Which ALL members would you most like to meet in person?

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Doubt The Rabbit

Well-known member
Oct 11, 2010
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I'd like to meet all of you, but if I had to choose only a few, they would probably be Steve, Nina, alonewanderer, and Minus :D

How about you guys?
I met one. Didn't turn out quite well. She hates me now.
:O Wow, sorry to hear that. You win some and lose some, I guess. I imagine if I met everyone I know online, 70% would hate my guts :p
alonewanderer said:
Omg really? I'm flattered! When I saw this title I was actually thinking about you oddly enough :3

Oh and everyone else but in a pub where we can relax, the positivity in the air would unnerve the weariest of patrons. /sigh if only I were a billionaire...

Heheh, our minds are linked!
I wish I were a billionaire too, so I could fly everyone in the ALL family to my mansion and we could par-TAY!
Me wonders why I'm not on soph's list :( *snif sniff*

But honestly, I'd love to meet ALL of you. that's what we need....an ALL Convention....much like the HVAC convention. JSD Knows what I'm talking about :p
While it would be great to meet everyone...I lack the courage to do so.
Only 3 people have even remotely come close to my comfort zone because I am so guarded.
1 of them should know.
The other 2 likely do not know; and even so, probably don't like me enough to even bother.

It's alright though. Life goes on.

There are way too many to list...
However, I have met two - VanillaCreme and Steel. :)

There a bunch of you, on the top of my head are, Sophia, Luna, Edge, and NP.

Oh and Ekstra.
DTR said:
I'd like to meet all of you, but if I had to choose only a few, they would probably be Steve, Nina, alonewanderer, and Minus

YAAAYYY!!!! *HUGS* I made the top 4!!! :D

To be honest, I'd like to meet pretty much everyone from this site. I'm actually planning on starting to visit a few ALL members who live in the States this next summer. I'm considering buying a motorcycle and taking some time to bike around and see those of you within striking range. I'll start talking to you peeps personally about it in a few months when I begin to see if I can set up concrete plans. :D

I am pleased that my spewing of bile and hatred has kept me isolated from the lists so far.

I will continue my quality work.

BJD, if you bring your fishing honeysuckle, I have a flat bottom boat and know a couple of the lakes around here ;)

That said, I almost went and visited Spare as an auxiliary purpose to another trip, but that got cancelled. It's still on the to-do list if I'm ever in his area. I'd also like to meet Luna if I'm ever up visiting America's Hat, and I think Sonic would probably be pretty cool to hang out with.

I'd like to meet all you guys. All you gotta do is let me know if you're near Northern Idaho or Eastern Washington and we'll make some time :)
Brian said:
I am pleased that my spewing of bile and hatred has kept me isolated from the lists so far.

I will continue my quality work.

BJD, if you bring your fishing honeysuckle, I have a flat bottom boat and know a couple of the lakes around here ;)


I didnt make a "list" because it would have taken too long. But don't think I've forgotten about where you'd take me and what we'd do when I got there. :D lol, no, get your mind out of the gutter, you pervs - I'm talking about a thread I made a couple of years ago, asking the question of what would do, where would we go if I came to your town. :p I recall Brian's answer. :D No, it wasn't perverted...but you'll have to search for the thread of you wanna know how he responded. :D

lol :p
EveWasFramed said:
No, it wasn't perverted...but you'll have to search for the thread of you wanna know how he responded. :D

You're such a tease, Eve. :p
hmm.. let's see. All of you are indeed interesting and worth meeting, but I still wouldn't want to meet 2 or 3 over here (trolls not included). But to meet ALL of you? Well, there's just way too many, so... would need to choose a few I like more or don't like but are just.. y'know..
in no particular order: bjd, luna, ekstra, sean, purpledays, calm. perhaps also some others like eve or minty or dramaqueen or l0nely. There's every likelihood I missed someone, in which case I'm sorry. There's just too many of you. (D)
EveWasFramed said:
But don't think I've forgotten about where you'd take me and what we'd do when I got there.

My offer will always stand, my dear lady.

...And that's not the ONLY thing that will always stand, IF YA KNOW WHAT I MEAN, LOL
Brian said:
...And that's not the ONLY thing that will always stand, IF YA KNOW WHAT I MEAN, LOL


There are so many people I'd like to meet: Eve, Nilla, NerdyGirl, Spare, Brian (sorry, you didn't dodge the bullet), Minty, Dani, Mysis, Luna, BJD, discolemonade, Soph, Loketron, Nina (she's going to be my neighbor some day)...

... and so many more.

Edit: Oh yeah, then there's that White Morpheus guy. lol

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