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Joseph said:
SophiaGrace said:
Wouldn't it be better to talk to girls about what girls like to get more accurate information?

No. That's the nature of the chase. A woman doesn't want a man that she needs to tell him how to behave or what she wants. She, instead, wants a man that knows these things inherently. My two cents.

To put it bluntly, what you are proposing is like asking the buffalo how he prefers to be hunted! :D

I don't think so. I feel frustrated that guys can't figure out what girls like. So, as much as I could, I tell my guy friends (if they ask for my opinion) about what girls like in guys
@ TangerineDream, so much to say, I will get back to you soon.

But to Sophia and Joseph on "Advice". Remember that on this message board, the men are mostly 18-30, where as there women are 30-42. As a result, the advice doesn't line up.

There are very few people who actually know what they really want, even when you think you do and you have what you thing you wanted you discover it isn't. It's nearly impossible to find someone who has exactly everything you want, no one is perfect. Some women want a man like what SocratesX describes, some don't. Some just want a man who will treat them right, they don't have to be ripped or cut. Just walk around in the real world and that is evident. Same goes for men, some want the Angelina Jolie's or that one on Modern Family, some don't. There are guys out there who are called "chubby chasers". Some guys just want a woman who will treat them right as well. It's all personal preference, we could debate it until we are all blue in the face. Fact is no one can say all women want this or all men want that, it's not realistic. Like I said go for a walk, it will really open your eyes to what you see.

Be who you want to be is what I say, and being comfortable in your own skin. Work on what you want to change about yourself to feel good about yourself.
Joseph said:
To put it bluntly, what you are proposing is like asking the buffalo how he prefers to be hunted! :D

Dating = Hunting? :( I thought it was about finding someone you liked.

Man, I thought I was telling you what girls liked in guys. Not how guys should appear to girls to get her.

Joseph said:
SophiaGrace said:
Wouldn't it be better to talk to girls about what girls like to get more accurate information?

A woman doesn't want a man that she needs to tell him how to behave or what she wants. She, instead, wants a man that knows these things inherently. My two cents.

There goes the notion of Self-Improvement right out the window then...

Sci-Fi said:
It's all personal preference, we could debate it until we are all blue in the face. Fact is no one can say all women want this or all men want that, it's not realistic. Like I said go for a walk, it will really open your eyes to what you see.

Be who you want to be is what I say, and being comfortable in your own skin. Work on what you want to change about yourself to feel good about yourself.


SocratesX said:
@ TangerineDream, so much to say, I will get back to you soon.


Joseph said:
SophiaGrace said:
Wouldn't it be better to talk to girls about what girls like to get more accurate information?

No. That's the nature of the chase. A woman doesn't want a man that she needs to tell him how to behave or what she wants. She, instead, wants a man that knows these things inherently. My two cents.

To put it bluntly, what you are proposing is like asking the buffalo how he prefers to be hunted! :D

I don't really agree with that. I don't expect anyone to be a mind reader, and to be frank, I resented the hell out of it when my ex got pissed at me for not knowing what he needed all the time. rather than engaging in open communication, he wanted me to anticipate all of his unspoken needs.

I would like people to understand that I want love, respect and open communication. The rest can be built on that foundation.
tangerinedream said:
SocratesX said:
# 3 - "If you're such an expert on women, then why are you on a lonely life forum".

I'm sorry, are those my words? I don't recall ever saying anything like that.

I know I said this: "He's not the expert on what women like in a man."

I found it. You had me confused with another poster in this thread. She made the comment you alluded to above. She is also the one who mentioned bimbos here.

See? Here's her post - and this is not me under another ID. I don't work that way with multiple current IDs. lol

sierra said:
I think it's funny when men claim to be such experts on women yet here they are on a site for lonely people. :D :D

Dude, if you knew so much you maybe wouldn't be spending so much time here, shelling out your jaded thoughts...

Working out is good, a good appearance is fine, getting a decent job, that's decent advice but all this crap about what women want and how they are, is like reading a comic book. It's not every woman's fault, that you ran into a few bimbos and they hurt you. Maybe if you weren't such a superficial person you'd do better and come away with a better opinion of women in general.

As one of those cute women you're always talking about I can state: You're NO expert on women...

Confusion cleared up. :)
thnx people! i did tell her what i felt for her but she didn't tell me "no" directly but more in an indirect way. she said she didn't want to lose me but i said it would be better if i would take me distance for a while. ****, that honeysuckle hurt like hell!! i never experienced something as painfull as that, i'd rather cut myself while cooking instead of that stupid pain.

but somewhat later we started talking again and she said she did want to give it a chance with me. that day i was so happy! i felt so good that day, so energetic, so happy, and confident again. however nothing really happened after that. we were hanging out but just as before and i realized she just said she wanted to try it because she didn't wanted to lose me. she told me that i'm too good, that there is nothing for her to fight for etc. that's just really how i am though...

so got hurt again and now i'm finally getting over it.
what when?? when did all this happen?

did you ask her to be in a relationship? If a girl says yes to a question like that I would not assume that she just said yes not to lose me...

But I know I'm not in the situation. But most likely she really likes you, and is just waiting on you to make more real moves. :p

Shine said:
thnx people! i did tell her what i felt for her but she didn't tell me "no" directly but more in an indirect way. she said she didn't want to lose me but i said it would be better if i would take me distance for a while. ****, that honeysuckle hurt like hell!! i never experienced something as painfull as that, i'd rather cut myself while cooking instead of that stupid pain.

but somewhat later we started talking again and she said she did want to give it a chance with me. that day i was so happy! i felt so good that day, so energetic, so happy, and confident again. however nothing really happened after that. we were hanging out but just as before and i realized she just said she wanted to try it because she didn't wanted to lose me. she told me that i'm too good, that there is nothing for her to fight for etc. that's just really how i am though...

so got hurt again and now i'm finally getting over it.


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