Your public image.

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Well-known member
Nov 30, 2021
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Have you ever considered your public image.

Amongst the other threads, a few of you have been discussing details about yourselves, the likes, desires, and influences. But have you ever considered what others my perceive you to be, your public image.

What my neighbours must think of me is almost too frightening to consider. I've lived alone in this tiny house for 13 years. The majority of visitors are bikers. Yet my house is undeniably one of the best kept in the area, with flowers and plants in ever nook and cranny. Gaze through an open window and door, and books replace plants. Then there's the little dog. The older cars, to which I will frequently tinker with. Supermodel blondes, occasionally slinking out during a Sunday afternoon.

At a guess, I'll say my neighbours have me down as a queer arsed, mass murdering megalomaniac, who takes commissions from The Hell's Angels, and dumps body parts within pieces of old cars. Only a few escape, but look rough when they do.

Truthfully, I have no idea what people might think. Although over the years, each of those descriptions has been relayed back to me, individually, in some form. Similarly, my manners and respect towards others, often causes concern (Kill them with kindness) 😉.
Hmm you know, I'm not important enough to have a public image, my neighbours probably think about me, as much as I think about them "don't know, don't care" 😅 Sometimes, I feel like people pretend to know me, which is sweet🥰
I'm so invisible in such a toxic environment that nobody gives a honeysuckle about me. I still make first contact every now and then but not with young or my age females and only with new neighbors. One female closest to me i wanted to like and tried to be friends with conspired with maintenance and office against me, accused me of horrendous things, when i never said a bad word to her, so now i have another legal matter on my hands. I don't take honeysuckle from anyone. I always retaliate hard.
My neighbours all think I'm a Satanist or magician, I live in a house that was once the home of artist and occultist Austin Osman Spare , which is why I brought it. I get 2 or 3 people knocking on the door every week wanting to look around because there's nothing I love more than letting random strangers dressed like the wicked witch of the east or Gandalf into my home innit. 🧙‍♀️ 🧹
I make it a point to disregard it on purpose.
When you're a Creative, there's basically no way you can have a stable or consistent public image.
With popular Creatives or celebrities, they're on pins and needles.

Today, Taylor Swift is popular for feminist empowerment, but the backlash she'd get if she woke up one morning, shrugged with a cup of coffee and said "maybe I was just overreacting...."....

In the late 80s and early 90s, Will Smith was pretty much on top of the entertainment world. These days, the only thing you hear is how he got cucked.

So when it comes to public image, I'm more likely to defer the public to a show like Black Mirror to remind them how horrible we are as a society instead of actually worrying about what people think of me.

A lot of people assume I'm gay simply because I don't really follow the social narrative of being obsessed with the dating pool, for that matter I also don't really watch the television (I haven't owned one in 10+ years) nor do I seem to have a biased opinion against women despite the fact that I'm admittedly a bit jaded from my experiences.

About the only public opinion I'll acknowledge is the one that suggests I kind of look like a serial killer. I'm mostly okay with that, I'm a huge horror genre buff. 😂

Bottom line?
I don't care about public image because the public is too daft to look at their own **** image before looking at the image of others. That's a societal problem that's been that way for hundreds, if not thousands of years.

And for the record, "clout" sounds like a bullshit word to begin with so it actually matches its definition pretty accurately.
Have you ever considered your public image.

Amongst the other threads, a few of you have been discussing details about yourselves, the likes, desires, and influences. But have you ever considered what others my perceive you to be, your public image.

What my neighbours must think of me is almost too frightening to consider. I've lived alone in this tiny house for 13 years. The majority of visitors are bikers. Yet my house is undeniably one of the best kept in the area, with flowers and plants in ever nook and cranny. Gaze through an open window and door, and books replace plants. Then there's the little dog. The older cars, to which I will frequently tinker with. Supermodel blondes, occasionally slinking out during a Sunday afternoon.

At a guess, I'll say my neighbours have me down as a queer arsed, mass murdering megalomaniac, who takes commissions from The Hell's Angels, and dumps body parts within pieces of old cars. Only a few escape, but look rough when they do.

Truthfully, I have no idea what people might think. Although over the years, each of those descriptions has been relayed back to me, individually, in some form. Similarly, my manners and respect towards others, often causes concern (Kill them with kindness) 😉.
Wow! I wish you were my neighbor! You sound interesting. People see me as creative and strange.
The majority of people see me as friendly, I've concluded because there is almost always someone stopping me for a conversation. I'm often called sunshine, sweetie, smiley, ******** lol.

But I try to avoid telling people that I'm glad it's snowing these days. Everyone else is sick of that by end of November.
The majority of people see me as friendly, I've concluded because there is almost always someone stopping me for a conversation. I'm often called sunshine, sweetie, smiley, ******** lol.

But I try to avoid telling people that I'm glad it's snowing these days. Everyone else is sick of that by end of November.
Hahahah you sooooo know I'm going to call you ******** from now on sweetie ;)
Have you ever considered your public image.

Amongst the other threads, a few of you have been discussing details about yourselves, the likes, desires, and influences. But have you ever considered what others my perceive you to be, your public image.

What my neighbours must think of me is almost too frightening to consider. I've lived alone in this tiny house for 13 years. The majority of visitors are bikers. Yet my house is undeniably one of the best kept in the area, with flowers and plants in ever nook and cranny. Gaze through an open window and door, and books replace plants. Then there's the little dog. The older cars, to which I will frequently tinker with. Supermodel blondes, occasionally slinking out during a Sunday afternoon.

At a guess, I'll say my neighbours have me down as a queer arsed, mass murdering megalomaniac, who takes commissions from The Hell's Angels, and dumps body parts within pieces of old cars. Only a few escape, but look rough when they do.

Truthfully, I have no idea what people might think. Although over the years, each of those descriptions has been relayed back to me, individually, in some form. Similarly, my manners and respect towards others, often causes concern (Kill them with kindness) 😉.
Now. Lets be perfectly clear here. We have all figured you out. It's pretty **** obvious. You are the one second from the right:

(I won't mention your real name though. So, that way you can keep a tiny bit of anonymity.)


BTW, thank you for all the great music over the years!
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The majority of people see me as friendly, I've concluded because there is almost always someone stopping me for a conversation. I'm often called sunshine, sweetie, smiley, ******** lol.

But I try to avoid telling people that I'm glad it's snowing these days. Everyone else is sick of that by end of November.
I just call you Candy because you are sweet!
My neighbours all think I'm a Satanist or magician, I live in a house that was once the home of artist and occultist Austin Osman Spare , which is why I brought it.
That’s interesting! I’ve always been of the opinion that if you have a chance to buy a house with an intriguing history like this or one that is certifiably haunted, you should do it.

But I try to avoid telling people that I'm glad it's snowing these days. Everyone else is sick of that by end of November.
Yep, I can relate. It’s weird to me that so many Canadians, fully aware of the fact that we live in a cold Northern country, are so intolerant of snow. 😂❄️☃️

As to my public image - meh. Most people probably see me as shy, quiet, awkward, nervous, polite, sweet, a little odd and mysterious. . . At least those are some of the words used to describe me in the past. I know a couple of our neighbours by name and if I’m outside putteing in the flower garden, we’ll chat for a few minutes.
When in college, someone with a reputation for brutal honesty told me to my face "you seem like you're stupid, but you're not." I was a lot more socially awkward back then and I don't think I give that impression anymore. At least, no one has since told me that I do. I seem to make a lot of people laugh, both in and outside of work situations, and my nephew wrote about me for a French project "Il est amusant," or roughly "he's amusing." Most likely I probably give the impression that I'm no fun, because I sometimes bring up heavy subjects, I don't drink and I study multiple languages and spend a lot of time in front of computers. Despite all of this, I seem to have an ability to make people laugh, even people who I don't know very well. Unfortunately, I live in an area where people talk mostly behind each other's backs rather than openly, so good luck finding out what people really think about you. Here, no one wants to hurt anyone else's feelings, except when they can't hear. So, I honestly have no idea what my "public image" comes across as, but I suspect that I come across to most people as a learned bore.
No. Lets be perfectly clear here. We all have you figured out. It's pretty **** obvious. You are the one second from the right:

(I won't mention your real name though. So, that way you can keep a tiny bit of anonymity.)


BTW, thank you for all the great music over the years!
#you can't stop the music, nobody can stop the music!
Have you ever considered your public image.

Amongst the other threads, a few of you have been discussing details about yourselves, the likes, desires, and influences. But have you ever considered what others my perceive you to be, your public image.

What my neighbours must think of me is almost too frightening to consider. I've lived alone in this tiny house for 13 years. The majority of visitors are bikers. Yet my house is undeniably one of the best kept in the area, with flowers and plants in ever nook and cranny. Gaze through an open window and door, and books replace plants. Then there's the little dog. The older cars, to which I will frequently tinker with. Supermodel blondes, occasionally slinking out during a Sunday afternoon.

At a guess, I'll say my neighbours have me down as a queer arsed, mass murdering megalomaniac, who takes commissions from The Hell's Angels, and dumps body parts within pieces of old cars. Only a few escape, but look rough when they do.

Truthfully, I have no idea what people might think. Although over the years, each of those descriptions has been relayed back to me, individually, in some form. Similarly, my manners and respect towards others, often causes concern (Kill them with kindness) 😉.
I think you're alright. If you get a mass murdering binge let me know, we'll make a weekend out of it.

As for my own personal image on the f's given.
I think you're alright. If you get a mass murdering binge let me know, we'll make a weekend out of it.

As for my own personal image on the f's given.
I have offered my services to the government. It is an excellent solution to housing shortages, unemployment, and uneducated yobs. But more so, poor old granny's dying wish to be in the movies, could be accommodated as she replaces CGI, and has her head kicked off by a Marvel character. Who wouldn't pay to see that. More revenue for the government too.

Obviously, we start small, say Friday nights in town centres, allowing me to mount the kerb. Then progressing into smash and stabs, outside woke colleges. Somewhere amidst this, I see televised prison raids, where the public get to choose the punishment. Bang that into the BBC, and they will be queuing up for a licence.

Also, more death should be introduced into sport. Imagine football if the ball was a ticking time bomb. And penalties should come with actual penalties, such as death of fans. A lottery sniper system should suffice.

Fox hunting should also be reversed. We get to hunt down bankers, judges, aspiring coppers. Chase them until they are exhausted, petrified, and on the brink cardiac arrest. Then we rip them apart in front of their children. That's the green belt land saved.

Honestly, how I am not a politician is beyond me.
Have you ever considered your public image.
maybe crazy cat lady, i don't know lol
it's not something I think about much, I'm not sure if it's because I actually don't care or I'm afraid it's going to be a very damning assumption of me

What my neighbours must think of me is almost too frightening to consider. I've lived alone in this tiny house for 13 years. The majority of visitors are bikers. Yet my house is undeniably one of the best kept in the area, with flowers and plants in ever nook and cranny. Gaze through an open window and door, and books replace plants. Then there's the little dog. The older cars, to which I will frequently tinker with. Supermodel blondes, occasionally slinking out during a Sunday afternoon.

At a guess, I'll say my neighbours have me down as a queer arsed, mass murdering megalomaniac, who takes commissions from The Hell's Angels, and dumps body parts within pieces of old cars. Only a few escape, but look rough when they do.
If you were my neighbour, I'd say you're an ageing rocker who has become a hermit. You still live in the past thinking about the good ole days of rock and you lament that no one knows what good music is anymore. The bikers delivers your food and groceries and the supermodel blonde is your spiritual teacher or reiki master 😅
definitely no murderous megalomaniac

My neighbours all think I'm a Satanist or magician, I live in a house that was once the home of artist and occultist Austin Osman Spare , which is why I brought it. I get 2 or 3 people knocking on the door every week wanting to look around because there's nothing I love more than letting random strangers dressed like the wicked witch of the east or Gandalf into my home innit. 🧙‍♀️ 🧹
I'd definitely like to visit your home, sounds intriguing. I haven't heard of Austin Osman Spare and a quick google search I found the guy was briefly involved with Aleister Crowley- now that dude I heard of
So were there anything strange you experienced living there? Um, is it haunted? at least you'll never be lonely 😝

Unfortunately, I live in an area where people talk mostly behind each other's backs rather than openly, so good luck finding out what people really think about you. Here, no one wants to hurt anyone else's feelings, except when they can't hear.
I'm terrified of this. I think this is the major reason I keep to myself 😞

So, I honestly have no idea what my "public image" comes across as, but I suspect that I come across to most people as a learned bore.
definitely not! Very far from that
I'd definitely like to visit your home, sounds intriguing. I haven't heard of Austin Osman Spare and a quick google search I found the guy was briefly involved with Aleister Crowley- now that dude I heard of
So were there anything strange you experienced living there? Um, is it haunted? at least you'll never be lonely 😝
Nah no ghosts, ghoulies or spectres so far. I did have a sleepless night my first night here, there were scraping and scratching noises and shrill screams but it turned out to be ( supernatural? ) squirrels in the loft. It's a lovely house.

I was aware of Spare as an artist, his work is ..... interesting, I guess is the best description and knew he was a practicing magician, i naively assumed that meant ' pick a card ' and pulling the occasional rabbit from a hat. Not going to lie it scared the honeysuckle out of me when I found out it was more, allegedly summoning Lovecraftian entities to do his bidding and communing with ancient gods from beyond the void.

He never achieved the notoriety or celebrity of Crowley, they had a massive falling out and spent years casting 'curses' at each other, but has had a much larger influence on modern occultism and pop culture, most of his beliefs and rituals have become 'magickal fact ' now.

****! time to feed the demon Mr Spare left imprisoned in a salt pentagram in the basement a soul. ;)
Once upon a time, I was terrified of what people thought of me. Not so much now. I don't portray myself in a false manner, only as I really am, so I don't really care much what people think of me. Like me or don't like me, it doesn't really matter to me.

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