7 years ago, what where you doing?

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Well-known member
Jul 4, 2008
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CA, USA,Western Hemisphere, Earth.
yes everyone, i know theres people out of the states in here so be honest? what did you think? did you care? were you hurt? angry? sad? tell us!

when the twin towers in new york fell i was just waking up for school(only the first one was down by then), my mom was glued to the tv, dont even think she realised i was behind her. I started getting my luch and she turned around and told me " someone crashed a plane into the twin towers..". at school all day we talked about it, staring at CNN or NBC. every tv station was playing coverage of this. all the jocks were saying "were gonna kill them! who ever did this!" and all the liberals were just scared. honeysuckle i think i cryed even. that was a weird day.....

so where were you?
I was running late for work. I had just passed a business at 644 Magnolia St. (Previous employer) I had the radio on and they announced that an airplane had crashed into one of the towers. They speculated it was a possible terrorist attack. My heart sank when they announced another airplane had been crashed into the other tower. What an absolute waste of human life. I'm agnostic, but I hope that Osama bin Laden has a special place reserved in Jahannam. (And no, I have no ill feelings towards Muslim people. The majority of them are peace loving people.)
Ah, the obligatory 9/11 thread. Well, here goes.

I was a junior in high school. I never actually saw the incident live on television as it was morning and I was getting ready for school. However, like most of us I saw it reran several times and from several angles during the following hours, days, and weeks (and years, really). I recall that day as rather peculiar. Only one class I had during the day actually tried to carry on as normal. All of the others were spent watching CNN (and I don't blame them for that).

It still strikes me as surreal to this very day... running airplanes into tall building seems like something out of some unrealistic action movie.

Also, I can not believe it has been seven years!

Anyway, it is a shame that our government has exploited this tragedy for all it was worth, such as going into a completely unrelated war while seemingly forgetting about capturing the man who has claimed responsibility for the happenings of that day seven years ago, as well as using it for political gains whenever possible too.
I was at work, We were watching the TV, the plane that hit the pentagon flew threw our airspace and the alarms when off, we all took cover, it was the first time I had ever heard the real alarms and it was scary, we didn't know what was going on so I opened the weapons vault and we all armed up. As far as we knew we were under an attack. I wanted to be with my family but had to defend our Airbase. After it was over we were activated and worked 12 hour shifts 7 days a week for about 3 months without a day off. I worked night shift so I never really seen my family. I've been to the middle east a couple times now and am going again soon, Sep. 11 has changed my life.
PieBeNice said:
I was like 9 nine years old. I think I laughed. Erm... that's bad. Naughty Pie.

Yeah, laughing at that much death and destruction is bad.

EDIT: And offensive.

EveWasFramed said:
PieBeNice said:
I was like 9 nine years old. I think I laughed. Erm... that's bad. Naughty Pie.

Yeah, laughing at that much death and destruction is bad.

EDIT: And offensive.


In that case I won't even bother to mention what I was up to.
Unacceptance said:
EveWasFramed said:
PieBeNice said:
I was like 9 nine years old. I think I laughed. Erm... that's bad. Naughty Pie.

Yeah, laughing at that much death and destruction is bad.

EDIT: And offensive.


In that case I won't even bother to mention what I was up to.

:pMaybe that would be best? lol
I was running late as usually becuase my ex- gf takes for ever to get ready.
I went into work and heard about the towers. It got non productive really fast. I couldn't get a hold of my clients or salepeople.
Everybody was glued to the radio or news.
I went home to watch the news....it was a mad house.
Then I watch the second jet crashed into the second tower live of TV.

It was crazy becase no one knew what was going to happen next or if we were going to get nuke or go into war.
I was having some work done on my car. Some people came out to the shop from the office and told everyone to come watch the tv they had. One guy said. "They are bombing the pentagon." I thought he was playing. It was surreal. I couldn't believe it. It was a very numbing experience.
oh yeah....my mom was on a flight back from out of states...coming to LA X.
I was like holy honeysuckle man....becuase LA X was like a possible target.
I was gluded to the **** TV or radio for days.
I was on my way home on the train from staying with some friends near Dundee in Scotland who I'd just met travelling. About 10 days before we had flown home from NYC after 3 months in the US. I remember it being really surreal as I'd just spent a week in NY before coming home and in that time I'd been up one of the trade towers.

I'd also met someone who was working literally just a few hundred yards away across the road from it who I had spent some time travelling with and it was all a bit bizarre really. By the time I got home the first tower had been down but I think I saw the second one go on TV and I kinda remember just sitting there thinking Holy honeysuckle.

I got a mass-email from my friend the next day to say he was fine and he said a bit about what it was like there, in fact now it's making me wonder if I still have it. Gonna go look now it would be quite interesting to see what it said.
ya i remeber i was sleeping and my radio alarm went off, and they were talking about it and saying a plane flew into a building, and i was still pretty much asleep so i didn't make much sense out of it, i just assumed it was just some plane that crashed. Then i had gotten up and my mom had turned on the tv and i stood and watched some of it. I can't really remeber what exactly i thought or felt, just fear, saddness and even a little excitment, like wow whats going on? Actually 9/11 is my half birthday, so it was kinda weird
I was in 5th grade. Um, my mom was upset, she was on the phone with my uncle. I figured they where just talking about my grandmother who had died on september 11th maybe 30 years ago. That was my reaction, but then she told me that "something terrible has happened" (I believe those where her words). I was really detatched about it. Happenings on the other side of the country didn't mean anything to me when I was in 5th grade, I felt bad for the people there but I didn't feel any connection to them.
Now, after seven years have passed, I feel even worse for those people who died that day. Especially the folks on the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania. They became the excuse that started this war that was doomed from the begining.
I suppose a way to explain my feelings on the war would be to reference the film V for Vendetta. In the film Natalie Portman says that while men can be killed, ideas do not die. Terrorism is an idea. Therefor, a war on terror is doomed to fail. It may appear to succeed (not that this is the case at the moment) but in the end it will only lead to more terror. By invading a country and killing it's citizens are we not, in affect, terrorists ourselves? I don't know. Are we?

More likely I'm just an ignorant liberal punk who isn't even old enough to vote and I have no idea what I'm talking about. Which is fine. And likely true.
More likely I'm just an ignorant liberal punk who isn't even old enough to vote and I have no idea what I'm talking about. Which is fine. And likely true

lol, nah your not ignorant, and it's okay cause Liberals f*ing rock!

but i agree there was not point to the Iraq invasion. If we were going to find terrorists i think we should have focused more on Afganastan and Pakastan. And I mean you can't just go and overthrough someone's government. It just brings chaos, and starts things like civil wars. So we're really hurting the civilains more than saddam Hussain was.
I was in middle school standing in line to get lunch when i heard about it with the drug addict and pyromaniac I thought were my friends back then. We had gotten out of class early to go eat lunch because we were going home early but no one would tell us why, the reason was eventually found out that someone's dad worked at the pentagon and they didn't want them to find out about it like that I guess. Everyone was talking in line about what they heard and a couple people said we were under attack and others said the pentagon was bombed. I remember walking through the door into the living room and my mom was home and had the tv on and as soon as I walked in and started watching, the second tower fell I remember there were some "O God's" and gasps.

Then, later I remember watching Bush addressing the nation and feeling really angry and thinking the war was justified at the time....
I want to say I overslept that Tuesday morning and missed my 8:00am class. Someone soon later PMed me on my computer. Classes were quickly cancelled. I recorded tv broadcasts all day long.

I recall President Bush being flown to a military base in north Louisiana and anxiously awaiting his response that night. And while I did not leave the apartment that day, there was fear that Baton rouge might be a target because of the oil refineries near the Mississippi river.

So we're really hurting the civilains more than saddam Hussain was.

Oh please, discuss in detail.
well i feel really bad for the people living in Iraq right now, i mean it's gotta be hard living somewhere where you don't have a stable government. I'm not saying hussain was a good leader, but if it really was all that bad people would have revolted or started a rebellion. I don't know for sure if it was a good or bad thing to invade Iraq at the time, i was only like 11 when they went in, but like five years later it's starting to seem like it wasn't that good of an idea. It just feels like vietnam all over again.

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