About somebody I met here near the beginning of the year.

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Well-known member
Feb 19, 2009
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A lot of types of people come here to find good insight and help with their problems. So many of you are amazing to me. You come here to try and solve your problems by listening to what others think and create some nice friendships along the way.

Lately I have been uncovering lie after lie after lie about someone that used to post here. She decided to unregister after she found a pathetic sucker(me) to use for a good month until she would get serious with her actual boyfriend again and meet him in a nice night of romance on Valentine's day. The same day I embarassed her infront of him in another forum she posts in. He seems to be ok with everything she has done though and they are both in a 'amazing relationship'.

Yeah right. How can you have an amazing relationship with someone who made out with a married guy that was three times her age (her old music teacher and boss). Someone who's ex hangs out almost everyday at her place and decided to post the 'incestous' tag on her family after he impregnated her fraternal twin sister a week after she gets out of the hospital from almost killing herself. Very trashy stuff there.

She is an emotional parasite and is very arrogant. After chatting with some amazing people this past while, somebody mentioned that and I absolutely agree. She tried to act very smart, but she was the complete opposite. She was a sloppy and lazy mess that just took whatever came easy to her. To think that she hasn't had a job in so long but can afford trips and other expensive things for herself makes me really wonder who else is being suckered in out there.

She was NEVER alone folks. No matter what you think or say she was here to use and corrupt someone. That person was me and she loved every minute of it.

So if anyone here has met somebody on this forum that is just nice and is TRULY there for them. Keep them and just try to stay in connection with them. They are angels compared to the pig I have encountered. If things get rough, please try to remember the great times and that they just wanted to spend time with you. Try and remember the good times.

I don't have any good times to remember with her. It was just listening to her sob stories and hearing about her going to the movies with some guy that has a crush on her or how she is going to party during the night since she feels really alone.

LOL. What a pig.

EDIT: I forgot to mention as well that she used to chat with some people here. When I asked her what she would do when she left the site she just responded "fresia everybody". What a nice gal.
He's completely right. And it's such a shame that people like that come to a place like this just to take advantage of others, people who might already have alot to deal with as it is. I guess you have to be careful with whom you get involved with, even when it's online and at a nice place like this. :(
That is unfortunate. It dose sound like she has got some issues has well though. You can still have ppl around you and feel very much alone. If she takes anything that comes to her just cos its easy then that differnently makes her a person with problems and no self respect I would say. I do understand that in one way tho. sometimes when your feeling that alone and unloved you would except anyone just to feel a little love.

But it sounds to me that you just got to know someone and they wasn't what you thought they was. That happens in all placers of life.

I hope your luck changers.
DayvanCowboy said:
A lot of types of people come here to find good insight and help with their problems. So many of you are amazing to me. You come here to try and solve your problems by listening to what others think and create some nice friendships along the way.

Lately I have been uncovering lie after lie after lie about someone that used to post here. She decided to unregister after she found a pathetic sucker(me) to use for a good month until she would get serious with her actual boyfriend again and meet him in a nice night of romance on Valentine's day. The same day I embarassed her infront of him in another forum she posts in. He seems to be ok with everything she has done though and they are both in a 'amazing relationship'.

Yeah right. How can you have an amazing relationship with someone who made out with a married guy that was three times her age (her old music teacher and boss). Someone who's ex hangs out almost everyday at her place and decided to post the 'incestous' tag on her family after he impregnated her fraternal twin sister a week after she gets out of the hospital from almost killing herself. Very trashy stuff there.

She is an emotional parasite and is very arrogant. After chatting with some amazing people this past while, somebody mentioned that and I absolutely agree. She tried to act very smart, but she was the complete opposite. She was a sloppy and lazy mess that just took whatever came easy to her. To think that she hasn't had a job in so long but can afford trips and other expensive things for herself makes me really wonder who else is being suckered in out there.

She was NEVER alone folks. No matter what you think or say she was here to use and corrupt someone. That person was me and she loved every minute of it.

So if anyone here has met somebody on this forum that is just nice and is TRULY there for them. Keep them and just try to stay in connection with them. They are angels compared to the pig I have encountered. If things get rough, please try to remember the great times and that they just wanted to spend time with you. Try and remember the good times.

I don't have any good times to remember with her. It was just listening to her sob stories and hearing about her going to the movies with some guy that has a crush on her or how she is going to party during the night since she feels really alone.

LOL. What a pig.

EDIT: I forgot to mention as well that she used to chat with some people here. When I asked her what she would do when she left the site she just responded "fresia everybody". What a nice gal.

Dayvan, I am so sorry that you encountered such a person here. People like this are VERY good at hiding their true selves from everyone around them, until they already have their claws in you, emotionally, and it's too late. I must admit that I know to whom you refer and my opinion varies very little from yours. You aren't the only one that she caused heartache for. Not that it's any comfort, mind you. These people are predators. They are highly skilled hunters, who generally leave a path of pain and destruction in their wake. They are no respector of persons and will manipulate anyone who is unlucky enough to cross their path. See, here's the thing....these people will always be users and they will always be able to find someone to use. They are good at their craft. Being taken in by one of these deceptive piranhas happens easily for someone who is willing to put trust in another human being and to have faith in someone. It is these very qualities, these wonderful qualities, that they look for in their victims. In the short term, the predators can tear a person's heart out. In the long term, they can damage your faith in humanity.
Instead of beating yourself over it, you should learn from the experience. To find someone who is truly a good person, well, you have to know what a BAD person is like, don't you? So, now that you have something (someone) to compare to, you will be able to tell the difference next time. ANd another thing - at least you saw her for what she was. There are still a few that couldnt see what you saw, and they ended up losing people that they called friend, and even lost the haven they had found here on this forum.
A long diatribe, I know and Im sorry, but people who prey on the emotions of others are one of the lowest forms of humanity on this planet. (If indeed they have any humanity left inside them.)
I know that these words are cold comfort, but at least consider that you found out (using your good common sense) that she wasn't what she claimed to be, and that you found out before she could do any irreversible or lasting damage. Some individuals weren't so
fortunate. =\
I hope that you understand that you aren't to blame for what transpired. (((hugs)))
DayvanCowboy, let me start by saying this. Although I haven't had much to do with you since I've been posting, you've always struck me as a very likeable and open minded sort. The fact that I have yet to note this in your reputation column is merely an oversight on my part.

The issue at hand has already stirred some good observations o I'm not going to delve into it now but I will make a general point.
A site like ALL is bound to appeal to characters (like myself to be honest) who harbour certain emotional frailties and those who capatilise on that to alleviate their boredom are not only despicable but they are also neglecting a base responsibilty. The moment you get in touch with someone you must (and I can't stress this enough)ALWAYS take in to account the effect your involvement may have on them.
I agree with Eve. I have seen this kind of person before as well, and they are well practiced in their deceit.

The only good to come of it is that you found out sooner rather than later, and weren't about to stand around and take it - because I'm sure she would have happily strung you along for as long as she could have got away with.
Yeah I agree that you have to be careful on this forum. There are some people that just want to take advantage of your loneliness.

Im sorry you got taken advantage of Davayn :(

She sounds like a Gold-digger and not a very good person overall. You deserve better.
Yeah, i'm still glad i gave her a good mouthful when she was here, even though you hated me at the time for doing it lol.

Anyway, good riddance to her.
It sounds like it was a rough ride. I suppose we all feel lonely for different reasons. It's a shame some people feel lonely because they can't have everything they want when they want it, and think it's everyone else's fault. People like that use others without any thought, because all they think about is themselves.

It seems you've put this bad experience into perspective and learned from it, so I reckon you came out better off in the end (even though it may not feel that way). She will probably never find whatever she is looking for, and will destroy others while she looks.
Hi, I am so sorry for your unfortunate encounter with someone from here! I am tempted to ask what her username is but I know that you probably would not be allowed to post it. you can feel free to PM me with it if you are allowed to. I guess I am kind of curious.
I ran into a nut job from here myself who begged me to be friends with her and complained about how lonely she was and that nobody ever gives her a chance. We wrote several letters back and forth to one another at Christmas time. I guess because she was so lonely than but as soon as Christmas was over I never heard back from her anymore.....gee, I wonder why she does not have any friends..LOL!
Anyway, sorry again about your situation. I know it is way worse than what happened to me but I know sometimes it helps to know that you are not the only one that ran into a weirdo on here.
I hate to use so many judgemental words in this post but sometimes the situation leaves you with no other choice...LOL!
antikfc said:
Hi, I am so sorry for your unfortunate encounter with someone from here! I am tempted to ask what her username is but I know that you probably would not be allowed to post it. you can feel free to PM me with it if you are allowed to. I guess I am kind of curious.
I ran into a nut job from here myself who begged me to be friends with her and complained about how lonely she was and that nobody ever gives her a chance. We wrote several letters back and forth to one another at Christmas time. I guess because she was so lonely than but as soon as Christmas was over I never heard back from her anymore.....gee, I wonder why she does not have any friends..LOL!
Anyway, sorry again about your situation. I know it is way worse than what happened to me but I know sometimes it helps to know that you are not the only one that ran into a weirdo on here.
I hate to use so many judgemental words in this post but sometimes the situation leaves you with no other choice...LOL!

I'm not entirely convinced that the hate you profess to have at passing judgement isn't an exaggeration. As for the so-called "weirdo", how much do you really know about this woman? Also, how do you think that it would make her feel if she read your post? Maybe she was desperate as a result of personal problems or even mental illness.

Your sentiments are uncharitable at best.
Wow, that's harsh. I agree with Eve. Don't beat yourself up over it. I don't know who you're referring to, but obviously she isn't worth you getting worked up, hun.
antikfc said:
Hi, I am so sorry for your unfortunate encounter with someone from here! I am tempted to ask what her username is but I know that you probably would not be allowed to post it. you can feel free to PM me with it if you are allowed to. I guess I am kind of curious.
I ran into a nut job from here myself who begged me to be friends with her and complained about how lonely she was and that nobody ever gives her a chance. We wrote several letters back and forth to one another at Christmas time. I guess because she was so lonely than but as soon as Christmas was over I never heard back from her anymore.....gee, I wonder why she does not have any friends..LOL!
Anyway, sorry again about your situation. I know it is way worse than what happened to me but I know sometimes it helps to know that you are not the only one that ran into a weirdo on here.

Hi there. :)
I remember the thread that you made in reference to the person you had the issues with.
Perhaps you should go back and read it again. It seems that you still haven't quite sorted things out with that. :)
And to be clear, on your other thread, you pointed out specific information about this person that, if a person actually cared to look, could have found out who this member is. I understand that what she did was in poor form, but since you have no idea what her reasons were, perhaps it's best not to air things out on a public forum, and she is obviously not going to respond anyway.

"I hate to use so many judgemental words in this post but sometimes the situation leaves you with no other choice..."

We always have choices in matters like these. We can accept that, for whatever reason, this person no longer wanted to communicate with us and move on, or we can remain bitter and let that afffect future friendhsips with others.
The obvious choice would have been to send her a PM to inquire why she never writes you anymore. It's not too late to do this either, so maybe you can still find some closure. :)Good luck.

Now, back to the subject matter....:D
Dayvan chose to be polite and not name names and give info that could lead to the identity of the person he had an issue with. This was very adult of him and it makes me proud that he is dealing with this, without trying to cause trouble for anyone else. It speaks of his good character. :) And I am so happy to see that he is dealing with this issue and hopefully, he will be able to put things behind him and realize that some people are just bad, but there are just as many good ones, as there are bad ones out there.
Good luck, Dayvan. ((hugs))
Thanks for your replies everyone. I agree with absolutely everything you all mention.

Now about politeness. That is a different story lol. I may be keeping things secret over here, but not on the other forum. I really posted a lot of personal things there and she has not come back to her favorite forum ever since. Meh, she deserved it.
I'll stop now though and just move on.

Thanks for the replies and comments though. I agree with everything.
Well.. I m not gonna comment much on this matter coz you already know what my views are Dayvan. So I will just say, I agree with you completely and what unacceptance said cut cut, face face lol.
ok...lets just relax everyone!! I was just trying to relate to the situation by sharing my story. I am not as upset about it as people on here may think.
I will not leak any further info about the individual but just for the record, I thought that this forum was for people to express their feelings. Why should anybody hide their feelings and pretend to be happy or speak well of people who are not worthy of that or who have done them wrong in some way. If the person came on here and did not like what I said about them they can always let me know.
This is just how I see it ...sorry if it does not fit the rules of this forum!
antikfc said:
ok...lets just relax everyone!! I was just trying to relate to the situation by sharing my story. I am not as upset about it as people on here may think.
I will not leak any further info about the individual but just for the record, I thought that this forum was for people to express their feelings. Why should anybody hide their feelings and pretend to be happy or speak well of people who are not worthy of that or who have done them wrong in some way. If the person came on here and did not like what I said about them they can always let me know.
This is just how I see it ...sorry if it does not fit the rules of this forum!

Because sometimes a little kindness (call it social mercy in this instance) can go a long way. That's my opinion anyway.
antikfc said:
ok...lets just relax everyone!! I was just trying to relate to the situation by sharing my story. I am not as upset about it as people on here may think.
I will not leak any further info about the individual but just for the record, I thought that this forum was for people to express their feelings. Why should anybody hide their feelings and pretend to be happy or speak well of people who are not worthy of that or who have done them wrong in some way. If the person came on here and did not like what I said about them they can always let me know.
This is just how I see it ...sorry if it does not fit the rules of this forum!

It's not rules per se, more of a courtesy thing. :) And it IS about expressing feelings, but when those feelings are about another forum member, you just have to show some restraint, so it doesnt promote fighting and such. :) No harm done. :)

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