Being made fun of?

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Well-known member
Dec 4, 2014
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What do you do when you feel like you are being made fun of on a continual basis, but can't prove it.

I can ignore it and ignore it, but when I feel down and vulnerable, I feel more paranoid and the words hurt.

If hurt someone I can understand hostility towards me, but unfounded piss taking is unpleasant, and who does it benefit. It is poison.

How do you deal with it when you can't prove it but sense it?
Is this a work setting, family, school, general public place?

I suppose you could tell a superior (teacher, boss, whatnot) and see if there's anything that could be done. Even if you don't have proof, if you take your concerns to a superior, chances are they will look into it.
You could talk to the people doing it and try to figure out why they are doing it.

Beyond that, there's not much you can do.
There is one woman at work, but hasn't got to me quite yet. I might be feeling better by the time I share a shift with her again. At the moment it is classic Mean Mums in the playground scenario.

Normally shake crap like this off easily these days. I am who I am, and if someone doesn't like me or look down on me it is tough honeysuckle. Just while I am being tested with life at the moment throwing all it has at me, I feel more aware and susceptible.
I like to remind people that most honeysuckle talkers talk honeysuckle about EVERYONE
Some usually talk crap about others they feel inferior too, jealous of, envious of, feel insecure around, or are just mean spirited. Haters gonna hate, not much you can do but shake it off.
That for me is a hard one.

Its easier when someone just says what they are saying to your face then your able to laugh it off or have ago back.
At least with people like that you know where you stand.

But when people do it behind your back like some sort of coward. Your never sure if they are actually talking bad about you or not then that leaves you thinking maybe your getting paranoid and that you should still be nice to them and try to be a good friend or just avoid them.
I really hate people like that cos you dont know where you stand.

I would just keep being yourself. Nothing else you can do. In the end if that person is slagging you off to others she or he will just make them selfs look sad to the people there slagging you of to. The people that are decant will look at you frow there own eyes in the end and not hers or his anyway.

Years ago I used to go see a couple that I was friends with. there where married. When I was there they always used to be nice to me and act like really good friends. I never felt that I was being slagged off and was always made to feel supper welcome. But they always used to slag everyone off. I could not help but think that I would also have been getting slag off when I was not there.
In the end because they did this to almost everyone I stooped going round. They for a long time still kept being nice to me on FB and I never felt like they where slagging me off. I just thought that if they where slagging every person off that they know then they where probobly doing it to me behind my back too. And really do I wont to be friends with people that do that.
In the end people like that do come unstuck.

Just be yourself and keep your respect.
I have one example of being made fun of that still gets to me. This was an experience that I went through from 2000-2002 in a place I used to work.

This was a small business, with only ten employees, and one of the bullies happened to be the owner. She had her favorite employee who, in my opinion, is a disgusting person, inside and out. When he wasn't there she wasn't difficult to be around. Sometimes she could even be pleasant. The moment he was around though, she became just like him. I noticed it, as did some of the other employees. They were both very cruel and I once saw them high-five each other when one made a particularly insulting remark in my direction.

There were aspects of how she ran the business that I felt were unethical. One of which was not reporting all of cash flow. I talked to her about this and explained to her that if she were audited it would come back to haunt her, that her employees (including her little buddy) would simply leave and work for someone else. As the business owner it is her responsibility and she would stand the most to lose.

After that things became much worse. The hostility was as such as I always felt as though I was walking on eggshells and never knew what to expect. Even if they were in a good mood in the morning, it could change drastically by lunchtime. They had nothing positive to say to me or about me, and even said that I was a loser and that no woman would ever be attracted to me.

I had one friend there, and when she had finally had enough and quit, I was gone within 30 days. Although I felt a sense of relief, like a huge weight was listed off my shoulders, the events of what happened there still get to me. I guess to some extent that their hurtful remarks made me believe they were true.

About a year after I left, they had a huge falling out and she fired him. She sent me a friend request on Facebook a few years later. I'm still friends with her and her husband, but I rarely see them. I don't know what became of the other one at the workplace.
Serenia said:
What do you do when you feel like you are being made fun of on a continual basis, but can't prove it.

I can ignore it and ignore it, but when I feel down and vulnerable, I feel more paranoid and the words hurt.

If hurt someone I can understand hostility towards me, but unfounded piss taking is unpleasant, and who does it benefit. It is poison.

How do you deal with it when you can't prove it but sense it?

I'm sorry to hear that this is happening to you. When people have made fun of me in the past it was always to my face, so it was obvious what they were doing and I don't really have any advice to give. But I just wanted to give you some moral support. I don't know why someone would want to make fun of you like this when you always come off as so good-natured on here.
I'm also sorry to hear this is happening to you. I can't believe Iceman accepted a friend request from the person who bullied him! That's forgiving! But when I experience this kind of thing in a structured type situation, I just put my head down and do my work.

I have experienced some truly appalling behaviour at work, on occasion. I've never found any way to fix it besides putting on my teflon suit, and waiting it out.
Yeah man I usually don't pay attention to it but that voice in my head's telling me "punch his face". Keeping this honeysuckle in is no good, personally I strongly support you standing your ground, show them you have a backbone and are not to be messed with.

Or yes laugh the honeysuckle out of it, at the end of the day, doent mean a **** what they think, you are you, continue doing so son.
If you have the energy, next time you think something's being said, I dare you turn around to the target, tell them to shut up, see what happens.
Sometimes said:
I'm also sorry to hear this is happening to you. I can't believe Iceman accepted a friend request from the person who bullied him! That's forgiving! But when I experience this kind of thing in a structured type situation, I just put my head down and do my work.

I have experienced some truly appalling behaviour at work, on occasion. I've never found any way to fix it besides putting on my teflon suit, and waiting it out.

Well, it's a complicated situation. I've known her for over twenty years and I'm friends with her and her husband. She's no longer in touch with the guy at work and I think she understands now that he was a user and a manipulator.

Plus, she had to undergo surgery for a kidney transplant about eight years ago. We've never talked about it, and although I still consider her a friend, I just keep my distance.
Give them something to respect.
Something you can do that they can't.
If they hate you for it, return that hatred with kindness.
Repeat process.

Works every time.

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