Your Presidential Pick?

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Do you want Obama for another term? Do any of the other candidates seem better suited for that role? Those outside the US are free to pick their favorite.
flaneur said:
Do you want Obama for another term? Do any of the other candidates seem better suited for that role? Those outside the US are free to pick their favorite.

ANYONE .... (Insert foot into mouth) would be better than what is in there right now.
Sorry folks..

just answering the Q
I would've loved it if Ralph Nader and Matt Gonzalez won last time...Please don't hate me everyone...But we have a Democrat in there now who is no better than Bush the Republican...Possibly worse, because everyone was fooled into thinking he would bring "hope and change"...
I would have to say give Obama a chance. So far he hasn't had a chance to do anything since half of Congress refuses to vote "yes" on anything including things they themselves bring up as long as a black guy is in office.
blackdot said:
I would have to say give Obama a chance. So far he hasn't had a chance to do anything since half of Congress refuses to vote "yes" on anything including things they themselves bring up as long as a black guy is in office.

I'm with blackdot, whatever happens in the U.S. concerns Canada. He (Obama) does have to get off the fence regarding the pipeline though! Pluses outweigh the minuses.
blackdot said:
I would have to say give Obama a chance. So far he hasn't had a chance to do anything since half of Congress refuses to vote "yes" on anything including things they themselves bring up as long as a black guy is in office.

Please do NOT call the race card here.... that was NOT part of the question.

Nolife Princess said:
blackdot said:
I would have to say give Obama a chance. So far he hasn't had a chance to do anything since half of Congress refuses to vote "yes" on anything including things they themselves bring up as long as a black guy is in office.

Please do NOT call the race card here.... that was NOT part of the question.
Beg to differ NLP, as an outsider looking in and a different media source than your own it was part of the equation.
Sorry but I read the title as "potential prick"...weird.

Now I'm here though...being as I'm in the UK I wouldn't really think myself qualified to answer this.
Then should not have the question been:
Black President, or white President, pick one.?

What in the world does the colour of his skin have to do with anything? my golly.

I am not trying to argue here, but people are so quick to pull the race card. and it is just not so in this case.
annik said:
Sorry but I read the title as "potential prick"...weird.

Now I'm here though...being as I'm in the UK I wouldn't really think myself qualified to answer this.

Nolife Princess said:
Then should not have the question been:
Black President, or white President, pick one.?

What in the world does the colour of his skin have to do with anything? my golly.

I am not trying to argue here, but people are so quick to pull the race card. and it is just not so in this case.

EVERYTHING about a candidate matters. Sadly, race IS one of those things for some people. This statement doesn't really pertain to the thread's subject, just pointing out that people take a lot of things into consideration when choosing who they will vote for.
Around here only rednecks, and small minded people would vote, or judge anyone based on the colour of their skin.
annik said:
Sorry but I read the title as "potential prick"...weird.

Now I'm here though...being as I'm in the UK I wouldn't really think myself qualified to answer this.

I did too.

I think Obama has gotten the short end of the stick here. People haven't made it easy on him and look at the mess he had to step into. It would have been difficult for anyone in his position. Could have been worse, could have ended up being Palin. I do think he needs to step up and plant his feet more. At least with him he paints a better picture for the United States, unlike previous ones. There has only been one other President in the last 20 years who worked to better the image of the states and their relations with other countires, and that was Clinton, despite his...other discretion. There is a reason why there is a joke about American's pretending they are from Canada or somewhere else when visiting other countries. The US needs someone who will work to change that.

His race does come into play here, he's been promoted as the first black president. Plus there was that whole mess with his place of birth and crap that wasted so much time and energy.

That said I hate politics, Canada's is so messed up as it is, at least in America you can VOTE who runs your country.

We need leaders who want to work together despite our differences, not impose/force our beliefs on each other.
Nolife Princess said:
Around here only rednecks, and small minded people would vote, or judge anyone based on the colour of their skin.

I won't debate that - I'm just saying that for some, it does matter.
For me it wouldn't, but there are those out there that still hold someone's race against them.