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Sanal said:
haha probably or it maybe the way you write.

English is not my first language so I don't really notice that xD

Or maybe it's because I use vogals in my age,idk :p
Oh your English is very good then. What in the world is vogals? Something like bagels?
Sanal said:
Oh your English is very good then. What in the world is vogals? Something like bagels?

Lol,I thought it was the same word for portuguese and english,since the sound is close,but with vogals (vogais in portuguese) I meant vowels x)
Poueff said:
Mary Mary said:
Poueff said:
Mary Mary said:
Poueff said:
idk,but with my situation right now,it's either that or being alone =/ (not with my friends but without a girl,I'm talking really by myself)

When you say drama queen, what do you mean? Like slash your tires drama queen or just needs to be the center of attention kind of drama queen?

Also, have they given you clear communication that they might be looking for a relationship from you?

Center of attention drama queen,not crazy as fresia drama queen

Clear communication,when do most girls do that anyways? But to answer it,no,but being all over me (I mean literally,the one thing that's left really is to kiss her) (one of them has swine flu so I don't see her since past week)

haha. Touche' The only point I'm making is have as much fun as you want, date as many women as you want, sleep as many women as you want. Just stay away from women who are looking for something serious.

Let me put it to you this way. We women need men to help us with stuff. I'm a ferociously independent woman who can change my own tire, but sometimes you just need a guy to help you. Any man is fair game, my father, my brother, my best guy pal, the neighbor guy across the hall; but the one guy I won't ask a favor of is a guy who's romantically or sexually interested in me but I don't feel the same for him. I don't ever want to be in the position of taking advantage of a guys feelings for me to turn him into my lap dog.

The same is for you. Have as much fun as you want. Just don't use a girl's feelings to turn her into your unpaid call girl. Now, if they never tell you how they feel or what they want, then that's not your responsibility. They have the responsibility to clearly communicate what they want like a relationship.

Also, as long as they're not destructively crazy; and if the sex is worth the drama, go for it.

I'm 14,so in my "area" we haven't started having sex yet :p

But I'll follow that advice,being that I'm really starting to become affectionate of her,in part because the crazyness became just right (I can't stand both extremes,so I guess this is ideal) and in part because we're getting pretty close,but anyway

Geez, your just a young pup. Then either way is fine. If you're not having sex with them (and you shouldn't be if you're fourteen), then hang out with them all you want and have fun. However, if one of them asks about going steady or whatever and you don't feel the same way, then just be honest with her. Tell her you don't feel the same way but you were hoping you could be friends.

Or, if you want to just focus on the one that you have affection for, that's fine, too.
you're 14? heh you got nothing to worry about. i'd say go out with the less drama. but remember dating out of desperation is a terrible idea. just have fun while you're still in your teenage years. you have a lot to learn yet.

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