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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. Unique Unicorn

    Stupidest thing you've done in the past 24 hours.

    Did 1 hour on the treadmill................................................immediately followed by 3 big profiteroles. Duh!
  2. Unique Unicorn

    Who am I?

    Oh Honey at 22, don't you worry about 'who you are', you can be anyone or anything, 22 is a time for experimenting and trying on some different gear, in fact you can be a different person everyday! I am 44, so I've lived exactly double your years and here's my findings to date; You can't be...
  3. Unique Unicorn

    Need some Therapy? Jump in Here!

    Okay, so we all feel alone, isolated and depressed, so how about we turn that around and each give 3 examples of 'good' or 'great' things we have or enjoy in our lives, right now: When you sometimes see it written down, you realise, Wow, I had forgotten how much pleasure I get from that...
  4. Unique Unicorn

    What are you thinking right now?

    I am thinking that my doggies love me, I have fresh clean drinking water and any type of food readily available at my disposal, I am thinking that I have a wardrobe full of clothes. I am thinking how good the sun feels on my face on a warm autumn day and how I love the aroma of fresh cut garlic...
  5. Unique Unicorn

    My worthless life

    First of all to everyone in this thread - big hugs :shy: (Can't find a hug smile?) I know this sounds so contrived but at least you have work and family, and a roof over your head, which for some may be considered luxuries, in no way am I saying that your feelings of being lonely and isolated...
  6. Unique Unicorn

    disappointed in life

    PoorSoul you have a lot to look forward to in the future. It sounds like you are getting a great education and at the very least your family 'love' you, it may not be in the way you presently need, but no doubt it is love. Can you try writing letters to a Pen Friends?, I know it sounds kind of...
  7. Unique Unicorn

    this is what a lonely life has turned me into...

    I don't think it is actually 'bitterness', more a soulful longing to 'belong', to be needed and respected. Being bitter is such a useless exercise, it's like a demon that eats from your soul. If you can accept that this is the way it is, you have half defeated the demon. Just the fact that...
  8. Unique Unicorn

    you ever just feel like you dont have a place?

    I too feel like most of you. I feel 'different' even though I look mainstream, work in a professional capacity and have all the western 'spoils' of life. Sometimes I just feel so 'alien' and that very few are 'on my page'. I've been a Catholic, a Pagan Witch' and everything in between and...
  9. Unique Unicorn

    How I am going to break out of it all...

    Ok well troll or not, here's my view; 'fixing' the outside isn't going to remedy your real issues, which generally appear to be somewhat emotionally based. If you are attending Uni, you have a brain, so why not start appreciating your intellect? Physical beauty will always eventually fade...
  10. Unique Unicorn

    alonelylife made marriage!

    Wow, Wow, Wow, that is so great to hear. You guys are too cute. Live long, be happy and never give up on your dreams.
  11. Unique Unicorn

    lost inside my head

    I know it sounds so corny, but honey, your soul mate is out there. Your other half could be right under your nose, but your not going to find her locked up at home. Could you just start by taking a little walk around the block? A trip to the mall? Small steps. I recently climbed a mountain...
  12. Unique Unicorn

    Which is the better option? To have loved and lost or to have never loved?

    Definitely loved and lost. Memories are a wonderful thing and as the song says ' a woman's heart is the keeper of many secrets'.
  13. Unique Unicorn

    Favorite movie of all time?

    umm tough one, have a few Classic - The Wicked Lady 1939 All time fav - Shawshank Redemption
  14. Unique Unicorn


    I live by this applicable for life...... It's not the size of the dog in the fight. It's the size of the fight in the dog.
  15. Unique Unicorn

    What's Your Favorite Fruit?

    Banana - nature's power pack. Love em.
  16. Unique Unicorn

    Which is your favorite time of the day, are you a morning person or a night person?

    Night, Night, Night, I don't function until at least 11.00am and I mean don't look, speak or even glance at me until then, but come 11pm I am alive, buzzing, hitting it.... It's nothing for me to start gardening and watering at midnight, wash the floors, do housework at 2.00am. I love the night.
  17. Unique Unicorn

    What Gets You Through the Day?

    In the following order Warm Tea My Doggies Watching True Blood Getting home from work and going or a swim Chocolate.....
  18. Unique Unicorn

    What are you thinking right now?

    I am thinking that those 6 slices of pizza are going straight to my butt. God **** it was good though. one minute on the lips - forever on the hips.......
  19. Unique Unicorn

    I am newbie..

    Hello and Welcome. Enjoy.