Another Saturday has come...I dread having to face the real go outside...

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...but I will force myself to do so.

I will try to be productive today and complete my errands this Saturday.

I had a hard time just getting out of my bed and following through with my daily morning rituals.

From Monday to Friday; I crave and crave for the weekend to come.
I tell myself that when the weekend comes, I will have accomplished A, B and C by the end of it.

But here I am, lying on my bed naked, because even now, I don't even have the motivation to put some clothes on.

I don't feel happy, but I don't feel sad.
What I lack is something to look forward to.
A goal to work towards I suppose.

But either way, today is just another day.
Sounds like my saturdays when I still had my appartment.

Except replace 'bed' with couch and 'nothing to do' with '4chan' :p

Go get 'em, Luna. Go do something today.
i know what you mean. if i didnt have to work today all i would do is just sit in my chair playing video games and watching movies or something. sigh... it would be great to have someone to do that with.
Wow sounds like exactly my own Saturday... was going to try to go to bed fairly early last night so I could get to the gym, etc. today but a couple of my housemates decided to drink all night, here of course, and didn't go to sleep until about 2, by which time my night owl self was wide awake. I slept in way too late, til about 12:30 p.m. Then today I was pretty much just staying in my room, wanting to avoid talking to any of the other girls, why? I don't know. I look pretty sloppy and I hate for people to see me looking sloppy. It sucks.

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