True or False?

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Well-known member
Apr 26, 2019
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True or false?

Everyone cheats in relationships eventually.
We as humans grow, thrive, flourish and improve our lives through connecting and connecting with a variety of people. No one person will ever be enough for anybody or will ever be able to connect and understand in every way possible on every level that you or your partner needs. There are billions of people in the world who are just as or perhaps viewed more fascinating, intriguing, exciting, intelligent, etc...each with their own stories to tell and share, and you think that you and your partner will never want to form other connections..eventually?

Also as life goes on people often change in and out of relationships. People become different people unable to connect with one another and grow distant. Most times that connection is permanently lost.but people stay because out of comfortability, longevity, and history. Not compatibility. They stay but both try to find what they need in others. Most relationships aren't even healthy and built on compatibility. They are built on loneliness, societal imposition and pressures that your life isnt worthy and meaningful without a partner and/or children. Most people settle and are together because of loneliness, not happiness. Also because they can't be with the one that they truly love and got away for whatever reasons.

Everyone will cheat..eventually. They'll emotionally cheat, they'll physically cheat, they'll start looking and thinking, flirting, about other men and/or women inappropriately. They'll connect with people through the internet and apps, they'll connect or hope to connect with past exes and people they were involved with once, etc...

A lot of you are looking through relationships through rose colored glasses and unrealistically.

The whole concept of "cheating" is entirely based on the brainwashing, teachings and of societal imposition.

There is no such thing. Humans are just highly domesticated, repressed, animals that are systematically and chemically oppressed. Mostly by the gov and other authoritarians. Oppression controls the population in efforts to prevent chaos and overthrowing.

Mainly by whatever made us. Whatever made everything instilled the knowledge in a single person or few people at some point in history early on

Morality and codes of ethics were constructed.

We are trained.
We are told our beliefs. So we believe.

Early on society brainwashes and teaches us all into believing that there's a such thing as "true love", "love" "one person forever", "a person has a soulmate" "there's a happily ever after.", "That everything's fixable." " That we need to be with a partner, settle down, have children in order to be fulfilled and worthy as a person, and to be fully accepted by society", "that we all should treat singleness as the ultimate curse that we should never subject ourselves too", Etc...

Realistically if a person wants a relationship and is tired of failed relationships, bouncing from one to the next hoping to find stability and a "happily ever after" Eventually they will come to the realization that they will never find that or the perfect partner, and in order for them to prevent possible loneliness, and possibly fulfill their desires for a marriage and children, settle for whatever they can get and can tolerate.

Whether all throughout the relationship or more currently in the relationship, they all will lack. The "lacking" grows stronger, powerful, and more noticeable.

Eventually all people grow apart from one another. All throughout life we change, and have/wear different versions of ourselves that may no longer be compatible with our loved ones.

People become incompatible (if they ever were) people become distant. People become unhappy and unfulfilled with themselves and/or with and within the relationship.

Whatever each individual feels themselves and the relationship is lacking of, they each eventually will find it elsewhere.

It could happen early on, or later on , or it could been happening all along, it happens eventually.

It is only natural biological instincts and intuitiveness to seek, find, and capture comfort.

Each individual could feel very happy and secure with their partners, but both realize and crave for other human connections.

We are social creatures. It is unrealistic thinking that someone will only find you attractive,exciting, interesting, intelligent, intriguing,loyal, kind, etc .. everything that you are the only one forever that they will and can form a connection with.

It is unrealistic thinking that you can connect with and understand your partner on all levels.

It is unrealistic thinking that ties in to a possessive and somewhat of a narcissist mindset to feel that you own this other human being and that they can find everything they need in only you, and that you can provide everything for all times.

People will have variety.
People grow apart, age, grow distance, incompatible, sick, disabled etc..

Everyone will experience different connections.

Everyone will cheat eventually.

Physically, emotionally, mentally, intellectually, spiritually, etc...

Whether it's entertaining thoughts of other people, taking numbers either throwing them away or keeping, flirting, engaging in inappropriate or appropriate conversations too often with others, whether it's making excuses and always finding ways to bump into, be around, be seen, or communicate by people that hold your interest, finding their schedule, stalking on social media, whether you are envisioning a person or people when being physically intimate with your partner or yourself, whether you run into or contact an old interest or fling making small talk, whether you find excuses not to be around ur partner all the time neglecting or being neglected etc...

It will happen eventually. Both of you will stray eventually.

Stop saying thinking in the present and current version of yourself that you'd never would do that.

You just haven't realized it yet.

You will never be the primary interest and connection. Just like they will never be yours forever
False, I’d never cheat because im a loyal woman and pride myself on being such 😇 and some guys are wayyyy too ugly to cheat, so im told 👀
Yeah, false here too.

1) I will not cheat period.
2) I never allowed myself to be in a situation where cheating could possible occur.
3) I couldn't live with myself. I have very high standards.
4) One person is WAY more then enough for me. Two would be overload.
false... I have never cheated

I have been cheated on ... he eventually got diagnosed with narcissism. We left and he moved on to two more women plus his online activities and hookups. But he was replacing emotional intimacy with sex and control.

If you care about someone and they have your back, why cheat?

If you have grown apart, move on. Cheating hurts everyone: the spouse and the affair partner. And the kids if there are any.
Yeah, false here too.

1) I will not cheat period.
2) I never allowed myself to be in a situation where cheating could possible occur.
3) I couldn't live with myself. I have very high standards.
4) One person is WAY more then enough for me. Two would be overload.
I dont believe ya 😂 only joking, yeah I think a lot of people would cheat I give the statement that, but everyone? No way. Well not me any way 😇
I dont believe ya 😂 only joking, yeah I think a lot of people would cheat I give the statement that, but everyone? No way. Well not me any way 😇
Well, IMO, the biggest problem is that people allow themselves to get into a situation where they could cheat. If you put me into a room with a pretty women that is flirting with me it would be very difficult not to allow things to continue. Hormones take over. That's why so many people say it just happened.
Well, IMO, the biggest problem is that people allow themselves to get into a situation where they could cheat. If you put me into a room with a pretty women that is flirting with me it would be very difficult not to allow things to continue. Hormones take over. That's why so many people say it just happened.
I feel like thats a man thing, I could flirt with a man all night, safe in the knowledge that I wouldnt let him touch me… ever 😅 I feel like making a man cheat is easy and thats why women get bashed so much, for their easy meal.
I feel like thats a man thing, I could flirt with a man all night, safe in the knowledge that I wouldnt let him touch me… ever 😅 I feel like making a man cheat is easy and thats why women get bashed so much, for their easy meal.
I tend to agree with you. Men are pushed by hormones to have sex. For women it's more of a decision.

Never cheated and had plenty of opportunity to do stuff with no possible way it would ever have been found out. I don't want cheated on, so I am not going to do it myself.
None of you know how you will be as you age. ...As you realize you will never have the relationship you truly want, get tired of going from relationship to relationship and settle for someone just not to be lonely...just like most people do eventually. As you stay in a relationship years on end, as you perhaps have a disabled or sick spouse, as you have a spouse who never wants to spend time with you, or works too much, or is on their phone too much, etc...

You'll never know how you'll react or what you'll do when you feel lonely in that relationship, or unhappy or when that relationship lacks what you need..

When you and that person grow apart and become distant. When you and that person are already/or become incompatible but you're choosing to stay.

Then comes you looking, thinking and entertaining other people looking for what you're not getting and what's missing through other people.

Let's be honest and realistic..
Most people won't leave every relationship.
There will come a point in time in which most people will get tired of being single and going from one relationship to the next. Most people eventually will settle for any relationship that they feel that they can tolerate for the rest of their lives in order to not be lonely the rest of their lives. Most people will stay in that relationship forever. Most in order to have children (since too many people have this misconception about not wanting kids unless they're married or with someone)

Most people are in terrible relationships not wanting to leave because they don't want to be lonely. They're okay with mostly tolerating anyone just for the sake of companionship , and to appease society.

When most single people reach a certain age they become desperate and rush to settle down because society tells them that they're not worthy with a partner and kids. Family and friends keep asking and pressuring them. They feel like this is what they're expected to they do.

It's amazing that alot of people are bypassing the eventually parts..

People are not really reflecting and reading this.

All of you are looking at life and relationships through Disney rose colored glasses.

Eventually doesn't have to mean right away or currently.. Eventually could mean many years from now or a year from.

Eventually everyone will cheat.

You will never be fully what someone needs. They will never be fully what you need....


People are just average human beings. There's nothing special about any of us.
There are billions of people out there who have whatever you have and are.

People need multiple connections to thrive and become themselves.


You will never be enough. You will never fully connect with this other person, or understand them on all the levels that they need.

Vice versa.

This is a human thing, not a gender thing.
None of you know how you will be as you age. ...As you realize you will never have the relationship you truly want, get tired of going from relationship to relationship and settle for someone just not to be lonely...just like most people do eventually. As you stay in a relationship years on end, as you perhaps have a disabled or sick spouse, as you have a spouse who never wants to spend time with you, or works too much, or is on their phone too much, etc...

You'll never know how you'll react or what you'll do when you feel lonely in that relationship, or unhappy or when that relationship lacks what you need..

When you and that person grow apart and become distant. When you and that person are already/or become incompatible but you're choosing to stay.

Some of us already have and didn't cheat. So, again....false.
"How should I know?"

I find the framing to be convoluted. Most people seem to agree on a definition of cheating that constitutes a bit more than just the thought-crime of finding another person attractive than the one you are currently with or speculating about "all the roads not taken". I think soulmates are bullshit too but the concepts of loyalty and honesty are not. You will not find the one person for everything, that's why you have friends and a social network that's bigger than 1. But if you find a person you can imagine being with for a long time, honor the contract (I don't mean marriage, I just mean the mutual agreement between the people involved). If you find yourself unable to care about sustaining the relationship, be straightforward and end it before you actively engage in betrayal behind your partner's back.
None of you know how you will be as you age. ...As you realize you will never have the relationship you truly want, get tired of going from relationship to relationship and settle for someone just not to be lonely...just like most people do eventually. As you stay in a relationship years on end, as you perhaps have a disabled or sick spouse, as you have a spouse who never wants to spend time with you, or works too much, or is on their phone too much, etc...

You'll never know how you'll react or what you'll do when you feel lonely in that relationship, or unhappy or when that relationship lacks what you need..

When you and that person grow apart and become distant. When you and that person are already/or become incompatible but you're choosing to stay.

Then comes you looking, thinking and entertaining other people looking for what you're not getting and what's missing through other people.

Let's be honest and realistic..
Most people won't leave every relationship.
There will come a point in time in which most people will get tired of being single and going from one relationship to the next. Most people eventually will settle for any relationship that they feel that they can tolerate for the rest of their lives in order to not be lonely the rest of their lives. Most people will stay in that relationship forever. Most in order to have children (since too many people have this misconception about not wanting kids unless they're married or with someone)

Most people are in terrible relationships not wanting to leave because they don't want to be lonely. They're okay with mostly tolerating anyone just for the sake of companionship , and to appease society.

When most single people reach a certain age they become desperate and rush to settle down because society tells them that they're not worthy with a partner and kids. Family and friends keep asking and pressuring them. They feel like this is what they're expected to they do.

It's amazing that alot of people are bypassing the eventually parts..

People are not really reflecting and reading this.

All of you are looking at life and relationships through Disney rose colored glasses.

Eventually doesn't have to mean right away or currently.. Eventually could mean many years from now or a year from.

Eventually everyone will cheat.

You will never be fully what someone needs. They will never be fully what you need....


People are just average human beings. There's nothing special about any of us.
There are billions of people out there who have whatever you have and are.

People need multiple connections to thrive and become themselves.


You will never be enough. You will never fully connect with this other person, or understand them on all the levels that they need.

Vice versa.

This is a human thing, not a gender thing.
You know.. if I cheat it will be my husbands fault, 100% has held me hostage and wont let me go… I see nothing hard about walking away from someone who I no longer want so I doubt i’d cheat, im too trigger happy with the “break up”

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