Beware ! Outcast ! Unclean !

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Well-known member
Nov 30, 2011
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I've suffered from Social Anxiety and Chronic Panic Attacks due to PTSD for over 12 years now and i've developed this unusual habit of wearing sunglasses whenever I go out (even to the shopping mall) to hide the look of terror in my eyes from people that I encounter (in an attempt to not scare them because i'm about as tall and built like Jason just not into mass murder and Hockey Masks) I've also noticed now that i've moved to a new town it doesn't take people very long to spot different people then start to form a quasi-gather-the-torches-and-pitch-forks mentality against someone who's just a bit different. I for one admire the diversity and differences that make up human beings but it never ceases to amaze me how small minded people enjoy making someone who's already suffering, suffer more.

I know i've got it FARRR better than some poor sods but I'd like to know if any of you have experienced this and your thoughts on the subject. Can be a pain in the ass to deal with on days your tolerance level for ******** is low.

Welcome to my community- lots of small minded people here. I try not to judge but I often wonder about inbreeding " in these here parts" of the country.
Lonely in BC said:
Welcome to my community- lots of small minded people here. I try not to judge but I often wonder about inbreeding " in these here parts" of the country.
Almost sounds like the island I reside on as well.

Quentin Crisp said:
In an expanding universe, time is on the side of the outcast. Those who once inhabited the suburbs of human contempt find that without changing their address they eventually live in the metropolis.

I’m not sure what PTSD is, I looked it up online but I don’t know which the right response is, could you explain it to me please?

I’m familiar with the small town mentality though. I grew up in some small backwater fishing village where up until I was eighteen neighbours, teachers and strangers would refer to me as the ‘mongrel’ because of my mixed heritage. I was treated like an outcast right from the start. Since I didn’t worship the local football (soccer) team I was considered ‘gay’ which was ironic since I wasn’t the one with posters of men in shorts on my bedroom wall and aspirations further than “get married after school, have kids and eat” were considered insane and were discouraged by peers.

For a long time I felt like I was wrong, broken and a failure but when I left that small backwater fishing village I realised it was they who were broken, not me.

Nelson Mandela said:
There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have altered.
zaphodity said:
I've suffered from Social Anxiety and Chronic Panic Attacks due to PTSD for over 12 years now and i've developed this unusual habit of wearing sunglasses whenever I go out (even to the shopping mall) to hide the look of terror in my eyes from people that I encounter (in an attempt to not scare them because i'm about as tall and built like Jason just not into mass murder and Hockey Masks) I've also noticed now that i've moved to a new town it doesn't take people very long to spot different people then start to form a quasi-gather-the-torches-and-pitch-forks mentality against someone who's just a bit different. I for one admire the diversity and differences that make up human beings but it never ceases to amaze me how small minded people enjoy making someone who's already suffering, suffer more.

I know i've got it FARRR better than some poor sods but I'd like to know if any of you have experienced this and your thoughts on the subject. Can be a pain in the ass to deal with on days your tolerance level for ******** is low.


Hi, welcome, and yep! we all have suffered at the hands of small minded twits at one time or another!
The way I handle it is just to ignore them and go on my merry way.
It gets their goat to simply ignore, and carry on.. they want to point you out, and push you down to make themselves look better, when in fact it is themselves who is facing some sorts of low self esteem.. otherwise they wouldn't have to pick on or point out anyone's shortcomings.


Lost Drifter said:
I’m not sure what PTSD is, I looked it up online but I don’t know which the right response is, could you explain it to me please?

PTSD is a response to a psychologically/emotionally traumatic situation.

I've known people that have gotten it from war, rape, disasters etc.

It's when the person has intrusive repetitive flashbacks of the trauma, is hypervigilant (as though t he trauma could happen again) etc. (i'm not sure what the other symptoms are)

I had PTSD several years ago.
I attend support groups to stop
Isolating myself.
Yes, the shade and hoodie as a
Shield. It was my natral defence
mechanism kicked into overdrive.
The Sedona method helped me
to heal from PTSD. I noticed significant improvements
Within a week after a couple of years of struggling
With PTSD.

I ve recovered from PTSD.

Ive also moved serval times to different
Cities, state and town in 2011.
Im able to interact with people.
While residing in RENO and ELKO NV
I was able to be functional.
ELKO is a small miining town. The mentality
Is that of the old wild, wild west.
IM ALSO a minority (asain) and the only
Asain in town.

I currently reside in TX. I lived in TX. before.
Biggotry still exists.
Its even worst where i currrently reside because
Some people arnt well travel.
Its like they live in a time capsule.
Not everyone is ignorant but its far and few
In between.
I have enough awearness and selfesteem
To tolerate it or be transparent to the hatred.
RECOVERING FROM PSTD have allowed me to
Its effecting my FIANCE. it wears on her.
SHE'S a very strong woman
Some people treats her wrost or look down
Upon her than me because She loves me.

Were both originally from CA. We wish to
return home where inter racial couples
Are more acceptable.
Both being wel traveled we experienced
the various mind set locals have in vari

Were basically the only asian/ cucasian couple
In town.( again ) We still get crazy looks or stairs.

My fiance has a great sense of humor.
SHe acts like a retarded little girl as if i am
Taking advantage of her.
People dont know what to take of
Her but the responses from people
Were halarious as fresia.
******* with people's head.hahahaaaaa
Where in TX do you live? Houston is great, many different people. I loved it!
Im the only asian dude with a hot
White chick that mentally retarded
And can't fend for herself.
Shell walk around saying.

" My mommy say u cant touch me
Pee pee..u said were going to get
Ice cream after you touch my pee pee.
My pee pee hurts"

Im in Port Lavaca...on the coast.
Not far from Houston.

I used to live in Albilene were i married
My EXWF. Her family were straight up
Biggots. They told me straight up to
My face the day informed the i was marrying
That's the way I handle it sometimes, with sick humour lol. Things is I had a sick sense of humour wayyyy before I had PTSD. Things could be worse.
Were originally from Ssn Deigo.
All kinds of people and culture.
Inner racial couples are dime
A dozen.
Lost Drifter said:
Quentin Crisp said:
In an expanding universe, time is on the side of the outcast. Those who once inhabited the suburbs of human contempt find that without changing their address they eventually live in the metropolis.

I’m not sure what PTSD is, I looked it up online but I don’t know which the right response is, could you explain it to me please?

I’m familiar with the small town mentality though. I grew up in some small backwater fishing village where up until I was eighteen neighbours, teachers and strangers would refer to me as the ‘mongrel’ because of my mixed heritage. I was treated like an outcast right from the start. Since I didn’t worship the local football (soccer) team I was considered ‘gay’ which was ironic since I wasn’t the one with posters of men in shorts on my bedroom wall and aspirations further than “get married after school, have kids and eat” were considered insane and were discouraged by peers.

For a long time I felt like I was wrong, broken and a failure but when I left that small backwater fishing village I realised it was they who were broken, not me.

Nelson Mandela said:
There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have altered.

Sorry its taken awhile to reply, been a tad busy. What's PTSD like ?..well it's many things, but mainly fear. Imagine your being held up in a bank robbery, the robber has already shot and killed someone and he's got his arm around you with a gun to your head screaming at the bank manager to open the safe. Now, you'd imagine that would be a very intense moment and a perfectly normal feeling considering the circumstances. Thing is I feel like that standing in line at a supermarket with a handfull of groceries lol, that's the messed part. Basically as soon as I step foot out of my front door it feels like i'm going on a patrol in central Fallujah, hyper alert, full on adrenalin etc. Basically it's irrational fear, terrified beyond belief at the most inappropriate and unnessasary times.

I hope you heal from PTSD.
Its good that you recognize that
You have it.
Healing and recovery is posible.

Laughter is healing and a form
Of release.
Nolife Princess said:
zaphodity said:
I've suffered from Social Anxiety and Chronic Panic Attacks due to PTSD for over 12 years now and i've developed this unusual habit of wearing sunglasses whenever I go out (even to the shopping mall) to hide the look of terror in my eyes from people that I encounter (in an attempt to not scare them because i'm about as tall and built like Jason just not into mass murder and Hockey Masks) I've also noticed now that i've moved to a new town it doesn't take people very long to spot different people then start to form a quasi-gather-the-torches-and-pitch-forks mentality against someone who's just a bit different. I for one admire the diversity and differences that make up human beings but it never ceases to amaze me how small minded people enjoy making someone who's already suffering, suffer more.

I know i've got it FARRR better than some poor sods but I'd like to know if any of you have experienced this and your thoughts on the subject. Can be a pain in the ass to deal with on days your tolerance level for ******** is low.


Hi, welcome, and yep! we all have suffered at the hands of small minded twits at one time or another!
The way I handle it is just to ignore them and go on my merry way.
It gets their goat to simply ignore, and carry on.. they want to point you out, and push you down to make themselves look better, when in fact it is themselves who is facing some sorts of low self esteem.. otherwise they wouldn't have to pick on or point out anyone's shortcomings.


Thanks for that LowLife Princess ..JUST KIDDINGGG !!!
Nah, was just having a honeysuckle day when I wrote that. What is it they say "Don't let the bastards grind you down".

I don't like for my eyes to come in contact with others either. It's not very good hygiene to have eye balls touching things, including other people.
I don't have PTSD, but I definitely have anxiety around people, and don't know how to control it.

It's awful, having to deal with that whenever I go out! I know other people have it worse...but I just wish I could be normal.
Lonesome Crow said:
Im the only asian dude with a hot
White chick that mentally retarded
And can't fend for herself.
Shell walk around saying.

" My mommy say u cant touch me
Pee pee..u said were going to get
Ice cream after you touch my pee pee.
My pee pee hurts"

Im in Port Lavaca...on the coast.
Not far from Houston.

I used to live in Albilene were i married
My EXWF. Her family were straight up
Biggots. They told me straight up to
My face the day informed the i was marrying

(bolding is mine, mug)

Not to be an arse but I had to point out-- as a parent of a mentally impaired child I find your "joke" offensive,
ignorant, small minded and intolerant.

The upside is my daughter would never "get" your insult and give you a warm, heartfelt smile anyway.

Small minds come in all states and all towns and all houses and all races. And if you think "It's no big deal, get over it!" How would you respond to someone who told you the same thing about race issues? Intolerance is easily overlooked when it's not about you.

Just sayin'

P.S. Lonesome Crow, I don't want to end my post just yet.
I will take my daughter's example and offer you a :) and just maybe give you something to think about, that is the main reason for my post, not to be a jerk.
I live in a small town in the country in the North of France, I've always been looked upon as an alien by a lot of the locals, despite there being quite a lot of other english people out here. I would just let them stare at me and give me weird looks for the first 2 years but since then, if anyone so much as gives me a strange look I'll confront them about it to their face, I don't see why I should take bullshit from people who should have definitely got used to me by now. People don't treat me differently now, they don't all like me but that's their choice, as long as they respect me as I deserve I won't cause them any problems.

I also wear sunglasses everywhere, it really helps take the pressure of when people are looking at you, and they look good in general.