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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. E

    Overcame my fears and asked her out

    She was in one of my classes and I talked to her about the subject, teacher etc and then we kept talking afterwards, found out we had a lot in common and two days later I was standing outside her house feeling very excited and happy. My best advice would be to strike up a conversation about...
  2. E

    Is it too soon?

    Thank you!!!
  3. E

    A good thing today

    That's a lovely story and you are a truly wonderful and inspirational person. I do agree with everyone here; those little bits of contact can really brighten your day
  4. E

    Overcame my fears and asked her out

    There was a new girl at my sixth form college and soon after meeting her I really started to like her. I talked to her a lot (which is weird as I am usually fairly awkward). I knew what I had to do, I commuted myself Nd asked her out! What I'm trying to say is that it is always worth a shot...
  5. E

    Is it too soon?

    Private college essentially. I'm from the uk so I don't know where it fits in but it is the step before university. And thanks by the way!
  6. E

    Is it too soon?

    I asked her today after school and she said yes! Thank you badjedidude and your ridiculous signature! Very happy
  7. E

    A good friend of mine is thinking about ending it all...

    I went through the same with a friend of mine. Talked him out of it but it was touch and go at times. Remind them of any reason to live and yeah, never let them get too far away. Hang in there ;)
  8. E

    Life seems bleak

    Maybe (and this is just a thought) your old life actually, unknowingly became boring to you. My advce would be to make a fresh start and immerse yourself in new things you haven't don before. Good luck ;)
  9. E

    New Member

    We could be separated at birth by the sounds of things. Good go meet you!
  10. E

    Is it too soon?

    Thanks a lot, you told me what I needed to hear
  11. E

    Is it too soon?

  12. E

    Is it too soon?

    So I'm in sixth form and a couple of new people joined us. One of them was this stunning redhead girl from a similar background as me. We really hit it off and talked all day. I really want to ask her out but I am vulnerable and I have only known her for a week or so (she also went to my primary...