Bitter atheist

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flaneur said:
SofiasMami said:
Oh, bummer. How sad to see "bitter" or "rude" with "atheist". I'm an atheist and quite happy and normal. I don't think god created man, I think that man created god. Christopher Hitchens has written some interesting, thought-provoking stuff on religion and he wrote that if it weren't for humans' fear of death and tendency to wishful thinking, religion wouldn't exist. So religion isn't going away anytime soon. Many also believe that if it weren't for religion, we humans would just run buck-wild and live immorally and commit all kinds of evil acts.
Nope. I live a very straight and narrow life, you could even call me a boring, middle-class suburbanite (but please don't :) ). Yet my belief that there's no god doesn't cause me to do bad things. I have a moral compass and it's not led around on a leash by the thought that I will be punished by an unseen being or by "karma" if I do wrong.
An interesting thread, though.



Hitchens is mostly quoting Freud, but I agree. There's also nothing like hearing about how atheists are immoral when less than 1% of the prison population is atheist.

Wait I thought religious discussion was banned on this forum? The other atheist thread got closed, why not this one?
It is different. Not trying to argue who is right. Though non-theists FTW. We have no reason to be bitter.
Skorian said:
flaneur said:
SofiasMami said:
Oh, bummer. How sad to see "bitter" or "rude" with "atheist". I'm an atheist and quite happy and normal. I don't think god created man, I think that man created god. Christopher Hitchens has written some interesting, thought-provoking stuff on religion and he wrote that if it weren't for humans' fear of death and tendency to wishful thinking, religion wouldn't exist. So religion isn't going away anytime soon. Many also believe that if it weren't for religion, we humans would just run buck-wild and live immorally and commit all kinds of evil acts.
Nope. I live a very straight and narrow life, you could even call me a boring, middle-class suburbanite (but please don't :) ). Yet my belief that there's no god doesn't cause me to do bad things. I have a moral compass and it's not led around on a leash by the thought that I will be punished by an unseen being or by "karma" if I do wrong.
An interesting thread, though.



Hitchens is mostly quoting Freud, but I agree. There's also nothing like hearing about how atheists are immoral when less than 1% of the prison population is atheist.


Sigmund Freud:
Skorian said:
flaneur said:
Skorian said:
flaneur said:

Hitchens is mostly quoting Freud, but I agree. There's also nothing like hearing about how atheists are immoral when less than 1% of the prison population is atheist.


Sigmund Freud:

Freud was atheist? I don't like the guy. Cocaine dealer and all. I perfer Hitchens, Dawkins, and Maher.

Freud was rather crazy. Out of the three you mentioned, Hitchens is probably my favorite. Shame about his voice, though. Dude could articulate like he invented the dictionary.

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