which of the sexes

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Well-known member
Apr 7, 2007
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has it easier in
1) the dating world
2) the marriage world
3)the family (growing up, as well parenting)
5)work world

i'm just curious about your opinions and think nice DEBATES can come out of this topic...

no fighting or personal attacts or so.. just what you think..n if you disagree with anything that you see ..why?

you can answer anyone or all ...what are your thoughts?
jales said:
has it easier in
1) the dating world
2) the marriage world
3)the family (growing up, as well parenting)
5)work world

i'm just curious about your opinions and think nice DEBATES can come out of this topic...

no fighting or personal attacts or so.. just what you think..n if you disagree with anything that you see ..why?

you can answer anyone or all ...what are your thoughts?

At the risk of sounding boring..(and I certainly don't want to dampen any debate on this)..I think all this really depends on the individual and their circumstances - and not so much as to what sex they are.
Arianna said:
jales said:
has it easier in
1) the dating world
2) the marriage world
3)the family (growing up, as well parenting)
5)work world

i'm just curious about your opinions and think nice DEBATES can come out of this topic...

no fighting or personal attacts or so.. just what you think..n if you disagree with anything that you see ..why?

you can answer anyone or all ...what are your thoughts?

At the risk of sounding boring..(and I certainly don't want to dampen any debate on this)..I think all this really depends on the individual and their circumstances - and not so much as to what sex they are.

I agree. But, Tim Allen's take on the subject seems funny to me anyway. He sees women as having more options in life...

"Women can...
Go to school, not go to school
Work, not work
marry, not marry
have children, not have children
Have a career, not have a career"

"Men's options total two...

Cosmic Kid said:
Arianna said:
jales said:
has it easier in
1) the dating world
2) the marriage world
3)the family (growing up, as well parenting)
5)work world

i'm just curious about your opinions and think nice DEBATES can come out of this topic...

no fighting or personal attacts or so.. just what you think..n if you disagree with anything that you see ..why?

you can answer anyone or all ...what are your thoughts?

At the risk of sounding boring..(and I certainly don't want to dampen any debate on this)..I think all this really depends on the individual and their circumstances - and not so much as to what sex they are.

I agree. But, Tim Allen's take on the subject seems funny to me anyway. He sees women as having more options in life...

"Women can...
Go to school, not go to school
Work, not work
marry, not marry
have children, not have children
Have a career, not have a career"

"Men's options total two...


:D Pretty good CK..and for many the two are the same!
Each gender has its own dificulties and thats because society tends to put certian stereotypes and labels. Its not easier to be a man than it is a woman and vise versa but when it comes to certain aspects of life sometimes we tend to think that the other side has it easier. In dating and relationships for example alot of guys think that women have it easier because its expected of a guy to mostly make the first move and risk gettin rejected while a woman, if she is atractive doesnt have to put too much effort. However women worry about other things. Guys tend to want just sex alot of the times not real realtionships and its hard sometimes for a woman to realy find someone that will truly be there. Women are sexual just like men but they cant be as free because the way society is. If a woman has sex on a first date she is a whore but if a guy does then he is a player a stud or w/e. In workplace women sometimes arent taken seriusly especialy if they are atractive for example. Imagine an atractive woman working for a big company among a group of men, how do you think the others will view her?. But at the same time she could also get promoted by the boss bc he likes the way she looks. There is so much more I could write about this but not going to. So my point basically is there isnt one that has it easier its a matter of perspective. Both men and women deal with the same problems just with different obsticles in their way.
I think that these days, it's WAY HARDER to be a male.

It used to be the opposite. Men ruled, and that was just how it was. Women had VERY limited choices: Marry, and stay home raising many babies. Now, we have millions of choices.

It seems harder for men. They risk so much when they ask out women. They actually have LESS chance of getting some jobs if they are white males...particularly getting into college. (Due to quotas).

However, both sexes face many challenges. Women are constantly worried about their appearances and being thin and young and pretty enough. Even models find themselves fat!
That is just so wrong Cosmic Kid. I've met guys with all of those buttons too. Men are just not simple at all.
Ah... I dunno about all those options. But I'm pretty sure if I was female, I would have found a boyfriend already. -_-
Mimizu lol Your not wrong there,, I have to agree with that.

I do think women have it eser then men. maybe not years ago but I think its a women's world now.

1 its easier for a women to get a job,, Shop work for instants,,, If your a man you would rather a women serve you and tell you you look nice in what you are buying then a man,, and a women normally would ask another women.

2 there's no stigma for a women to stay at home and not work if shes marred. But for a man it would be looked down on to be supported from hes wife. btw if there any rich women hear I have no problem with being a keeped man lol ;)

3 women get cheaper car insurance lol,, Its a small thing but man thats like legalised sexism.

OK I could go on but seriously can any guy hear remember a girl ever buying you a drink. Women work as well so why is it always the man that has to pay?

The only thing to where I can see where women have it moor difficult and that's having kids. I don't admire you there tho I must say.
hmm well I know of guys that have had girls buy them drinks, but they do steroids and work out all the time, so they are like trophies to the party girls at the bars I imagine. Their relationships just seem to be competitions to see how many boyfriends and girlfriends they can collect though, and bring to the bars.

I think it's a man's place to provide.
This is not by logic, but by tradition.
My father provided, though at times it was difficult, but he managed.
Just as I will provide... should I ever have anyone to provide for that is :/
well, I have to be boring too, and say that it doesn't have much to do with sex.
there are advantages and disadvantages for both sexes.

as a woman, I feel at a disadvantage when I think how hard it would (will) be for me to climb the career ladder, since there is still the question of a "glass ceiling" for women.
also, there's a horrible pressure to be beautiful. men who are not classically handsome have better chances than women who are not pretty. I see it in the world around me, and it's also in the media (just watched the movie "Hitch" on TV the other day, and that the character played by Kevin James gets a gorgeous girl is believable, but there aren't really many movies out there where a fat girl gets the gorgeous guy of her dreams - unless of course there is a huge makeover involved :) )

men, on the other hand, have other things working against them, some of which were already mentioned.

I think we shouldn't envy each other and count the pluses and minuses of our starting positions, but we should just work together and be open-minded.
I've thought about this alot. race, nation, religon, family, sex play a part but these are also used as excuses....*Sigh* life just isn't fair.
jamie said:
as a woman, I feel at a disadvantage when I think how hard it would (will) be for me to climb the career ladder, since there is still the question of a "glass ceiling" for women.
also, there's a horrible pressure to be beautiful. men who are not classically handsome have better chances than women who are not pretty.

Oh my..oh my..jamie..you are so right about this!
mimizu said:
But you don't have to worry about that, Arianna. :p

That's very kind of you to say mimizu..but in a way it is something I have to worry about. There are a lot of superficial people in the world who like to use others for the talent they may have..or the money they earn..and even the way they look. And I am always aware of this. But a sweet compliment such as yours - is always appreciated.
Cosmic Kid said:
The post was uncalled for, immature, and rude. It was not in keeping with the spirit of this thread...nor was it appropriate to the context in which it was presented. To the extent to which anyone suffered offense at such an insentive post, I offer my humble, sincere apology. It was not my intent to offend.

I have deleted the post.

It will not happen again.

Sincerest apologies...

It's ok Cosmic Kid. Don't be so hard on yourself. I don't think you meant it in a bad way at all.
Cosmic Kid said:
Almond said:
Cosmic Kid said:
The post was uncalled for, immature, and rude. It was not in keeping with the spirit of this thread...nor was it appropriate to the context in which it was presented. To the extent to which anyone suffered offense at such an insentive post, I offer my humble, sincere apology. It was not my intent to offend.

I have deleted the post.

It will not happen again.

Sincerest apologies...

It's ok Cosmic Kid. Don't be so hard on yourself. I don't think you meant it in a bad way at all.
Trust me, Almond...I wasn't being hard on me. Thanks though.

I would hate to see what you called being hard on yourself then. :(
jales said:
has it easier in
1) the dating world
2) the marriage world
3)the family (growing up, as well parenting)
5)work world

dating - women
marriage - women
family (growing up ) - neither
family (raising one) - women
socializing - both
work - men
Almond said:
Cosmic Kid said:
Almond said:
Cosmic Kid said:
The post was uncalled for, immature, and rude. It was not in keeping with the spirit of this thread...nor was it appropriate to the context in which it was presented. To the extent to which anyone suffered offense at such an insentive post, I offer my humble, sincere apology. It was not my intent to offend.

I have deleted the post.

It will not happen again.

Sincerest apologies...

It's ok Cosmic Kid. Don't be so hard on yourself. I don't think you meant it in a bad way at all.
Trust me, Almond...I wasn't being hard on me. Thanks though.

I would hate to see what you called being hard on yourself then. :(

you did not see the post. It was a mainstream cartoon poking fun at stereotypical gender differences. It took all of 10 seconds, at 3 in the morning!, for someone to take offense. 24 hours and alot of this forum would have had something to say about my blashphemy, but, only imho. And, I'm not here for that. That type of humor was not what the op requested. In other words...my apology was a cookie-cutter, politically motivated, apology to the one who took offence. :) I made a decision that "descrection was the better part of valor". That type of humor was inappropriate, given what the op was asking for. (Please don't make me admit to not meaning the apology Almond. Because, I do not want to have to explain that I am, in fact, a sincere person, whose flawed in the fact that I am capable of insinceretyl, in order to get what I want, which, in this case, was to stay out of trouble, and to not hurt anyone's feelings..)

good grief..after re-reading all of that?^^, it dosn't take a Sigmund Freud to figure out I've got way too much time on my hands. I want to set sail. Yeah, I don't like seeing what I call being hard on myself means either. I think I'll decide not to do that this time around. I'm cured!! It's a miracle!

No more misused perversions of my God-given instinctual drives! But, to get that well, I'd have to be God, or dead one. And, I know I'm not God... maybe I'll rethink just how well I can get. Almond...thanks, I needed that. I know you cant' tell I'm serious, but I'm about as serious as I get. uh-oh..bummed again. lol

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