all the jerks there are some real diamonds.

I have had the right guy come along a few times and believe me, I've had some long long breaks waiting in between but that's just all it takes --
a bit of patience and ALSO remembering that it's difficult for everyone, (not just shy/lonely people) to find someone they can really connect with
and who also don't just want to have a sh^g-and-go kind of deal.

Hope u feel cheerier about it soon.:)
^^Btw sorry I wasn't meaning to write a entire bible about this
shiteous lol and lol = sexy, doesn't it?

man, we're surrounded by images of sexy people, sexy cops, sexy doctors, sexy lawyers, sexy people eating sexy salads on sexy yatchs looking all sexy. it's an assault. then the 'comparing' gene kicks in and it's pretty easy to find yourself in a depressed hole that's none too sexy. too many images warping our minds designed to make us feels honeysuckle about ourselves, cause when you feel honeysuckle about yourself it'll be more likely you'll buy something to deal with the pain of not being a sexy pilot drinking sexy cocktails with someone really sexy.

i say, ef them all!

a male friend of mine once told me that when the urge arose and he had no-one to help assist him, he would do what needed to be done as quickly as he had to and then return to going about his day.

and as cherrystar said, without guilt.

i am a fan of distraction or re-channelling. you can use the physical energy for another activity, exercise perhaps. walking, jogging or biking gets you out there where there are people walking, jogging and biking.

i'm not sure but i think i spot a guy in his early twenties sitting on the bench looking all guy-ish, and i think he's checking you out Luna.

who knows?

the idea of mixing pills to kill your sex drive, doesn't sound like a wise choice to me.

take care luna :)
Having recently become very depressed, it has completely killed my sex drive. I'm actually finding it quite liberating.

It is nice to not care about rutting no more. :)
ef em all indeed!!-- all these sexy salad-eating sexy people on their freakin' sexy yachts, gawds sake.
Good point about the distraction method, working out, etc. can be v. effective.

alonewanderer said:
PoWer2tHePeOpLE said:
a male friend of mine once told me that when the urge arose and he had no-one to help assist him, he would do what needed to be done as quickly as he had to and then return to going about his day.

and as cherrystar said, without guilt.

Am I the only person that feels as though masturbation sometimes doesn't cut it? Like an itch that isn't getting scratched right...that leads to alot more scratching. Some refer to it as sex addiction I suppose but I don't feel addicted to it , more like a time wasting habit that I thoroughly enjoy.
No, you're not the only one. I find it definitely makes it worse.
I mean the itch definitely does not get scratched to satisfactory levels because it is so crap compared to the real thing.
Even using errrm certain implements.So I tend to avoid doing it altogether :(

Anyway, better not kill the old sex drive in case some hot stud comes along cos then i'd be in a right pickle. but it is v. frustrating at times.
alonewanderer said:
sigh, why can't I find a woman that enjoys taking moustache rides :(


lol Sorry, that's one of my favorite lines from that movie.

To answer your question, um... I don't know. How are you broaching the subject?
Luna said:
How does one go about permanently killing their sex drive?

BRAVO TWO FOUR, we have contact North, our position, at 55601024, let's HIT THIS MIKE FOXTROT!! DO IT! DO IT!!"


P.S. DO-IT is not responsible for any damages to personnel or personal property during the execution of its duties. That is all. Thank you and have a wonderful day.
I'm still baffled as to how in all these years no one ever, ever offered me a moustache ride.
Should i be upset or just take comfort in the fact that i haven't had that many
close encounters of the sexual kind with moustachioed-men. in fact I've only had
1 as I recall. Oh I'm not so sad now, it's OK.
^^^As it so happens, I have a mustache. :D

Only MANLY men have mustaches (or other similar facial hair) upon which ladies of upstanding repute* may ride. :D

*strike that; any lady meeting personal criterion... which is most. lol
Badjedidude said:
^^^As it so happens, I have a mustache. :D

Only MANLY men have mustaches (or other similar facial hair) upon which ladies of upstanding repute* may ride. :D

*strike that; any lady meeting personal criterion... which is most. lol

In that case can I call you Big Daddy and hop on (if there's any
Oh marvellous.

Ahh the 'manly' thing would explain why so few men can carry them
off. They are rather underrated, I believe; quite sexy, if anything.
I feel so deprived....I have driven cars and a motorcycle, I've ridden horses and even a camel once at a carnival....but NEVER have I ridden a mustache. Maybe that needs to go on the ole, "Bucket List" :p :D

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