How would you feel if your new gf/bf told you they were asexual or very low libido?

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roguewave said:
Felix said:
I just came up with a question 4 U OP...

Lets say you have a bf, a nice relationship, without you two having sex. Would you let HIM have SEX with OTHER women? Why yes/no?

Well, I date women. Depending on her and how we were together, there's a possibility that I would be fine with it. Especially if I knew the other person and liked them.
If I love someone I want them to be happy. If that means being with someone else, then I would have to consider it.

I can see how that would be complicated to execute. It's a very different situation than most couples, but certainly not impossible. I'm guessing it will take effort and skills to find someone right for you tough. So good Luck with that.
If they are asexual or have a low-libido that is fine they can be my buddy. They want more they need to keep me sexually satisfied. Well that or not mind me going out and getting sex elsewhere.
In response to the question of finding other asexual people to date, you could always look among the celibate community. It is a fairly large community and many celibate singles are looking for relationships, and obviously, not sex. You may feel alone in your preference, but you'd be surprised what a quick internet search or dating community profile might get you.
Doubt The Rabbit said:
In response to the question of finding other asexual people to date, you could always look among the celibate community. It is a fairly large community and many celibate singles are looking for relationships, and obviously, not sex. You may feel alone in your preference, but you'd be surprised what a quick internet search or dating community profile might get you.

I am scared by what a lot of people say on the online dating threads here haha.
I don't blame ya, lol. I've checked them out and sometimes the lies people will put on there just to get a date are astonishing. Perhaps there is a forum community for celibate and asexual individuals. That way, you will be able to express your life as an asexual individual and really connect with other people based on your lifestyle and also be able to relate to like-minded people. If they have a networking section like the one we have on this forum, that would be a good way to try and meet people within your area, or perhaps start a long distance relationship that may evolve into something in which you visit each other (or perhaps even moving in together). There's all kinds of opportunities out there if you look at it in a different perspective.
I would dump her. Sounds harsh but you have to be compatible sexually in a relationship.
agree with parabolani in as much as people's idea of love have to be compatible and attentive to the needs of their partner.

that's all i'll say on it.

what works for others may not work for you and vice versa.

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