How do you all deal with Anger?

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TheSkaFish said:
Yeah, the more I read this the more I think you're a little off-base with this after all.

I love her. We had a connection, I know we did from the way she acted and the things she said to me. She said the things no one else could say. No one available will ever be able to take her place.

If I was off base then I'm sorry, it was not my intention to make things worse. All I can say now is good luck, I hope it works out for you.
jjessea said:
TheSkaFish said:
Yeah, the more I read this the more I think you're a little off-base with this after all.

I love her. We had a connection, I know we did from the way she acted and the things she said to me. She said the things no one else could say. No one available will ever be able to take her place.

If I was off base then I'm sorry, it was not my intention to make things worse. All I can say now is good luck, I hope it works out for you.

You told me to "wash her out of my system". I don't want that. I don't want to go through life alone or just going through the motions, pretending to be fine with some plain-jane unexciting "nice" girl that I've resigned myself to being all I can have. I want to know how I can turn into someone that could really attract her. That would relieve me of some of this anger.
TheSkaFish said:
I want to know how I can turn into someone that could really attract her. That would relieve me of some of this anger.

You'd most likely have to look at what you'd really like in a girl, and maybe make that a role model for yourself
Rosebolt said:
TheSkaFish said:
I want to know how I can turn into someone that could really attract her. That would relieve me of some of this anger.

You'd most likely have to look at what you'd really like in a girl, and maybe make that a role model for yourself

I think I need to take you up on your PM offer. I'm unraveling and this is going nowhere. In fact, most of what was said has only made me angrier and more unstable. I'm mostly tired now, and not in danger of looking for a fight or anything. But it's not a good tired. It's like, the tired you get when you have been yelling at someone for an hour. Which is funny because I haven't actually raised my voice all day. I don't feel well.
TheSkaFish said:
You told me to "wash her out of my system". I don't want that. I don't want to go through life alone or just going through the motions, pretending to be fine with some plain-jane unexciting "nice" girl that I've resigned myself to being all I can have. I want to know how I can turn into someone that could really attract her. That would relieve me of some of this anger.

Tell me how this girl is not a lost cause. Her actions should have told you that she prefers douchebags to you. (No offense. I've been there too.) I see no indication that she ever saw you as more than just a friend. What would you be fighting for? A dream? A fantasy?

People tell you to get over her because the very thought of her is driving you mad. We can see what you can't. We're all detached. We can see it from angles you cannot because your mind is swimming in fantasy and seething anger. We're seeing it as it is, and from where I'm sitting, you need to move on.

Or, mark the next two or three years off your calendar, Captain Ahab, because they will be wasted as you chase after Moby Dick.
It might've been good to let it all out. I'm worried about you though.

How do you feel about this post? I didn't see you respond to it.

Rosebolt said:
Nonono Ska, get your honeysuckle together. While you don't, other people will. You got great potential man, i know you do. Don't let it be wasted by something like hate. You know you're wrong, i know you know. Your love turned into hate, and it will achieve nothing.

You can hate people who do drugs all you want, but if you go around murdering people, what does that make you? The taking of another life is alot more serious than the decisions of someone else's life. It's their life, not yours.

You've lost who you are. Love has devoured you. I've seen it happen before, and it's one of the most horrid things that can happen to someone. But you can snap out of it, i know you can. You've lost who you are and now you're obsessed with how other people are. Hating them does not make you, it breaks you, sooner rather than later. You may already be broken, but you can fix yourself. You don't fix yourself by lashing out and focussing at/on others. You start focussing on yourself.

If you don't want to do that, and keep up the hate, then you might as well stop posting, because you'll be alone forever.

But not you Ska, not you. You got so much potential. Don't waste your life this way! Remember if you need help with something, pm me or anyone, and we're willing to help. Stay safe, please.

I know i sound harsh, but i just want to help you. I'm not sure if help is what you're looking for at the moment, maybe just venting, but, i do worry.
Case said:
Tell me how this girl is not a lost cause. Her actions should have told you that she prefers douchebags to you. (No offense. I've been there too.) I see no indication that she ever saw you as more than just a friend. What would you be fighting for? A dream? A fantasy?

I'm fighting for possibility. I figure, there are guys out there who can get good things, money, ideas, women - why not me too? Why do i have to just accept a role as a person who gets nothing I want?

I think she prefers douchebags because most attractive young girls want someone here and now versus someone to wait for. Or it's all she thinks she deserves. She has demons of her own.

As for indications she ever saw me as more than a friend, I'd have to go through a year's worth of facebook conversations to dig them all up. You'll understand why I don't really want to do that.

What's a worse waste of time - trying for what I want, or getting complacent pretending to be happy with what I don't?
When I was 19, I broke up with my boyfriend because I didn't want a boyfriend again before I turned 25 because I want to grow up first and try to meet alot of people and find the most fitting person for me..

Hold up -- I am still nineteen.

Dude, let go of this girl, seriously. What if she had started dating you? The possibilities of her staying with you for the rest of her life were probably not that high. People change during college years, fall out of love because their personalities change during those years. Let go of it, man. Your anger and views on some people are seriously bad for you. I don't know, dude. Stop worrying about all this honeysuckle, go poop, watch Frozen and do something outside instead of chasing ghosts.

Rainbows said:
When I was 19, I broke up with my boyfriend because I didn't want a boyfriend again before I turned 25 because I want to grow up first and try to meet alot of people and find the most fitting person for me..

Hold up -- I am still nineteen.

Dude, let go of this girl, seriously. What if she had started dating you? The possibilities of her staying with you for the rest of her life were probably not that high. People change, fall out of love. Let go of it, man. Your anger and views on some people are seriously bad for you. I don't know, dude. Stop worrying about all this honeysuckle, go poop, watch Frozen and do something outside instead of chasing ghosts.


No. fresia this. There's got to be a way. I'm so ******* sick of this being the story of my life. Something promising starts to happen but eventually turns into "just move on" well fresia moving on. fresia it. I'm so goddamn ******* sick of this. Now I am right back to where I was a few nights ago, livid as all hell. I wish life would stop being a ******* ******* and just let me break through for once in my one goddamn existence. Jesus Christ. I'm so sick of this.
TheSkaFish said:
Long story short, I'm mad because I've been kicked around so much and you can only have that happen so much before you want to see the other guy get knocked down for a change. I always see these tough guys smugly riding high, and everyone thinks they are the coolest thing ever. I want to see them get cut down to size. I want to see them get knocked down a peg or two.

Well why do some people get to pick and choose with no resistance from life, while others have to just settle for whoever or whatever is left?

Everyone says I have so much control and so much freedom, but it seems the only choice I have available to me is to accept loss. To just accept that I won't get anything I want. Especially with women. The only option I get is between someone plain and dull or nothing, and all I can do is choose between being angry about it or resigning myself to it. Happiness is not on the table. Meanwhile others have the option to choose whatever they want. I don't want to accept, I want to fix this problem. If I could learn to get what I want like other people can, some of my anger would disappear.

It's actually quite worrying Ska because it's sounds like you could be planning something violent. And over a 19 year old. You've lost perspective. Others have summed it up well.
ardour said:
It's actually quite worrying Ska because it's sounds like you're planning something violent.

Yeah? Well I'm certainly starting to feel like it more and more by the minute, that's for sure. As if the situation isn't hard enough on me I get all this ******* smugness from everyone. fresia. I wish all of this was contained in one person. Right now I'm right back to where I started from - wanting to take a blunt object to someone who personifies all that I hate and just letting it all out.
ardour said:
TheSkaFish said:
Long story short, I'm mad because I've been kicked around so much and you can only have that happen so much before you want to see the other guy get knocked down for a change. I always see these tough guys smugly riding high, and everyone thinks they are the coolest thing ever. I want to see them get cut down to size. I want to see them get knocked down a peg or two.

Well why do some people get to pick and choose with no resistance from life, while others have to just settle for whoever or whatever is left?

Everyone says I have so much control and so much freedom, but it seems the only choice I have available to me is to accept loss. To just accept that I won't get anything I want. Especially with women. The only option I get is between someone plain and dull or nothing, and all I can do is choose between being angry about it or resigning myself to it. Happiness is not on the table. Meanwhile others have the option to choose whatever they want. I don't want to accept, I want to fix this problem. If I could learn to get what I want like other people can, some of my anger would disappear.

It's actually quite worrying Ska because it's sounds like you're planning something violent.

TheSkaFish said:
Rainbows said:
When I was 19, I broke up with my boyfriend because I didn't want a boyfriend again before I turned 25 because I want to grow up first and try to meet alot of people and find the most fitting person for me..

Hold up -- I am still nineteen.

Dude, let go of this girl, seriously. What if she had started dating you? The possibilities of her staying with you for the rest of her life were probably not that high. People change, fall out of love. Let go of it, man. Your anger and views on some people are seriously bad for you. I don't know, dude. Stop worrying about all this honeysuckle, go poop, watch Frozen and do something outside instead of chasing ghosts.


No. fresia this. There's got to be a way. I'm so ******* sick of this being the story of my life. Something promising starts to happen but eventually turns into "just move on" well fresia moving on. fresia it. I'm so goddamn ******* sick of this. Now I am right back to where I was a few nights ago, livid as all hell. I wish life would stop being a ******* ******* and just let me break through for once in my one goddamn existence. Jesus Christ. I'm so sick of this.

Welcome to adulthood. Being sick of inequity, rejection, and unfairness, is a part of life. You're just not adapting to it. You're kicking and screaming at what the rest of us let roll off our backs.

I hope you feel better soon. I mean that.
TheSkaFish said:
Rainbows said:
When I was 19, I broke up with my boyfriend because I didn't want a boyfriend again before I turned 25 because I want to grow up first and try to meet alot of people and find the most fitting person for me..

Hold up -- I am still nineteen.

Dude, let go of this girl, seriously. What if she had started dating you? The possibilities of her staying with you for the rest of her life were probably not that high. People change, fall out of love. Let go of it, man. Your anger and views on some people are seriously bad for you. I don't know, dude. Stop worrying about all this honeysuckle, go poop, watch Frozen and do something outside instead of chasing ghosts.


No. fresia this. There's got to be a way. I'm so ******* sick of this being the story of my life. Something promising starts to happen but eventually turns into "just move on" well fresia moving on. fresia it. I'm so goddamn ******* sick of this. Now I am right back to where I was a few nights ago, livid as all hell. I wish life would stop being a ******* ******* and just let me break through for once in my one goddamn existence. Jesus Christ. I'm so sick of this.

I think that if you had started dating her, it wouldn't have lasted long in the first place, seeing how possessive you are to begin with. What would she think if you were to claim her the instant you got to know her? I mean .. judging from your replies, you'd probably chain her to your bed the moment she stepped into your house. Like c'mon, it's not too late ... you're not an elderly man or something, and there are more girls on the world. Stop focussing blindly at a girl you've never met in the first place. I bet she's forgotten about you, unless you do something stupid to keep reminding her of your existence, you need to man up, and continue in life, this doesn't work, and it never will.
Case said:
Welcome to adulthood. Being sick of inequity, rejection, and unfairness, is a part of life. You're just not adapting to it. You're kicking and screaming at what the rest of us let roll off our backs.

I hope you feel better soon. I mean that.

No. There are a few people out there who somehow don't have to experience it. And all I ******* get is it. Man, how I wish rejection had some kind of living form that I could ******* kill. God. I'm literally ITCHING with anger right now. I want to break everything in sight. I honestly don't know how I'll make it through the day.

I just don't know how the fresia she could say all those wonderful things and not mean them. Like seriously, what the hell makes a person do that. I never say anything to anyone I don't mean. I don't use words lightly. I don't say I hate someone that I only mildly dislike and I don't say I love someone I am indifferent to. I don't say that someone is awesome when I think they are not worth talking to. I don't try to help people, repeatedly and in depth, that I don't give a rat's ass about. How the fresia could she have said all that if I didn't mean a goddamn thing to her? Why? What's the point?

And if I can't have her, then it may as well be too late. Most people suck. Most people are so goddamn boring. Look around and you'll see it's true. If that's all I can get then I really don't know if it's worth it. I think I probably would be violent or abusive, or at the very least just too depressed to put any kind of work into a relationship that to me is ******* worthless.
You really have no clue what the real world is like, do you? It doesn't cater to you. Denial sure does fresia a person up.
TheRealCallie said:
You really have no clue what the real world is like, do you? It doesn't cater to you. Denial sure does fresia a person up.

I have a plenty good idea how the world works. It caters to "cool" people, it caters to the lucky few. That's who. Everyone else just gets the honeysuckle that's left over and they are powerless to do anything to change it. The lucky few get all the good things, all day every day. Everyone else gets fresia you. Everyone else gets nothing. Some people learn to fake being happy with it, while others get angry, and others get depressed. But no one gets anything good except the lucky winners.
TheSkaFish said:
No. There are a few people out there who somehow don't have to experience it. And all I ******* get is it. Man, how I wish rejection had some kind of living form that I could ******* kill. God. I'm literally ITCHING with anger right now. I want to break everything in sight. I honestly don't know how I'll make it through the day.

It's too bad. Your profile tells me that you and I would probably be friends. I like a lot of the things you listed there. If you were my RL friend, I'd come over and we'd hang out and say "fresia everyone" and play a board game or something.

I wish there was something that didn't involve violence that would make you happy right now.
TheSkaFish said:
TheRealCallie said:
You really have no clue what the real world is like, do you? It doesn't cater to you. Denial sure does fresia a person up.

I have a plenty good idea how the world works. It caters to "cool" people, it caters to the lucky few. That's who. Everyone else just gets the honeysuckle that's left over and they are powerless to do anything to change it. The lucky few get all the good things, all day every day. Everyone else gets fresia you. Everyone else gets nothing. Some people learn to fake being happy with it, while others get angry, and others get depressed. But no one gets anything good except the lucky winners.

Yeah, you have no idea what the real world is like.
Case said:
TheSkaFish said:
No. There are a few people out there who somehow don't have to experience it. And all I ******* get is it. Man, how I wish rejection had some kind of living form that I could ******* kill. God. I'm literally ITCHING with anger right now. I want to break everything in sight. I honestly don't know how I'll make it through the day.

It's too bad. Your profile tells me that you and I would probably be friends. I like a lot of the things you listed there. If you were my RL friend, I'd come over and we'd hang out and say "fresia everyone" and play a board game or something.

I wish there was something that didn't involve violence that would make you happy right now.

I wish there was too. Man. I'm just so hurt and tired of being hurt, and all the smugness I've been getting is like throwing salt on the wound. That I'm just not good enough for what I want. One big "fresia you, SkaFish", one after the next after the next. That's what my life is, story of my life. Here you go. You get to be someone who isn't good enough for anything you want. Have fun.
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