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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. N

    Stress and ASD

    I'll try and keep this simple since even a summary will be a bit long. My fiance and I both have ASD, before the new DSM came out we were diagnosed with Asperger's. She's recently developed a chronic illness that makes her unable to work and often unable to get out of bed. I'm finding that I may...
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    Don't care about happiness

    I don't care about being happy. I'm not depressed or trying to be emo. It's just honestly not a concern or priority of mine. It's nice and everything, but there are things I'm much more interested in putting my energy towards. What I really want out of life is to accomplish something meaningful...
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    Very Isolated

    I recently got a job in the city so with commute added I'm gone about 12 hours a day and my girlfriend is home alone all day. She's searching for a job too but the market is still terrible. She's very much an extrovert and being cooped up and alone is making her very depressed. We recently moved...
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    Anti-depressant stopped working

    So I suffer from crippling depression and social anxiety. If I'm not on my medication I'm unable to function. Recently my medication abruptly stopped working, I saw my doctor who increased my dose but he said it would be at least a week before it took effect. The problem is that it's already...
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    Caring what other people think....

    A while back I posted about being shallow. The woman I love is overweight and that causes issues for me. Proud to report that I learned I simply had too narrow of a definition of "sexy" and that I do find her sexually attractive. But as is common, you solve one problem only to discover another...
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    Trying to put being bullied behind me

    I'm 26 years old and as far back as I can remember, about 5 years of age, until I was 15 I was bullied. This happened across 3 different school systems by dozens of different bullies, both physically and verbally. For reasons I've never come to understand I was a natural target. I tried avoiding...
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    Poll: Dreams or Love

    If you had to choose one or the other, which would you pick: A chance at fulfilling your life's dreams or a chance at being with your true love?
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    Fundamental Issue: Self-Worth

    I was talking to my friend yesterday about various issues I have and she pointed out that the only thing standing in the way of fixing most of them is myself. She told me I need to just put in the effort and fix my problems. That's when I realized that I don't believe I'm worth the effort. I...
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    I need therapy

    I desperately need therapy. I desperately want to go to therapy. But I can't. I'm too afraid of what people will think of me. I have some supportive family, I have some not-so supportive family. But what they would actually do or say if I told them is irrelevant. I would believe that they think...
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    Possibly shallow. Any way to fix that?

    This is a long story. I have a friend. A best friend to be a little more precise. But I call her that for lack of a better term. We met my junior year in high school and I've known her for 10 years now. We're deeply connected on a level that still blows me away. I know her better than anyone...
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    Very Serious Problems

    Shortest possible backstory: I'm in love with a girl. Let's call her Emily. Last month she married my best friend. They live on the opposite side of the country. I've been having a really tough time since the wedding. The other day I was driving home from work and I thought: I'm gonna get home...
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    Bitter atheist

    Once upon a time I was a deeply spiritual person. In my teen years I began to doubt my faith, though. I realized one day that I only believed in God because I was afraid of what would happen if I didn't and because I'd never really thought about it for myself. I had always just believed what I...
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    Happiness Tresholds and Emotional Masochism

    I have a very [insert adjective] problem. I'd like to call it "unusual" but I've only ever been emotionally close enough to one person to confide it in and two people does not a survey make. I very rarely feel emotions. Of many types. I've identified happiness and stress as specific examples...
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    Classic Woes: In love with best friend's fiance

    One day my best friend met a girl and started dating her. Some time later he brought her around and I met her. Four years later they got engaged, I told her how I felt about her and she assured me there could be no future for me and her, and then I moved to the other side of the country to get...
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    What to do when you don't figure out your dreams until it's too late to achieve them.

    Hi. I'm new here and I have a lot of things I want to talk about but I guess what's on my mind most is this. Since I graduated high school I haven't had the slightest idea what to do with myself and now here I am seven years later and I finally figure out what to do with my life that would make...