B.C.'s (further) descent into insanity...

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Lonely in BC

Day 1- I don't do idleness very well.

Me and my always needing a new challenge- I pulled a good one this time. Kind of took a spill off a ladder and the X-rays show that I've broken my heel bone on the right foot. I thought the Doc was messing with me but deep down inside I already suspected.

I know that in the grand scheme of life this is small stuff but for a guy who can't still for five minutes the 6-8 week timeframe indicated is currently looking like an eternity. I get the cast put on tomorrow - me, in a cast, never thought it would happen (thank god it wasn't a femur or something like that).

Challenges in the last eight hours:

-Driving the Civic, it's tough enough to lower myself into at the best of times (6' and 230 lbs), doing it with crutches and feeling gimped up- priceless! Oh ya, it's a stick shift so not a whole lot of room for the feet already- a cast, this is gonna be great :D good thing I still have the truck to drive.

-Obviously walking was out of the question- I'm so glad no one was around to witness my crawling in the snow after my spectacular landing, I'm sure they would have pissed themselves laughing. This is the first time I've regretted wearing shorts- brrrrr.

-K, hopping as a mode of transportation, not the best idea on snow and ice covered pavement. Being a cheap s.o.b. who was still in denial regarding serious injury I decide to park on the street instead of having to give up my kid to cover parking fees- I was quite grateful to park my backside in a chair for a break after that adventure.

- Hospital staff, they were great, no major issues although I was given a stern look for whipping around in a wheelchair- dam those things are small! Oh ya, a nurses heart rate kept skipping beats due to my repeated failure to lock the wheel brake when I made my incredibly graceful movements in and out of the chair for X-rays, etc.
-side note, there was a very cute nurse that kept catching my eye, I had the doc and another nurse laughing so hard she had to come by and see what was going. I really hope she's around when I go back for my cast tomorrow. Yummy :)
-another side note, she had an awesome smile :D
-oh hell, another side note, my face was covered in delitefully crusty blood from a slice to the top of my noggin and a nice little gouge to my right eye. I suspect my sex appeal was somewhat lacking but I do honestly think hot nurse didn't find the cleaned up version too hard on the eyes. It's likely wishful thinking (I did bang my head so delusion can't be ruled out).
-the only tough part was leaving, dam that nurse is cute.

-To make it more interesting by the time I leave I've got this annoying temporary cast and crutches. I'm not going to lie and say my scoot across the parking lot back to the car was done with swanlike precision and grace but compared to the previous journey hopping across that icy, windswept parking lot I'd say it was slightly more impressive.

-Life in an RV, this is going to present some challenges. The couple of stairs weren't too much of an issue but using the sticks- no way, no chance. Banging my foot a few times didn't improve my disposition either (yes, I cursed inanimate objects thoroughly and soundly).

-Discomfort , holy honeysuckle is my ankle swollen! Kind of hurts like hell also. Of course I'm doing my RICE but I'm kind of regretting passing up on the Tylenol. I'm pretty sure I've got a half bottle of Jack Daniels stashed in here somewhere. Must have a look for it.

Tomorrows going to be an interesting day, not looking forward to phoning my employer about this. Don't really want to let The Kid know either (she has a sensitive soul and hates seeing people hurt).
Sorry about the fall, but good luck with the hot nurse.

To fight the boredom and isolation over the next few weeks, you should get a telescope and spy on your neighbors from your rear window. You never know what you'll see.

Also, if you look down at your computer screen and see that you have typed "All work and no play makes BC a dull boy" dozens of times, it's probably time to get some help.
I'm more concerned about looking at the screen and seeing that I've typed pages of "Red rum, red rum, red rum, red rum, red rum, red rum......" Of even greater concern is trying to bust my way through the only door in the RV with an axe once I've gone over the brink- about the time I say "Daddy's home" I'm sure it'll sink in that I'm alone here....

Sleeping with a cast- ok, how about we call it laying in bed with a cast while thinking about sleeping- that kind of sounds more like it was great. I love waking up all groggy and stuff.

Just got the call from Radiology, gotta go for the C.T. scan and my chunk of plaster.

Day 2ish....

No cast, too much swelling, so it looks like another few days with the temp one. The cute nurse was nowhere to be seen, what a disappointment. Doc says breaking a heel bone can take up to twelve weeks but he figures my robust (yes, he used the word robust, I like it) health and being a non-smoker should help things to heal faster if I stay off my foot. Maybe the cute nurse will be there next trip- such amazing eyes.....

When I went to get a prescription filled I was standing in que and some ditzy broad run her shopping cart into my foot- I ******* near cried. How in the hell do you not see a 6', 230lb guy with crutches (also wearing a red jacket) in front of you? Apparently she didn't as her response was "Where did you come from....?". I guess I need to be more tolerant of those who multitask, I can see how shopping is so boring that a person needs to be yapping on the phone and balancing Starbucks on the plastic fold down flap where people have the option of stowing a child, a purse, or, as I observed, Starbucks. I'll do my best to avoid being a roadblock in the future.

Trades guys- wear your safety glasses, having mine on likely saved my eyesight- they got mangled and I've got a few cuts, gouges, n' bruises around the right eye (I seem to recall the foot of my ladder looming quite large before things went hazy). I've often cursed them (fogging up, slipping off when I sweat, etc.) but I'm extremely grateful I had them on. Boots were laced tight as well, the Doc figures that may have prevented further damage.

Already going stir crazy- looking out the window at the mountain I want to scramble up isn't helping a bit. I've read a book, talked on the phone for awhile, and I'm trying to get some distance ed courses from BCIT (they're safety courses ironically enough) going.

I have learned that when you have a hurt foot, everyone wants to knock or step or bump into it and make you cry.

It's like a magnet!
Yeah, I broke my ankle a few years ago and found it was a real wanker-magnet. I also discovered that food shopping on crutches is near-enough impossible - if it wasn't for home delivery and the vegetable samosas they sell in the shop at the top of my road, I'd have starved pretty quickly.
A couple of weeks later....

Holy Dinah this is driving me crazy. There've been several nights of itchiness and being plain pissed of with this annoying pink encumbrance wrapped around my right lower leg. I've threatened to cut it off but it mutely defies me.

Some things I've discovered- your neighbours will question your sanity whilst out hopping around in deep snow....the loss of agility means small children can whup your ass in a snowball fight....you can still ride a toboggan down a hill but the climb back up is a major pain....people at ski hills aren't amused by your request for ski lessons....the tile floors at Tim Hortons have a glazed surface, proceed with caution....driving stick shift in a Honda Civic does present its challenges....shower with caution (there's condoms for casts- lol)....there's a reason behind the doc saying "take it easy" as you quickly run out of steam....going up ladders is a real *****....I'm sure I can come up with several more BCisms but I'm tired and have a pretty good buzz going, needless to say that when I get to take the pink fiend off I'm gonna beat the hell out of it with the club issued to us cromagnon types.

Oh, by the way folks, drinking and crutching- not a great idea.
Oh Hell.

The drinking thing only lasted half a day then I got a headache so that was an epic failure to kill time.

Today I've discovered the Morfo app- I've spent about four hours mucking about with faces, some of them are pretty hilarious.

I need to get outside and do something fun- this idleness is killing me.

Milly said:
Yeah, I broke my ankle a few years ago and found it was a real wanker-magnet. I also discovered that food shopping on crutches is near-enough impossible - if it wasn't for home delivery and the vegetable samosas they sell in the shop at the top of my road, I'd have starved pretty quickly.

Thankfully the aisles are wide enough here that I can use my left crutch for mobility and put my right hand on the side of the cart to take my weight and make pretty good progress- funny how people hug the sides of the aisles when a wild-eyed maniac comes barreling/hopping towards them.....:D
SophiaGrace said:
You need to learn how to read books and surf reddit. ;)

Been doing a lot of reading Soph. Thanks for mentioning reddit, as soon as I went there I saw "How to build a Hobbit House"- gotta go, want to read that article as I want something like that for my next domicile. I can already imagine the local building inspector turning pale when I sketch up plans for him to approve...

Lonely in BC said:
Been doing a lot of reading Soph. Thanks for mentioning reddit, as soon as I went there I saw "How to build a Hobbit House"- gotta go, want to read that article as I want something like that for my next domicile. I can already imagine the local building inspector turning pale when I sketch up plans for him to approve...


When can i move in?! *gets all shiny-eyed*
SophiaGrace said:
Lonely in BC said:
Been doing a lot of reading Soph. Thanks for mentioning reddit, as soon as I went there I saw "How to build a Hobbit House"- gotta go, want to read that article as I want something like that for my next domicile. I can already imagine the local building inspector turning pale when I sketch up plans for him to approve...


When can i move in?! *gets all shiny-eyed*

Hmmmm, you, me, a fireplace, cold winter nights....

Liking the possibilities ;)

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