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  1. Dear-_-Tragedy

    I want to leave this house.

    I want to leave because of one particular house member. However, money remains a huge constraint and lack of money gives me no power to move house, no power to be myself, no respect in the house. I am so angry right now. So manipulative, condescending, egotistical, arrogant, spiteful...
  2. Dear-_-Tragedy

    Female Friends

    Recently I have had a sudden influx of female irl friends. It has been a bit surreal to be honest. It has done wonders to my depression which is all but gone now. Trouble is, after my last experience with having a girl-friend, I am a bit anxious. I am desperate about finding a...
  3. Dear-_-Tragedy

    I'm back here= Another failed oportunity.

    I've spent months trying to sort my life out. I've spent my life trying to sort my life out, but I think I'm making progress. Just as I make progress in life (I have a job, keeping up with hobbies etc), I meet a girl. I like a girl, I get strong feelings. Then they move on before I get the...
  4. Dear-_-Tragedy

    No job feeling worthless

    I recently finished my course at University and I just feel so worthless because I don't have a job and I haven't ever had a long standing job. Nobody seems to respect me and I am always comparing myself to others and knowing I am just so insignificant in comparison. Even younger siblings are...
  5. Dear-_-Tragedy

    Parents treating you like dirt

    They seem so ignorant to how the world is. They live in the past and compare how their life is to how your life is like they are superior and know what it's like. Even though they are all comfortable with their job and other half. They might know you in the sense of how they raised you but...
  6. Dear-_-Tragedy

    Tired of my 'friends'

    Every time I try to arrange a meet up with them, it's always in their favour. If they can't be bothered with me they just don't reply at all or return a call 95% of the time. I feel like a robot they text commands at like "we're out tonight meet us at 'x' place) then I'm supposed to come running...
  7. Dear-_-Tragedy

    Tis the Season to be Jealous

    So as cliche as it might seem. Valentine's day brings out the forever alone in me. I should remember no one wants me every other day of the year but around this time with adverts everywhere, friend's lovey dovey Valentine's plans and the years that go by with each Valentine's, I have become...
  8. Dear-_-Tragedy

    Sick of living with 'parents'

    Particularly my step dad. He can be a complete _____ sometimes. Most of the time. He is is just bringing me down and almost holds me back from gaining self esteem, self confidence etc. Telling me to shower even though I do. Telling me to brush my teeth even thought I do. Telling me to clean my...
  9. Dear-_-Tragedy

    I just cut my arm. I'm worried.

    I just felt so fed up and sick of it all that I just wanted to feel pain enough to resemble how I feel inside. I wanted to see the blood and see what I am missing inside. I have to be missing something. I wouldn't feel so empty if I wasn't missing something. Even in a sea of company and support...
  10. Dear-_-Tragedy

    Another desirable girl, another fail?

    So once again my eyes have met with another beauty. I feel energised and happy to feel passion again...I thought I left all that behind! Our eyes met several times and she smiled. Oh man her smile, my heart was like :club: I feel confident with my chances this time. Although I can't help feel...
  11. Dear-_-Tragedy

    Feeling like sh*t once again

    Why does this happen? Why does it go and come back? I'm not severely sad like I have been in the past, but I just feel pretty hacked off. I have a few theories as to why. I attempted online dating once more because a friend convinced me to as he was having a bit of success. By success I mean...
  12. Dear-_-Tragedy

    Loss of hair

    I have been aware that for some time now my hair on the top of my head & fringe have been depleting. I'm trying to come to terms with it but I find it hard when people start reminding me of it with snide remarks. It's not as bad when lads say it because it's more of a bantery thing but when...
  13. Dear-_-Tragedy

    Very trivial and childish fight >:(

    Okay so I was playing call of duty with my friend and I was getting quite angry at the game because I was losing (people may understand the cod rage). Well my friend just turns on me and starts calling me a sore loser and a p***y who can't take losing (in a serious voice). What I didn't...
  14. Dear-_-Tragedy

    John Gray was right.

    Why am I so out of touch with the opposite sex? Why are they so ignorant towards everything I am about? Why do I have so much trouble communicating with them? Why does it have to be 'us and them'? Because it would be too simple. Too easy to fall in love. Too easy to be happy. It is like a...
  15. Dear-_-Tragedy

    I either need better friends, or a better personality

    So here's the thing. I moved back home from university because I will be commuting for the final year for various reasons. One of those reasons being I could see my old friends again. But they don't seem to like spending time with me. I'm usually always the one who organises events with them and...
  16. Dear-_-Tragedy

    I feel limitless

    I just watched a movie called Limitless and it has inspired me. It has inspired me to be the very best I can be and then some. From this day forward I will actually try too improve my life. I won't go back on myself, this is a promise I just made to myself. I know whether I will be quite as...
  17. Dear-_-Tragedy

    So that's the end of that chapter?

    I handed in my keys to my house at university on Saturday. I wont be going back to that house again. On that day I felt very nostalgic about all the good times I have had at uni, and the bad times...but mostly good and it just makes me sad because I feel like it is the end of my youth, the end...
  18. Dear-_-Tragedy

    Ughh feelings and stuff

    How do I approach a girl who I love and tell her how much she means to me, without scaring her away or making her vomit (she isn't the romantic type). She know that I love her, I have told her and she has said she loves me. But we broke up, now we are meeting up again now and then and things are...
  19. Dear-_-Tragedy

    pathetic really.

    I am meeting my ex again today. I think i still love her although there is a thin line between friendship and love so i'm having a hard time deciding how i feel. I don't want to flat out tell her my feelings for fear of rejection. I know i need to take it slow. She may not even be into me any...
  20. Dear-_-Tragedy


    Talking to ex's. Can any good come from it? I really want to know how she is getting on and would love to still be her friend. The only way of contact is through either facebook (even though she removed me from her friends) or through where she is still my friend. I don't have any dreams...