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Dec 2, 2010
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Ontario, Canada
Well I went into work this morning and my boss tells me effective immediately he's laying me off. Apparently I'm screwing everything up and keeping people from doing their jobs right. I was not expecting this. I know he's been stressed with stuff the past few weeks. I've been trying to keep other people from getting into trouble and trying to help as much as I could. I guess I should have just worried about myself but I don't like it when he gets in his moods and starts flipping out on people. I got told I can't even do a certain procedure correctly and never have, but thing is NO ONE has ever been able to follow this one procedure properly. The only person who can ever follow it correctly is him because he's the one who made it, and whenever we've gone over it, either one on one or in a group, it feels like his interpretation changes. It's one of those things where just to avoid an argument you just try and hope for the best. He has no idea how many mistakes I've caught that others have made, even him, and corrected them avoiding a bigger mistake. I don't go pointing them out, no need to make an issue of it and get others in trouble or make him mad for pointing out one of his mistakes, you don't point out the bosses mistakes.

I was totally caught off guard by this, completely broke down on my drive home. This sucks.
Sounds like a toxic work environment, one in which you put out fires continually. Sorry that you're feeling so low right now. I hope that there's light at the end of the tunnel for you @Sci-Fi . Hugs.
I don't know what it is about cars, makes them such a good place to break down emotionally in; it's often the best place I can think of to do so...

Sorry to hear that mate, some times, with some people, or some situations, you can't do anything right, just gotta keep doin' anyway, I guess...

I hope the Universe gives you some respite, soon...

What line of work were you in, if I may ask?
I am sorry to hear that. You are right, it sucks.
****! That's shitty news, Sci-Fi. So sorry. Your boss sounds similar to mine in regards to his wishy-washy ways of doing things - constantly changing his mind so it makes it impossible for others to follow his instructions.

Seems it's always the ones that are diligent and work hard that get screwed. Any chance you can go above his head and dispute this?
That's bad news mate... I am sorry. Try and be positive re: one door closes and other one opens etc.
I used to have a boss who I think was similar to yours. 1) She would tell me how to do something one day, and tell me different way the next. Then she asked if it was clear. I said that it wasn't clear and asked which was I supposed to do it on the days when she wasn't there. She smiled and didn't answer. 2) I was a supervisor and I was supposed to talk to these certain people and verify they were doing their job right, then another day she was telling that I didn't have the authority to talk to them. And she asked me if I understood. 3) A supplier came in before work hours and I was trying to help him because she wasn't to be seen. She arrived and screamed that I didn't have the right to talk to him. She was the only one. I didn't want to mean. Finally, I said, ''I don't have the right to talk to you; you have to talk to her''. And she smiled. Total rudeness to the client and she made me be rude too when it is not my nature. There is so much more. I stayed because of the other employees.

I finally got a work place injury and she wouldn't respect the doctor's gradual return to work orders. So, I left. It took months for my body and mind to destress.

I think you can challenge it legally. I knew a lady who was a vice president of a company. And when they wanted to fire someone who had been there more than 3 months, the company needed to build a file. For ex, if the employee was late, the company typed up a letter and had the employee sign it. I suggest you contact employee standards (the government). See if there is something they can do that you would like.

You could write a letter to your boss's boss. And the company could use it to fire him eventually. I think maybe this boss has some personality disorder like narcissism. I think my ex boss was a narcissist. I finally figured that she changed proceedures to that she had control over other people. I made her feel powerful and that is why she smiled.

Now, I have a boss who thanks me for me work repeatedly. She bought me a gift at Christmas (chocolates and hand lotion) and a chocolate bunny for Easter. She is going to do something for my birthday, but I don't know what yet. I have NO work stress now.

I am sorry for the emotional roller coaster your boss put you through. I am sorry for the financial consequences of losing a job. Maybe employee standards can help you with that... maybe he will have to give you several weeks pay.

Consider if employee standards forces the company to pay you lots of severence pay. Management will be really pissed of at your boss. And maybe they will look into things and that will be good for the employees who are left.

Courage. And yes, it sucks. I will be hoping that you find a job you like and where you are supported... or that this new opportunity finds you.
Thanks everyone.
What line of work were you in, if I may ask?
I don't really have an actual title and my responsibilities cover a lot of things, but basically I'm the front counter person/sales/purchasing.

Seems it's always the ones that are diligent and work hard that get screwed. Any chance you can go above his head and dispute this?
And this answers @roses4all comment too. My boss is the owner of the business although he doesn't like being called the owner. I have no one to complain to over him.

I do like my job and I've known my boss for just over 18 years, I worked with him at our previous job. He's a nice guy and we get along well, it is just when things are stressful. like business is slow or work is piling up, or it is tax time of the year when things get tense. I've been working for him for the past five years. I wish I had stood up for myself with a few things I got blamed for that I know wasn't me that did it. I usually just let him rant about it and move on, sometimes he figures out it was either his mistake or someone else. He's not the type of person to keep bringing things up but this time it bit me in the ass. I'm the type of person who likes to help other people around me, I need to stop doing that and probably start documenting everything I do so if I get blamed for something I can prove I had nothing to do with it.
Thanks everyone.

I don't really have an actual title and my responsibilities cover a lot of things, but basically I'm the front counter person/sales/purchasing.

My boss is the owner of the business although he doesn't like being called the owner. I have no one to complain to over him.
I am sorry for your loss.

I still think employee standards could help if you wanted to go that way. It doesn't hurt to talk to someone (with no action other than getting informed). Here, you can do it online.

There is a plus side... there is a shortage of employees now. Maybe there is a fulfilling job waiting for you.

Personally, I have a lot more peace in my life now that I don't have a boss who is constantly changing the rules on me. I work for a large company now, but there are only 3 of us on the site where I work. All three of us do kind things for the others. I like it.
just a quick google.... from a human resources company in Ontario
So this is advice for the employer... but it is clear that termination without notice is not good.

Employee Terminations​

Terminating an employee is harder than you think. Each province sets its own laws and standards. Knowing those applying to you is key to avoiding wrongful dismissals. Or worse – legal challenges.

From the right severance pay to giving enough notice, there’s a lot to keep track of. And getting anything wrong can be costly for your business. But our experts can help you make it easy. We’ll ensure you’re following HR best practices and keep you compliant.

What Employer’s Should Know About Terminations​

Knowing the ins-and-outs of employee terminations is vital. There are cases where you cannot let an employee go. Or where you don’t have to pay severance. That’s why getting the right advice before handling a termination helps protect your business.

Employers should keep the following in mind:


  • Give written notice
  • Provide termination pay or pay in lieu of notice, except in certain cases
  • Keep a clear termination clause in your contracts


  • Refuse a positive reference. Employers are advised to verify former employees’ dates of employment, positions, titles, and duties without further comment
  • Assume just cause to terminate without notice – unless you have proof of serious misconduct
  • Misinform staff of their termination package
Thats sooo messed up! Honestly, Their loss! He sounds like he is just simply too weak minded to get rid of the real issues.
Thanks everyone.

I don't really have an actual title and my responsibilities cover a lot of things, but basically I'm the front counter person/sales/purchasing.

And this answers @roses4all comment too. My boss is the owner of the business although he doesn't like being called the owner. I have no one to complain to over him.

I do like my job and I've known my boss for just over 18 years, I worked with him at our previous job. He's a nice guy and we get along well, it is just when things are stressful. like business is slow or work is piling up, or it is tax time of the year when things get tense. I've been working for him for the past five years. I wish I had stood up for myself with a few things I got blamed for that I know wasn't me that did it. I usually just let him rant about it and move on, sometimes he figures out it was either his mistake or someone else. He's not the type of person to keep bringing things up but this time it bit me in the ass. I'm the type of person who likes to help other people around me, I need to stop doing that and probably start documenting everything I do so if I get blamed for something I can prove I had nothing to do with it.
Well, nice guys always finished last. I too have always been the helper / expert. It only caused me more work and stress. I'm willing to bet the other workers blamed you to the boss behind your back. I left the last position I had because I was being forced out. I caught the big boss doing illegal stuff and turned him in to HR. So, he got HR to write me up for some other stupid thing. My boss had planned on me taking over his position in a couple years so he had me running most of the projects without his over sight. So, when I walked I carried a lot of the business out the door with me. Nearly everybody left within four months including my boss. Eventually the big boss was escorted out of the building. Yet, I'm the one that got screwed by doing the right thing.

It's a good time to be looking for a job in the US. I don't know about Canada though.
Hadn't seen this Sci, I hope you fell back on your feet. I sympathise, something similar happened to me, it's never easy.
Hadn't seen this Sci, I hope you fell back on your feet. I sympathise, something similar happened to me, it's never easy.

I guess I should have posted an update. I got a call out of the blue from another business saying they heard I was looking for work. Freaked me the hell out because I wasn't informed of anything like that, I was just supposed to be laid off. I was blindsided again but at least with a job offer. I went to see my boss to find out what was going on since he didn't call me and tell me what he was doing. He even gave out my private cell phone number. This other place that called me was kind of looking to hire a new person and since my boss had laid me off they got to talking about me. My boss told me that he regretted giving out my number because if things picked up he'd lose me. He was also honest about something else I've left out because it was one of my bigger fears. His daughter started working back in the winter, that made me uneasy about things. He told me that if his daughter wasn't his daughter he would have had to lay her off too.

I called the other place back and I've been there for about a month now, similar to what I've been doing for the past many years. Guys are great to work with, less stress and a little more laid back. I'm still getting used to how they do things differently but I'm catching on and doing a lot more on my own now. Business has been slow recently because of the dry weather we've been having but all in all it's been a good move so far. I even have company shirts now with my name on them. My job is pretty much the same except I don't have anything to do with repairs or keeping the part time student busy. My focus is just on the customers and ordering/receiving parts.

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