Age differences

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Well-known member
Sep 10, 2011
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So far I'd say there have been 3 real significant men in my life. The first was my age maybe a few months either way. The second was 3 years older than me and the last 2 years younger than me and you know what even though it was only two years it bothered me. In terms of life experience and outlook he seemed and acted older than me and I'd kind of forget but every time I remembered it bugged me. Its the one thing I wanted to change right from the off. I have no idea why too I mean it was only two years. Honestly.

When I think about future relationships I could see myself dating a guy who was maybe up to 20 years older than me or something. But younger, even by a few years...I'm not sure.

I know this is stupid and limiting but its a sticking point.
The age thing has hit me in the face a few times as well. There's a few girls I've been interested in around the 18-20 mark, which makes them younger than my younger sister and a decade younger than myself. I just wasn't able to go through with it, the very thought bugged me to no end, lol. Which is funny because I work with a lot of people who would go as young as legally possible given the opportunity.

Though I suppose it's better than 2 years, that's well within my safe range. :p I did have a girlfriend that was 2 years older than me once though, and while I was fine with it, it bothered her quite a bit, so your way of thinking probably isn't as uncommon as it seems.
Most of my girlfriends were eight years younger than me, oddly enough, exactly at that mark.

I don't really have enough dating or relationship experience to draw a comparison from but age hasn't ever been a major issue with me, maturity has.

Maybe next time you find yourself chatting up a guy try not to find out his exact age and see how you react when you do?

A Desolate Soul said:
i look at maturity level. of course within legal range :p

FunkyBuddha said:
A Desolate Soul said:
i look at maturity level. of course within legal range :p


it's kind of self explanatory. If she's 18+ and seems like she's emotionally stable, ambitious, fun to be around, and she gets along with my family and friends, then i find it perfectly acceptable.
I remember when I used to be really bad at this 18+ thing, though oddly enough, only by one year. But CONSISTENTLY.
well actually the legal age of consent where i live is 16, but idk if i could go that young. it'd probably be a very rare case if i did.
to the op, you must be kinda young if being two years older than your boyfriend bugged you, lol.

that will clear up with time.

i date a woman almost ten years older than me, but she's got the ass of a 21 y/o! :p
Age isn't really a concern for me. I've dated older guys (8 years older), men the same approximate age, and currently am dating someone who is, well, significantly more than 2 years younger than me.

Chronological age isn't the issue; maturity, emotional and otherwise, is.
Heh heh, I actually have a preference for men at least two years older than me. I think I could go at most 10 years (I would flirt with someone older than that, but probably wouldn't date 'im), but I totally understand the not wanting to date younger thing. I've dated four years younger than me, feeling completely fine with it until dude started showing what an immature boy he was. I've met older men who were just as immature, but they seem to be fewer and farther apart. Goofiness, silliness, and youthfullness I can handle, but when he starts becoming a baby, that's where I draw the line. I ain't changin' no diapers.
well, age is certainly important when it comes to relationships. i think that it's best to be with someone that's around your age. anything more and things can become difficult.

i had a nice girlfriend when i was 20. she was six years older than me and had two kids from her previous marriage. things were great for the most part, but she was really just looking for someone to settle down with, while i was just starting out in life. i was still in college and had so many other things to look forward to, and she wanted me to drop everything and just help her father her kids (little devils they were btw). she would pressure me into moving in together and getting married, and into paying her rent and utility bills, but i never caved in to any of that, and over time the pressure just started building until i finally had enough and broke up with her.

i really liked her, i loved her, but she wasn't for me. my other girlfriends have been about my age, if only one or two years apart, and i've had the most wonderful times of my life alongside them.
I went out with a chick half my age.
she was only 19 and Im 44.
I acts alot older than most 19 yr old becuase of what had gone through.
She had to grow up fast.

I keep a young mind and a young heart by chioce.. Im mature enough to make this chioce and wise enough to know better.

My last GF was more than 10yrs younger than me.

Most of the women I dated in the past couple of yrs were more than 10 yrs younger than me...

Renae is only a couple of yrs younger than me. She dosnt look like it and lord knows she dosnt act like it. Never the less she still has a lot more matirirty or wisdom than people in ther 20s.

To me..its a matter of connections.

Its all in my attitude.
40 is my new 20s...
its so true...Were struggling jsut the same as we were trying to riase ur children..but we both need to chill the fresia out too....bbut not to the piont of being grumpie old farts.

My eldest duaghter is 24. My youngest duaghter is 21...they all are totally freaken out. I guess I totally freaked out too when I was 20..

I was married... My wife was pregnant.
I had a career. We were looking into buying a house. Going to school..etc..etc.

Then I went through a divorced...
Lots and lots of experinces thatll make a person grow up fast and rip you a new ******* at the sametime.

Then I rased two step duaghters when I was only 24
.Being a fulltime parent.. Working, going to so call social life or partying days were over for 6 yrs.
Then I rasied another kid thats was mine for another 12 years.

But the past 3 yrs of my life had totally changed.. I started partying and chasing women like I used to when I was single in my 20s.
Most people dont really know well enough and thinks Im really immature.

Im facing challenges today thats really tough...changing diapers or taking my girls to a playgorund was a cake waLk
compair to what Im having to deal with today..

so when someone gives me a hardtime or judge me...Ill just say fresia YOU..
thats really immature of me.LMAO

I mean...I had children died on my.
Lovers left me or even died on me.
Ive slept in my car to loiving in a nice house in the country whit all the honeysuckle and games of keeping up with the Jones....

and theres some pople on here trying to give honeysuckle of how I ought live and what the fresia is the right thing to do...
Oh..really fucken Sherloch Holmes?

Btw...let me help you take off those god **** training wheels..LMAO
blackhole said:
to the op, you must be kinda young if being two years older than your boyfriend bugged you, lol.

Well I'm 29 and he was 27 so I wouldn't say kinda young no! Thing was it wasn't really like he was immature in many ways if anything he had all the grown up things I don't like a job and a car and stuff so I felt younger life wise and generally. He wouldn't believe me either when I told him I was older than him. Anyway maybe he was immature about sex though which is probably why I'm thinking the way I I have way too many crushes on older celebs too.

Its not that I wouldn't date someone my age its just that I see my upper age limit being a lot more flexible than the lower one. Heck maybe I'm just depressed because if I date someone younger they will be in there 20s and I'm nearly the big 3 0.

Thing is I look WAY younger than I am as well. I used to laugh with one of my exs (I was 26, him 29) that because I looked so young and he was already grey that from a distance it must look like there was a massive age gap!

Honestly I don't know why that two years bugged me SO much... :p

I think we get really sensitive to age when we're about to hit one of those milestones. I was rather depressed on my 30th birthday because although I'd been through so much in my life, I hadn't accomplished a whole lot. That really might have been a factor!
Yeah I think it has a lot to do with it in my case. My life's not where I want it to be and I hate thinking if I date people in their 20s they will be younger than me :(
I liked being 26, that age suited me. I guess I could start lying I mean I could prob still pass for 18 anyway :(

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