A Type Of Jerk

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user 188644

Well-known member
May 1, 2022
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Ever notice how some people are just huge inconsiderate ******** and they play it off as "just asking questions", "just my opinion." What ever excuse there is it's always just something harmless.
They think as long as they're not being confrontational they can just be as much of a ****** as they want. Really the only thing that they actually consider mean is when someone says something directly to THEM.
Ever notice how some people are just huge inconsiderate ******** and they play it off as "just asking questions", "just my opinion." What ever excuse there is it's always just something harmless.
They think as long as they're not being confrontational they can just be as much of a ****** as they want. Really the only thing that they actually consider mean is when someone says something directly to THEM.

There will always be opinionated dickheaded people. Some don't understand that what they are doing is being manipulative, condescending, gaslighting you, etc. The trick is to not react or take things personally or just ignore them completely. Not everyone is conscious about how they are acting, and that what they are doing is socially unacceptable and or demeaning.
Depends on the person and the situation.

Is this just a general observation or did something specific happen that you had to call someone out?
More like I've recently realized how annoying it is that people will call be a jerk for being direct but no one says anything about these people. they just skate. Like if they aren't doing something intentional then it's like just drop it and move on.
There will always be opinionated dickheaded people. Some don't understand that what they are doing is being manipulative, condescending, gaslighting you, etc. The trick is to not react or take things personally or just ignore them completely. Not everyone is conscious about how they are acting, and that what they are doing is socially unacceptable and or demeaning.
You're not wrong but it still bothers me that no one calls them out to make them aware. Then again maybe they only bother a specific kind of person.
Ever notice how some people are just huge inconsiderate ******** and they play it off as "just asking questions", "just my opinion." What ever excuse there is it's always just something harmless.
They think as long as they're not being confrontational they can just be as much of a ****** as they want. Really the only thing that they actually consider mean is when someone says something directly to THEM.
Lots of people can dish it out but can't take it. I've actively called people out on honeysuckle that they've done, they have whinged saying they are wrong then attacked me verbally because obviously attack is the best form of defence. If someone said something about me that was correct i'd accept it, but they just think they are perfect 😂
It depends on who this person is in relation to you. But generally it's people trying to assert superiority over others who say stuff like this.
Now that you mention it it does seem like that's what they're going for.

Although I feel like my example was a bit specific. In general I feel like people who are abrasive take way more honeysuckle than people who are just inconsiderate if not rude.
Honestly, I used to be like what you described and it took people calling me on my honeysuckle to make me see what I was doing...it was not intentional for me and that is not an excuse...more an explanation. Is it someone specific or types in general?
There is a book called, The Gentle Art of Verbal Self-defense. It's a great book that breaks down communication styles. When I read your post, it reminded me of a type of person the book calls "the sniper."
There is a book called, The Gentle Art of Verbal Self-defense. It's a great book that breaks down communication styles. When I read your post, it reminded me of a type of person the book calls "the sniper."
That seems super interesting I'm ordering it!
There is a book called, The Gentle Art of Verbal Self-defense. It's a great book that breaks down communication styles. When I read your post, it reminded me of a type of person the book calls "the sniper."
I have never heard of this book sounds interesting :)
Ever notice how some people are just huge inconsiderate ******** and they play it off as "just asking questions", "just my opinion." What ever excuse there is it's always just something harmless.
They think as long as they're not being confrontational they can just be as much of a ****** as they want. Really the only thing that they actually consider mean is when someone says something directly to THEM.
I ask questions but most of the time since I am genuinely curious about other people's opinions, because at a early age I was isolated by my parent because they could not deal with my mental condition. So, I never learned how to truly interact well with other people I suffered for it even to this day I try to learn all I can about others because I am genuinely interested to people, I want to have deep meaningful conversations with others and truly wish to understand them. If I ever come off as a jerk, please let me know because do understand that I am coming of any type of way. Thank you :)
I don’t think anyone could perceive you as being anything but a genuinely kind person. I get the desire to truly understand someone. I’ve encountered a few people that I just want to know everything, completely devour them.
Lots of people can dish it out but can't take it. I've actively called people out on honeysuckle that they've done, they have whinged saying they are wrong then attacked me verbally because obviously attack is the best form of defence. If someone said something about me that was correct i'd accept it, but they just think they are perfect 😂
Yeah,that's very true
Sometimes one can unintentionally offend others. I have done this many times. I'm sure I'll continue to do it too. It can be easy to do online like this forum because many times the messages are short, quick, and some times humerous. But, IMO, it's best handled with a friendly PM to the offending person. Maybe the two can see where the other person is coming from. Calling someone out never ends well even when cleverly disguised in an off thread.
Sometimes one can unintentionally offend others. I have done this many times. I'm sure I'll continue to do it too. It can be easy to do online like this forum because many times the messages are short, quick, and some times humerous. But, IMO, it's best handled with a friendly PM to the offending person. Maybe the two can see where the other person is coming from. Calling someone out never ends well even when cleverly disguised in an off thread.
Seems to be going just fine.
Was this directed at a person(s) on the forum?

I mean I wondered if it was about people here or somewhere else, but I didn't just assume it was someone here.

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