I've been Through So Much honeysuckle these Past few years...

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SophiaGrace said:
it occurs to me that I really really need support right now. I have two weeks left of school and a lot of work to do to finish. It would mean so much to me if for the rest of this week and next week that people would respond to the posts I make about my progress with homework and how I feel.

I really need to feel like people are listening to me and not judging me and caring about what I am going through. Obviously I have chosen to try to do my projects one step at a time.

Help me by caring about me for these next few weeks? Please? I don't know if I am asking a lot or not, if I am, i'm sorry, if not, well...idk.

*hugs* I'm sure that it will be our pleasure.
IgnoredOne said:
SophiaGrace said:
it occurs to me that I really really need support right now. I have two weeks left of school and a lot of work to do to finish. It would mean so much to me if for the rest of this week and next week that people would respond to the posts I make about my progress with homework and how I feel.

I really need to feel like people are listening to me and not judging me and caring about what I am going through. Obviously I have chosen to try to do my projects one step at a time.

Help me by caring about me for these next few weeks? Please? I don't know if I am asking a lot or not, if I am, i'm sorry, if not, well...idk.

*hugs* I'm sure that it will be our pleasure.

That means a lot to me, thank you. :)
Two weeks left of school? Alright! You can do it! Keep us posted on your progress; I'll be happy to hear about it. :)
Because I am too lazy to repeat myself I am just going to copy paste my Facebook updates from the past few hours days or however long it's been since my last post on this thread. I've lost track of time:

My islam project is moving along very very nicely. I am very happy with it. Thank you to all the people I asked for help today who helped me in small ways; N_____ for her glue, Another girl for her Markers, and K_______ for saying she'd help me with my math project later this week. I can't do this alone, so, this makes me very happy.

I am still awake. Trying to finish this project. I will be so happy when I finish it. but then I need to record something for Abnormal psych and study for a math test. Can I actually stay up all night? Well, that's what I am going to do apparently.

I survived the night. Just thought everyone should know.

sufism project handed in. Math test incoming, Abnoral psych video incoming. When this is over, i am going to sleep for 12 hours.

Okay now that i can finally go to bed, I don't want to. Go figure.

i'm going to bed anyway.

So, me and my abnormal psych professor were talking about the lack of a sense of self with personality disorders and I asked her what a good sense of self looked like? Then she cited something Freud said, which has made me rethink my previous assumption that he rarely ever made sense. Maybe it would be worth reading some of his stuff, just not the dream interpretations or the oedipus/child development parts.

I then slept for 15 hours. Abnormal Psych test completed. Now I need to rearrange my to-do list in my head which involves an ethics paper on whether or not schizophrenic patients have the right to refuse medication or not, doing 6 math assignments, A math project and....studying for cumulative exams. o.= one more week.

if you get a million comments from me, I'm sorry, I've drunk too much coffee at the moment and have too much to say.

nerdygirl said:
I am JUDGING YOU!!! And finding you amazing. You can do this!

*hugs* I am so glad you are my friend.

Equinox said:
Two weeks left of school? Alright! You can do it! Keep us posted on your progress; I'll be happy to hear about it. :)

Thank you so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so much for your support.

I e-love you.
I'm sorry to hear that your currently in such a dire situation in your life. I understand. With respect to your mother's and father's response when you divulged your thoughts of suicide to them, I don't think that they didn't care about your dilemma.

The thing is, parents aren't equipped to deal with the thought of their children dying before they do. Your mother's sarcastic response was just her way of dealing with the immense amount of weight that what you told her carried.

When you tell them something like that, if they love you, and I'm certain they do, it's a very difficult thing for them to process those words coming from their child that they held in their arms when you were first born.

I'll bet the world that every night when they get into bed to sleep, your words about suicide are just running rampant through their heads, but
because they don't want you to worry about them or trying to be strong for you, they keep it in.

I'm going to tell you something SophiaGrace, and this comes right from the heart. Since I first joined and got to know you a little better, I see you as a compassionate, intelligent and pleasant person to talk to. I respect you very much for that. It worries me that you have been contemplating suicide. I take suicide, and even a hint of suicide very seriously.

You seem to have a very good heart. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Don't ever lose your heart because you will never get it back. I think that if you continue to have these thoughts of suicide, maybe a college education should be dealt with after you heal from your current situation in life.

If you are truly serious about ending it all, I suggest that you get your parents together and convey to them just how great the magnitude of your current state is. Please don't use self cutting or anything like that to get their attention. It will lead to disaster. Trust me. I know.

Your a good lady SophiaGrace. Don't ever give up on yourself or your parents. Please.:(


I don't self cutt or do destructive things to get attention. That's also part of why I only mentioned thoughts of suicide once to my mother and only once.

I do not have these thoughts or do these things for attention.
SophiaGrace said:
I don't self cutt or do destructive things to get attention. That's also part of why I only mentioned thoughts of suicide once to my mother and only once.

I do not have these thoughts or do these things for attention.
Glad to hear that. I wasn't accusing you, it's just something that so many do is all. I'm just concerned. I hope you understand.


Feelings you speak of are bad indeed and potentially disastrous, even though every person is unique and everyone's pain is their own, I think I've been through those suicidal feelings you talk about and I'm still apparently alive to tell the tale although not exactly unscathed.

Without any fake courtesies let me remember how it was for me and share the memories. I hope it's allowed, maybe this ain't gonna be pretty. Perhaps my post would prove to be of aid to you somehow, provide yet another friendly hand to help you maintain balance and focus on your current goals.

Strangely, it's hard to remember how I felt several years back and actual events' details. It could be because I've changed so much or it's a sign of some psychotic anomaly, those of you who have the luxury of reading Freud or Nietzsche without feeling like your brain is being boiled may tell me about that but I suppose it's the former.

I'm not ashamed to admit that I dropped out of university because of my own laziness, extreme SA and depression. Maybe some still believe that those aren't significant enough reasons to quit educational institutions, but I can assure you, for me they were the most reasonous reasons back at the time. Generally, you are not me and people who tell you what to do, Sophia, they aren't in your shoes, they don't feel what you feel and they all possibly have different understandings of such things as green color or Am chord being played or mental pain.

So.. I'm sure I gave out signs of being in need of help and support. I said I'm suffering from depression, I said it's hard for me with all these people around (despite that I was never bullied and people saw me as confident externally I suppose, it still was almost unbearably painful for me to socialize). No one gave a honeysuckle about my difficulties and frankly, what could they do? If I had switched to different educational program, when you don't have to attend lectures, the army would track down my ass and draft me, now let me tell you, armed forces here isn't the place you want to end up as 18 years old skinny socially anxious national minority guy. Life in barracks of mighty post-soviet armies means beatings, hunger, informal prison camp-like codex of rules, hazing, sodomy and God knows what else. It's common knowledge, you can easily stumble upon some army report that proudly states they only had 107 recruits commit suicide that year. Makes me wonder how much more own soldiers' lives does Motherland claim annually. Some say thousands of boys.

Anyway, in my opinion, there are few fearsome torture machines designed by humankind that are as horrible as the one that makes you do something you hate doing over and over and over again until you forget who you are. In the end I gave up trying to drag my hide to classes daily against my will and stopped giving a fresia about my life altogether. I simply didn't go to the lectures once and with every passing day after there was even less of a reason to bother, they eventually ceased disturbing my phone, the university payment debt grew in size but I didn't care about education, about the army, about the fact that I was slowly rotting down willingly locked away from the world for years, two years I think, with just one New Year party in between.

I believed I was damaged goods, unfit for life. My brain slowly and secretly transformed into torture device, some sort of mental contraption, you were so precise in your description of it. But my plagues are irrelevant here, everyone has their own kind of suffering, customized to fit each individual 'better', it might be that MechanicalMishka's pain greatly differs from SophiaGrace's.

Suicidal thoughts is what we have in common. I've seen plenty of dead bodies as a kid, both of my closest friends and family as well as those of complete strangers. I've become accustomed with the thought that I'm going to die, or later even going to kill myself, in fact it provided me comfort and peace, I've taught myself to accept that suicide will be necessary someday. I knew I can die at any time I choose to and by doing that escape anything. Any kind of physical or mental pain, imagine that. Like clicking X in the upper right corner of you video player if you don't like the movie you're watching, or "Quit" option if you're bored with the game, pure magic, wondrous really if you take your time to fully comprehend the possibilities. I'm atheist and I know that I am going to die sooner or later no matter how hard I try not to, so why should I believe those who say suicide is a sin and not the only true human right I can count upon? I scribed what I thought was a witty two-line suicide note, pedantically made crucial preparations, even though I always was way too light-headed to finish anything, and proceeded to 'waste' my life in apathy towards any ambitions and aspirations I've had, doing only what I want and enjoy doing.

Then of course eventually it was the time for me to die. I received an invitation to join the glorious armed forces, the debt was too high to hope to handle, depression really got to me, et cetera. No one should question my reasons, they were enough for me to go with the 'become dead to avoid dealing with honeysuckle' choice.

I didn't care about putting up a dramatic show so I opted for one of the relatively painless methods(although not very inventive or flashy), but I failed cutting out the blood flow properly and my head felt like it was going to implode, a terrible sensation. I should say it's not the pain that was the worst part of my suicide attempt though. FEAR. THAT'S IT! IT'S OVER! I knew there are primal instincts of self-preservation, but I didn't know how powerful they are, after all, I trained myself to accept death. I wished to turn into liquid and pour out from the noose, I wanted to asphyxiate the ligature with my neck and I even tried. After about a minute that I spent desperately struggling for consciousness, finally it started to fade out and only then I was (un?)fortunately saved.

Even now I cannot fix myself, I will always think of suicide as a release in case life takes a wrong turn. I don't even try to get rid of this mentality, it's impossible, once you know something as certain truth you cannot unknow it, regretfully. You're right, therapists are ineffective here. Even if there were any decently educated specialists where I'm currently located.

1:" Dude don't die plz."

2:" Okay. Maybe later then."

1:" Cool! Run along now."

I know my death will either be unnatural and violent or a suicide. It's OK.

It's supposed to be my own secret coping mechanism, but when I feel bad (which happens a bit less lately) I consider myself already dead, and then I feel empty instead of sad (hard to tell which is worse), void of emotions, nothing matters. Sometimes I envy those who can heartily laugh and smile, such simple things are almost impossible for me to pull off now, even crying (I can feel sadness, no tears though), after this much time I've spent with suicidal mentality. That's how being undead feels to me. Seems like someone forgot to bury my flesh and a random chubby American kid distracted God with his cute bedtime prayer when the Almighty was in the middle of switching my brain activity off, so he just deactivated the "emotions" and "happiness" switches and later got sidetracked. We all know God is awful at multitasking, with all due respect.

You may not believe me but somehow healthy joyful normal people can see I'm hollowed out, so they don't bother, it looks like they sense it, say I'm cold, sometimes they can say nothing, I know they picked up the vibes, just don't have suitable words for my description in their careless-zombie consumer reality.

You are in danger, Sophia, seek help among your friends, fight against your reasons, I fear it's the only way to avert tragedy. If you think I may be of some e-help to you or aid you otherwise, just ask. No fake good manner bullshit intended here, I mean it.

By the way, this is real me. Hello and nice to meet you.

At first I wanted to join in with the positive choir or just drop a line about not repeating others' mistakes. But honestly? I have to keep telling my truth, why bother with false pleasantries? Only you are capable to feel what is right for you. You know, I'll say it, just quit the college if you believe it's better that way, it's not such a big deal, what's more important is your overall well-being. Say "fresia you" to whoever disagrees, I know it takes immense amount of courage for majority of people to do what they cannot predict the outcome of, but seriously what can they possibly do to you? You're an adult, I'm sure you can fight off a couple of angered parents (who actually love you and wish you the best, so they may possibly understand your reasons some day) and you'd do well without college degree, you aren't in some Blablastan, are you? I can say with no doubt that for me it would've been of no difference if I had that Turkish economics diploma under a thick layer of dust somewhere or not. At any rate, "Merhaba" means "Hi" is likely the only bit of knowledge they managed to teach me there, it is disposable and obtainable elsewhere, definitely not at such a high price. I just wish I never gone to the university, started to do what I know is right a bit earlier, instead of doing what others thought I should.

I hope this bloated crap of a post gives you a push in the right direction, away from the edge and not towards it, but if someone in authority deems this offensive, racist, sexist or otherwise insulting/dangerous content, you guys may delete it, I'm not here to cause drama, it's at your discretion now.

Be content with any route you wish to take, Sophia. Take care of yourself.

So how is it even possible that I understand stuff in math class, get good grades on the homework and tests that I do but then when it comes time to do a 5. Or 8 page project I am totally lost and my math tutor keeps cancelling on me. I am probably going to fail this class again. I'm so tired of this.
Yeah man I can understand thoughts of suicide and depression. I was on anti-depressants for nearly 12 years then my depression lifted and I weaned myself off them. Hang in there man things get better, just gotta be patient.
Hey Sophia,
I regret not coming to this thread sooner. I do believe that academia promotes a learning style(memorization/regurgitation) that is profoundly unnatural. I'm your age and only halfway through school because I've dropped out so often. There's not much I feel that I can offer that would actually help you to feel better except to say that I understand your hatred of college, thoroughly.
Creative people seem to struggle the most with college. Someone even told me that they had to kill their creativity in order to get through school. :club:
roguewave said:
Hey Sophia,

Hi Roguewave.

I'm not sure that saying that i am glad to not be the only one struggling in college is a good thing to say. It makes me not feel as alone but i'd rather no one else struggled...

Don't want people to join me in my misery I guess.

So, I'm sorry to hear you struggle too.
Hi Sophia,

Just read through the thread so far. I can identify with a lot of what you say above, I had a lot of feelings of despair and depression when in college, and at times thought about, when crossing the road, just stopping in front of a car or walking into the path of a truck. I never did any more than that - even in the instant my self-preservation instinct was stronger than my dark side.
Going by what you say, I think you're the same - you've always backed out when you thought about it.

I feel a sense of despair, that I'm on the wrong path, that I'm underachieving, whatever, but the answer is to change your habits, build strong relationships, and change your thought patterns.
It might be through counselling, pharmaceutical drugs, on here, with friends, self-help books... but you need to find out how to reframe your thoughts so you think and function in a way that makes you happy.

I know it's really difficult - I'm struggling with the process at the moment - but I'm pretty sure it's the answer long-term.
Final result of this semester:

3 C's one A.

Now to go back and do the hell all over again. :)
Do it all over again? Isn't C's good enough? Surely you can't complain about the A, at least! I haven't gotten an A since high school. :p
SophiaGrace said:
I was sitting in math class having feelings of despair.

I think I truely am sick of my parents telling me I have to go to college. I don't like college. I've never liked college. Every semester I tell them I want to drop out. I am not listened to. I go back every semester. I have suicidal ideations. I've gone through half hearted suicide attempts in semesters past. Half of these things my parents don't realize. I have told them about my suicidal ideations but my mom just mocks me saying "so when you get a bad grade you think about killing yourself." Like I am being weak or something. Well mom if you had read the suicide letters I wrote to the family and then burned...(but I can't tell you, because you wouldn't understand)

but I can't tell anyone about how I feel. I keep it inside because I realize that most people do not understand the pain, how to address it and also they just don't want to hear about it.

This is totally not normal for someone to go through when in college I think. It's not normal to put rocks in a pair of pants to help you drown better, it's not normal to have to talk yourself out of an SSRI overdose while you are already drunk, it's not normal to tie a noose up in an electric cord, and then go around at night and look for a good fuckin' tree, it's not normal to go out to the end of your dock and look down into the water contemplating how you cannot swim, and then trying to run off the edge of the dock and then stopping at the last moment realizing you can't do it, it's not normal to get on a train wanting to find a hardware store nearby with some rope, and then having to (alone) talk yourself out of it and go buy a book on depression instead.

I never talk about those memories. Until now. They hurt, a lot, i am crying right now just typing them.

I wish I could just get a retail job at a movie theatre. Why must I go to college where I am put through so much emotional pain? I just don't get it. I've taken a year off. I've gone to therapy. I've gotten on meds. I've tried to set a routine up.

I just want a fuckin' retail job at a movie theatre or to be a cashier.

I know I am intelligent. I don't need anyone to tell me this. Intelligence is not enough though. There's just something within me that just falls and breaks. I can't handle stress. I can't handle schedules.

I see myself as someone that is going to have to struggle and struggle and struggle if she will ge through college at all. My parents just won't accept that I am average and ordinary (which I am).

I want to feel more in control of my life.

I am not actively having suicidal thoughts at the moment. It's just, i am having feelings of despair with finals approaching.

I am going to try to concentrate on the party I will have when college is over with. That's a happy thing to think about. I am also going to try to make a list of the things I need to do this week and next.

Wish me luck. Sorry for the woe is me crap. It's just hard keeping it all inside sometimes.

*hug* for you.. hope you are feeling better / happy soon. :)

Equinox said:
Do it all over again? Isn't C's good enough? Surely you can't complain about the A, at least! I haven't gotten an A since high school. :p

I didn't mean retake the courses.

I meant endure another semester at college.

I got an A in my religion course. Islam in America. I think it had something to do with thinking the professor was cute.
Well I typed this reply before realized there have already been so many replies to you thread (due to forum setting). I'm sure what I was going to say, someone already would have spoken that, but still I will, if I might be any help...

I understand you've issues going on, and I'm sorry your parents are not understand you, or rather, not explaining you properly.
College surely is not a need, but if you go there and get good marks, you'll praise these days rest of your life. It has a great affect on your future career.

I myself am not very fond of going college, but why do you hate it so much. There had to be some reason for it. Being suicidal is something I've went through partially. Yeah it seems it's the end of all problems...but it's not! It's just running away from them. You have this life, don't waste it. Show what you're made of, and face the problems. You can solve them, have faith in yourself...

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