Why do men only like women that are...

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Steel said:
Ok, I'm going to explain the difference between "opinion" and "person", as you seem to be confusing the two.


Steel said:
I disagree with your opinions, and have, in the past, disagreed with some of the things you have got up to on this forum, such as sending abusive pms, trolling, and posting facetious articles in the Essential Articles section.

The only abusive pm I've sent was to you, and only in response to your recent abuse. "Trolling" is a term people like to throw around whenever someone disagrees with them and my facetious articles were for entertainment purposes. I'm sorry you don't share my sense of humor.

Steel said:
Do I think you're an angry person? Yes. Do I think you're an *******? You can be.

No argument there.

Steel said:
You accuse me of making assumptions about you, but everytime you post some generalisation about women you are making an assumption about every woman who uses this forum. People have every right to feel insulted by this.

No, people have a right to be upset if I rape their grandmother. Getting upset because I said women have trouble choosing suitable companions isn't worth all of this. You've made the situation worse by dwelling on it and creating a holy quest to vanquish the evil Twitchy and his horrible response.

Steel said:
It is a fact that the sun rises each morning, and sets each evening. It is your opinion that the high divorce rate is because people fresia up marriages more.

Ah! So people get divorced because their marriage is working perfectly and suffering no problems at all. ?????

The only reason to get divorced is because people have messed it up. Sure, It may not be their fault completely and have some external factor, but the fact is that things are too "messed up" to continue being married. If this wasn't the case, people would in fact (duh) stay married. Why is this a difficult concept? What planet is this? :/

Steel said:
Now, calm down, start arguing your case with intelligence, provide genuine facts to support your opinions, and stop taking criticism of your opinion personally.

Again...What planet is this?
Steel said:
Isn't it about time that some men stopped telling women how they behave, and actually listened to the women themselves?

I listen to women for their own problems. But I don't think that women can help me be to be a man anymore than I can help them to be good women. A woman doesn't know how to be a man, so she can't really teach me to be one. To me, it's sort of like a dog trying to teach a cat how to behave like a cat. As far as dating, I just go by what I observe, and by what makes sense to me. It's all just a long and trail-and-error process in figuring out who I want to be as a man.

Edit: I guess that was meant for Twitch, but,.....you now have my opinion anyway :p
I think the divorce rate is so high because people don't know each other as well as they used to before marrying. In this day and age, it's not very uncommon to only know someone a couple of months before marriage...and IMHO that's just not long enough to fully learn if that's the right person to be with. In the past, lovers would play the courtship game for periods as long as YEARS before getting hitched...definitely a long enough time to discover enough about a person to make an informed decision about whether or not to attach yourself to them.

...but with these quicker, shorter engagement periods, you end up with a marriage in which the two people are finding things out about each other that are potential deal-breakers....things that could have been found and avoided if the people had waited a bit longer before tying the knot.

Well, that's my $.02 anyway.

Lol I've completely lost track of the overall argument in this thread, so I'm just adding a random extra comment. :p Enjoy, peeps.

Twitchy said:
Steel said:
Ok, I'm going to explain the difference between "opinion" and "person", as you seem to be confusing the two.


You have consistently confused having your opinions attacked and being personally attacked.

Twitchy said:
Steel said:
I disagree with your opinions, and have, in the past, disagreed with some of the things you have got up to on this forum, such as sending abusive pms, trolling, and posting facetious articles in the Essential Articles section.

The only abusive pm I've sent was to you, and only in response to your recent abuse. "Trolling" is a term people like to throw around whenever someone disagrees with them and my facetious articles were for entertainment purposes. I'm sorry you don't share my sense of humor.

Not true, however, I will not discuss such things here.

As for the articles, you didn't post those articles in order to be humorous. If you will cast your mind back, the articles in question were moved to the Entertainment section - your response was to repost them in Essential Articles.

Twitchy said:
Steel said:
You accuse me of making assumptions about you, but everytime you post some generalisation about women you are making an assumption about every woman who uses this forum. People have every right to feel insulted by this.

No, people have a right to be upset if I rape their grandmother. Getting upset because I said women have trouble choosing suitable companions isn't worth all of this. You've made the situation worse by dwelling on it and creating a holy quest to vanquish the evil Twitchy and his horrible response.

If that is the case... why are so annoyed at me Twitchy? All I've done is consistently disagree with you. I certainly haven't raped your grandmother.

I find this statement to be hypocritical in the extreme.

I will not have my opinions silenced by your continual whine that I am in some way victimising you by disagreeing with you. You have every right to your opinion - and I to mine.

Twitchy said:
Steel said:
It is a fact that the sun rises each morning, and sets each evening. It is your opinion that the high divorce rate is because people fresia up marriages more.

Ah! So people get divorced because their marriage is working perfectly and suffering no problems at all. ?????

The only reason to get divorced is because people have messed it up. It may not be their fault and have some external factor, but the fact is that things are too "messed up" to continue being married. If this wasn't the case, people would in fact (duh) stay married. Why is this a difficult concept? What planet is this? :/

You have this habit of answering a question entirely different to the one which was asked.

The question is "Why is the divorce rate high?" NOT "Why do people get a divorce?" Now, these are *obviously* different questions entirely.

The divorce rate has probably risen for a variety of socio and economic reasons, including, but not restricted to, things such as the greater wealth of modern society, less stigma attached to divorce itself and the relaxing of divorce laws.

Twitchy said:
Steel said:
Now, calm down, start arguing your case with intelligence, provide genuine facts to support your opinions, and stop taking criticism of your opinion personally.

Again...What planet is this?

I'm not sure - which one are you on again?

Hadrurus said:
Steel said:
Isn't it about time that some men stopped telling women how they behave, and actually listened to the women themselves?

I listen to women for their own problems. But I don't think that women can help me be to be a man anymore than I can help them to be good women. A woman doesn't know how to be a man, so she can't really teach me to be one. To me, it's sort of like a dog trying to teach a cat how to behave like a cat. As far as dating, I just go by what I observe, and by what makes sense to me. It's all just a long and trail-and-error process in figuring out who I want to be as a man.

Edit: I guess that was meant for Twitch, but,.....you now have my opinion anyway :p

Oh, that's kind of what I am saying; that its kind of arrogant for a man to claim he knows exactly what women want, or for a woman to say she knows what men want.
Steel said:
Oh, that's kind of what I am saying; that its kind of arrogant for a man to claim he knows exactly what women want, or for a woman to say she knows what men want.

I don't think it's arrogant at all. I believe that part of having a healthy dating life is to do our best to understand what women want in a guy. Part of being a man is to learn what women want, and to pick up those skills. Women do have different tastes, but they do show some pretty similar patterns too. Also, I can't say that I know exactly what they want (hell, I'm 22), but as I learn over time, I think that I gain enough experience to know which ideas to apply (that's what I've been doing for a while). As I said, my personal life has really improved after thinking about these ideas and doing my best to apply them to how I communicate with women in real life.

To be honest, the stuff that I talk about has been helping me to come out of my shell and be more social with people overall. It has helped me to talk to girls better, as well as to figure out how I, as a male, should interact. I just see them as guidelines. You might think that it's naive, arrogant, or whatever, but it all really makes sense to me, and it's been working well for me. Part of being a guy is knowing how to communicate from our side of the insanity. Trying to figure out what girls want is part of our learning.
Steel said:
You have consistently confused having your opinions attacked and being personally attacked.

You don't exactly make it easy for me to distinguish between the two. Try color coding.

Steel said:
Not true, however, I will not discuss such things here.

Uh, yes it is true. If you have information to the contrary, it's wrong. I know I'm not particularly liked here, but I don't threaten people with anything. If someone acts like an *******, I will tell them so but that's as far as it goes. I suspect your idea of "abusive" is much broader than mine...as in spanning the width of China.

Steel said:
As for the articles, you didn't post those articles in order to be humorous. If you will cast your mind back, the articles in question were moved to the Entertainment section - your response was to repost them in Essential Articles.

No, that was pretty much an attempt to humor myself. It worked.

Twitchy said:
If that is the case... why are so annoyed at me Twitchy? All I've done is consistently disagree with you. I certainly haven't raped your grandmother.

You'd might as well have. You've managed to voice disaproval for just about anything I've ever posted, even when it was for the sake of others. You've attempted to refute my claims regarding my mother's illness and how hard it has been dealing with her. You've effectively convinced others that I shouldn't be spoken to, usually when I need human contact the most.

So yes, I'm a little annoyed with you. I don't expect you to admit to any of this in an open forum, but it does tend to bother me. I don't understand the motive, but I think it stems from the fact you just plain don't like me. I would be fine with that if you were just another user, but you're supposed to be a moderator. :/

Steel said:
You have every right to your opinion - and I to mine.

Yes, but I always end up having to fight for mine just a little harder than everyone else. I'll live.

Steel said:
The question is "Why is the divorce rate high?" NOT "Why do people get a divorce?" Now, these are *obviously* different questions entirely.

Obviously the reason the divorce rate is so high is tied to the reasons people get a divorce. I really shouldn't have to explain that.

Steel said:
The divorce rate has probably risen for a variety of socio and economic reasons, including, but not restricted to, things such as the greater wealth of modern society, less stigma attached to divorce itself and the relaxing of divorce laws.

That's funny, because where I live people usually get divorced because they're sick of being with the person they wake up to every morning.
Twitchy said:
You'd might as well have. You've managed to voice disaproval for just about anything I've ever posted, even when it was for the sake of others. You've attempted to refute my claims regarding my mother's illness and how hard it has been dealing with her. You've effectively convinced others that I shouldn't be spoken to, usually when I need human contact the most.

So yes, I'm a little annoyed with you. I don't expect you to admit to any of this in an open forum, but it does tend to bother me. I don't understand the motive, but I think it stems from the fact you just plain don't like me. I would be fine with that if you were just another user, but you're supposed to be a moderator. :/

Ok, wait a minute... I have NEVER, EVER attempted to refute your claims regarding your mother's illness. Not on this forum, not in private, not anywhere. I admire anyone who can care for an elderly relative.

I haven't told people not to speak to you either. Why would I want to do that?

I don't voice disapproval on all your posts; yes, I have disagreed with you in the past, but I didn't realise you had taken it all so... well, personally. We disagree on some things - I don't see that as a reason to dislike someone.

Listen. I doubt we are going to be friends anytime soon, but the idea you seem to have that I hate you is just plain wrong. I think most people who know me here will know I'm simply not like that. Life's too short to go around hating people.

I admire anyone who can care for an elderly relative.

I'm about to pm you, because I feel this is veering away from the topic of the thread. I'm kind of stunned to read this to be honest; I don't know where you got your information, but it's simply not true.
oarivan said:
It's like a game of "who gets the last word in"

I deliberately stayed away from any relevance to the thread; people are more important than opinions.
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