pet peeve about people in relationships

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i have a particular pet peeve about people in relationships.

i absolutely hate it when you go around two people who spend so much of their time together that they create their own language (and somehow think that rest of humanity magically knows how to speak this language).

also, when a couple starts to emulate (and amplify) each other's annoying habits.

that annoys the piss out of me.

some of the most annoying people are couples that you can tell are together from sun-up until sun-down every single day. i think something about 'that' situation makes people lose their ******* minds and lose grip on the reality of the world around them.
I hate when every status of someone's on fb is about their significant other...
Barbaloot said:
Yeah, **** people and their happiness and close relationships. :shy:

you can't be serious

*goes to eat some paste, and think of a comeback*
Yeah, god forbid we just be happy for other people's happiness instead of being bitter and jealous about it.

Maybe you deserve to be alone if you can't be happy for other people?
Every relationship also always has problems...some worse than others.
I was going out with a woman who had a GF (really really really long story) and it pissed me off because they had been going out for 10 years! and they had all these little secret things and their own little language and I wasn't aloud in on any of it. So I get what your saying OP.
My pet peeve is the people who jump around from relationship to relationship every other week and always post about how great this new person is on fb. Then a week later it's someone else.

I don't really mind people with lovey dovey close relationships. I envy them more than anything.
Trent said:
i have a particular pet peeve about people in relationships.

i absolutely hate it when you go around two people who spend so much of their time together that they create their own language (and somehow think that rest of humanity magically knows how to speak this language).

also, when a couple starts to emulate (and amplify) each other's annoying habits.

that annoys the piss out of me.

some of the most annoying people are couples that you can tell are together from sun-up until sun-down every single day. i think something about 'that' situation makes people lose their ******* minds and lose grip on the reality of the world around them.

I think I know what you're getting at. Now, I'm not going to begrudge a couple their happiness, but then you get "those couples" who seem to be exclusionary about it. It annoys.

And the point you made about couples amplifying each others' worst qualities, feeding off of it? Yeah couldn't agree more.

But honestly, if I am happy in my relationship situation, what others do is less likely to bother me because I'm less likely to care or notice. lol
shesafrozenfire said:
Trent said:
i have a particular pet peeve about people in relationships.

i absolutely hate it when you go around two people who spend so much of their time together that they create their own language (and somehow think that rest of humanity magically knows how to speak this language).

also, when a couple starts to emulate (and amplify) each other's annoying habits.

that annoys the piss out of me.

some of the most annoying people are couples that you can tell are together from sun-up until sun-down every single day. i think something about 'that' situation makes people lose their ******* minds and lose grip on the reality of the world around them.

I think I know what you're getting at. Now, I'm not going to begrudge a couple their happiness, but then you get "those couples" who seem to be exclusionary about it. It annoys.

And the point you made about couples amplifying each others' worst qualities, feeding off of it? Yeah couldn't agree more.

But honestly, if I am happy in my relationship situation, what others do is less likely to bother me because I'm less likely to care or notice. lol

yes, i go into a lot of homes for my job.

i sit and talk with a lot of married couples.

many approaching their elderly years or beyond.

and it's amazing how many have their own language.

grunts, half-words, unknown phrases, looks, gestures, sighs, sounds, and not a **** bit of it intelligible to anyone but each other.

now i don't say this to begrudge anyone their happiness *barbaloot*, it's just that i have become convinced that as their secret language blossoms that their english ability skills decline in an inversely proportionate pattern.
Trent said:
yes, i go into a lot of homes for my job.

i sit and talk with a lot of married couples.

many approaching their elderly years or beyond.

and it's amazing how many have their own language.

grunts, half-words, unknown phrases, looks, gestures, sighs, sounds, and not a **** bit of it intelligible to anyone but each other.

now i don't say this to begrudge anyone their happiness *barbaloot*, it's just that i have become convinced that as their secret language blossoms that their english ability skills decline in an inversely proportionate pattern.

Wrong poster! We're two different people. :p
I can see how it can be irritating because for some couples who do it alot, especially in social situations, it seems the silly banter, gestures etc are used to make the relationship more personal for some reason. Potentially because they are insecure together so they need to create some kind of common activity which is private to only themselves.

Also most people are sheeple and are easily influenced by others.
I think it's really telling about what kind of person you are that it could even remotely bother you. I feel sorry for you, bro. :)
Barbaloot said:
I think it's really telling about what kind of person you are that it could even remotely bother you. I feel sorry for you, bro. :)

Although Barba he did say it annoys him when he is with a couple who are doing that. I can see how it could potentially be irritating if you are with a couple and they are doing it with each other all the time... It could certainly feel like they are shutting you out as if they do not really want you to be there.
Then maybe one should find their own happiness and leave others to theirs?

I really fail to see how it can even be an issue, if they are close and just want the company of each other, why not accept that and leave them be? You can mind your own business, get on with your life, go find someone to share your life with if you are so inclined. But to be angry, annoyed or have this sour grapes attitude towards it? I find that to be really unreasonable. There are more people in the world. You don't always have to be around couples and you don't have to care what they do when it's not your business in the first place. :)
Actually, no, all sorts of people are in all sorts of situations. Some people are around couples all the time, do not actually have many or any single friends and I can totally see how it could be irritating if you are out and about with a couple who are just totally self indulgent to the point that they basically ignore your presence without realizing it.

Maybe Trent IS actually bitter about others relationships and such, I do not know. The fact stands though that if they are ignoring you and just only indulging in each others presence then that is wrong.

In that situation it is not about you being happy for them, some couples can be very rude and immature together.
If you find it that rude, I don't see why you'd have anything to do with them or still suffer their company. If you still like them as a person, I don't see why you wouldn't bring it up to them.
I have never in my life found this tendency to be annoying, not even when I was single. I simply left them alone and moved on. Couples usually prioritize each other over others, I accept that, I never felt any ill-will or annoyance towards anyone who did. I still find the sour grapes attitude about it to be unreasonable.

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