Your most romantic moment?

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Well-known member
Feb 25, 2011
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Thought it'd be nice to have a positive thread :)

As I'm probably not going to have the time to ask anyone out for a while, I'd like to hear stories of really nice "Aww" moments from those who have had relationships!

Anyone got a pleasant reflection from a current or past relationship that they'd like to share? Perhaps a first kiss, or the first time your partner said something really sincere and pleasing to you? Or, so no one's left out, a non-relationship based romantic moment you shared with someone? ^^

I'll share a minor memory of mine to start, though it doesn't really count and it's a bit lame... :rolleyes:

I think my most oddly romantic moment occurred when I was about 15. There was a girl in my English class who was really delicate and pretty, I think she's some kind of model now or something.

She suddenly called me over in the middle of a lesson once, when we were doing group work and draped a scarf round my neck. Then she wrapped her arms around the back of my head and looked at me quite intently.

Our faces were really close and it was the sort of pose two people adopt before kissing. I remember staring at the desk and blushing a bit. I wonder to this day why she did it and if she wanted me to kiss her (I didn't, obviously!)

It was so unusual, seeing as I didn't know her too well, but really poignant too.
Wow, that was romantic !!

For me it was last week, a kiss at midnight on new years eve. And he said, may this be the best year ever, and i want to celebrate new years with you again next year and the year after, and the year after....

It was our first date.
Im a guy, but i know how.
Renae and I take walks on the beach, peer, hang in arcades, go hiking, go to the
Rivrt, staying bed all weekend, dance in street, the only voiple on the dance floor.
The list gose an and on with her.
On the wild sexy romance..we done it womens bathroom,
Elevator, her riding me in packed bar, whike im driving..ect..ect.
The list gose on and on with this too.
I get my own strip tease dance in public or in privste.
The entire bar have jaw drop amazment because we
get it on and hot...Were known as...the couple.
She dosnt take her clothe off when we do that.
A bit overboard but its just having fun.
Shocking to some people but we dont get I'm
Trouble. exgf and i got naked in the fotrest
And ptedend like we were adam and
it was her idea.

Gone to plenty of fancy restaurantss.
Gone to plenty of ma and ppps.
Wow. Now that I think about it, I have never had a bad kiss!
I guess it is all in what you feel at the time of doing it.
Made plenty of bubnle bath
Made plenty of breakfast in bed.
sent plenty of flowers and ballons.
Strim my guitar n wrote plenty of songs
Rub het feet and body plenty
Brush and braid her hair plenty.
Shave het legs and private plenty.
paint her nails plenty
Beyoind just the flowers and candi

Heck when renae and i were kids...
We used to play backgammon in bed.
Sometime we went skini dipping
Or just make out in the jaquzi.
Sometimes shell just seat on the
Hood of the car and ill just hold her.

Were a very sexaul couple but we do plenty of romance.
We have strong emotional bonding
Which makes simple things romantic..
Were just throw a blanket down
And have a make me
A simple lunch then well just catch
A sun tan together...simple stuff
Just hanging out with her.
We kiss or make out when we want to.
Its natural for us. We hold hands
And do lots of petting in public or
Whereever. We dont think about it.

But when we fight.....we fucken fight.
It on fire there too.
Were both passionate people.

I know chivery aint dead.
I opem doors for het and the gentleman stuff.
Shes high maintenance or spoil.
I've been really lucky in that my husband is extremely romantic.
Even though he's done a few 'big' things, it's always been the little things that have stood out the most. The quiet moments together, the love notes he leaves everywhere, flowers, chocolates.
But for some reason, the one moment I remember the most was a long time ago, back when we were at the beginning of our relationship. He had a job then that sometimes required him to work nights, and he had a night shift while I was visiting him. After a night alone, he showed up at 6 in the morning with a sandwich he bought me for breakfast and served it to me in bed. It's a bit silly that I can find a sandwich so romantic, but I guess it was just that he thought of me and considered me enough to actually do it. But it was also a **** good sandwich. :shy:

Although now that we're married, him cleaning the bathroom and letting me sleep in are enough. haha. :rolleyes:
My birthday of 2010 maybe.

I was in a long-distance relationship with a man in South America. We could not see each other for my birthday but he did a LOT of efforts to woo me that day.

He made a video of himself juggling for me; a copy of a KISS concert on DVD recorded by one of his friends in his country; a copy of a rare Iron Maiden tribute CD made by several bands in his city; sent me that via real mail, along with a necklace he made from scratch with his first guitar pick; and a piece of cloth with his cologne on it, imprisoned in plastic bags so the smell would still be there when the box gets here. He also sent me a lot of candies of different kinds. Then he called me long-distance that day, despite being broke. :)
Aw, these are so awesome! :D

I think sometimes it's the simplest gestures, like the sandwich one, that are the most emotionally touching actually.

I always wonder when you see these rich people who have their relationships collapse despite all the fancy gifts, if it's because they lose sight of the basic but important things like that.

What's it like jjam? Tell the kissless what to expect, eh? ;)

Sounds like a very sweet first date whispers, I wish you both the best in future :)

And wow, quite a dedicated fella there AQ!
whispers said:
Wow, that was romantic !!

For me it was last week, a kiss at midnight on new years eve. And he said, may this be the best year ever, and i want to celebrate new years with you again next year and the year after, and the year after....

It was our first date.

Aww that was very romantic :)

No story story to share unfortunately.
TheSolitaryMan said:
And wow, quite a dedicated fella there AQ!

the rest of the year he was near totally absent, lol, but yeah he truly made that day something huge. maybe one explains the other, lol.

hey, so glad for you Whispers, keep us informed! :)
I walked all the way across to another 6th form to give a girl a birthday cake once, that I had bought especially for her (cost me £12, i was mugged) I gave it to her, she seemed ecstatic. Thats it, can't think of any more, pretty lame I know.
Hmmm... I've never been in a relationship, I've had plenty of hook ups but that's not romantic.

I guess my most romantic moment was when I was 9, It was valentines day and for our art lesson we had to make a valentines day card for the classmate of our choice. I drew hearts all over the front and inside of my card, but on the back I drew two dinosaurs sleeping, I still don't remember why I thought that was appropriate :p

A few minutes later the teacher said that it was time to give our cards to our valentines, then she left the room and went into the adjoining classroom. I was sat at my desk and this girl walked up to me, her cheeks were bright red and she was looking at her shoes, she quickly glanced up at me and murmured Happy Valentines, she then put her card on my desk and hastily walked back to her own desk, shortly after two more girls came over to me and gave me their cards as well.

I read the three girls cards and then tried to decide who I was going to give my card too. I looked around the class at all the girls in an attempt to make up my mind, when I saw this girl called Abigail she was sat in the cloakroom crying, she wasn't ugly but she just came out of hospital a few weeks earlier because of these nasty burns she had on her right cheek and nose from a kitchen accident. So I wrote my card to Abigail and put Happy Valentines and get well soon, I then folded up a tissue and put that inside.

I walked up to her and stood next to her, I'm assuming she thought I was putting my cards in my bag or something because she didn't look up at me straight away, I then nudged her foot with mine and she looked up at me; her eyes were all welled up and she had snot dribbling from her nose, I said Happy Valentines and gave her my card, she smiled and just about managed to say Thankyou. I let her wipe her nose and then got on my knees and gave her a big Hug. She then put her card in her bag and then we both went back into the classroom.

I then remembered the girl who went really red when she gave me her card. So I went and gave her my tube of smarties that I normally save for my walk home. I said "Smarties are better than cards because you can eat them", I've always been a smooth talker :p

I know its not really a romantic moment, just some silly nonsense from when I was young but it feels good looking back at it now :)

Oh i love this were so considerate even as a child, most kids are so cruel.
I bet you she still remembers that day !!
Most Romantic....

When I left to go on a small vacation (and he was not able to go) I cried all the way there (6 hour drive) and just stay in my hotel room.... later that night, he knocked on my door, and said SURPRISE! we immediately walked down to the beach, and went swimming in the ocean.... (was kinda a rush, have you ever been in the ocean at night?) for me it was an awesome moment in time....every time I think about it, It makes me *smile*

Nolife Princess said:
Most Romantic....

When I left to go on a small vacation (and he was not able to go) I cried all the way there (6 hour drive) and just stay in my hotel room.... later that night, he knocked on my door, and said SURPRISE! we immediately walked down to the beach, and went swimming in the ocean.... (was kinda a rush, have you ever been in the ocean at night?) for me it was an awesome moment in time....every time I think about it, It makes me *smile*


^^ this is awesome :)
Hi All,

I've been coming to this site for awhile now and wanted to share my story but I felt I needed to respond to this first.

My most romantic moment happened last September. The girl I like and I were walking to our cars after work. We usually talk for awhile before we go home. I was at a wedding the weekend before with a different friend and the only slow song they played was the first dance. I plugged in my iPod in my car, rolled down my windows, played Lifehouse's "Somewhere In Between" and asked her if she would make it up with me. We ended up slow dancing on the mall parking lot. I told her she makes me do irrational things. That moment was probably the second ballsiest thing I have ever done, right behind confessing my feelings for her last March.
I lost touch with a man in 1998. Two years ago, we got back in touch randomly on a group of a common interest on Facebook. He told me he had not stopped thinking of me the whole time. Kinda sad and unfair for him, I know... but I would lie if I said I didn't like the idea of someone keeping fond memories of me for so long.
Besides cuddling and something else lol, I think the most romantic thing said to me was "I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

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