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Jan 4, 2010
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Hmm.. Lets make a survey.I'm sure your reading right now.. so make a choice...there's nothing gonna loose if you make an answer right?
i notice that i this forum some are just reading it and passed by then click..on other threads.. 80% are just reading and 10% are only replying 10% no care at all..

What makes you think that you are lonely?

A. Because (Common Answer) you dont have friends?

B. Because i feel all alone since im getting to know that no one cares

C. I'm afraid to talk to somebody ex. shy type, sensitive, others..

D. "I dont know" but something I cant explain..

Are you a friendly type of Person?

A. Yes

B. No

What are your past experience that makes you feel alone, Do you feel That they don't like you?

What do you do when your alone??

Are you interested in replying with other who wants to make and find some real friends? Then what are you doing? you don't even reply

How's your faith in God? I know we had different religion here so answer according to your own faith.

Thank You For Sharing your time with me........
For those who want to know about me just pm me...
Your not alone because I'm here..Godbless
Answer #1...can i have more options beside the A-D?
How about ...
E, all the above
F, none of the above
G, i don't really give a honeysuckle :p
H, becuase I chose to

#2 Yes...only if i get what i want, when i want it, how i want it..serve with a cherry on top.

#3, I lived with a pyscho *****..Lots of fucken chaos and's actaully common for people
that lived through a fucken living hell with an alcoholic. it's painful to watch someone kill themselve.
You start losing your friends , families and bascailly get isolate becuase the alki puts on a fucken front
but behind close doors it's a living hell. Then you lose yourself putting your basic needs.. ( like fucken sleep)
trying the save the one the you love and care for. You stick it out due to your moral values and up bringing.
Everyday and night you worry to fucken death if the alcoholic is go live or kill someone else..
All of the chaso and madness of it all consume you. You bascailly get shell shock or ptsd.
The lies...the manipiulations, the empty promises. You get mentally and emotionally drag through the fucken mud.
I feel much guilt. It's a fucken game alki use. Dr jeckle and Mrs Hyde is an my case.
After a while you can't even think straight any more...from the stress, suiecide threats, chaso, dramma, worries, and lack of sleep or rest.
No one understands you becuase the alcoholic puts on a fucken front and make you as the bad person.
Being a's even fucken worst becuase no one belives you..becuase she's such a nice, sweet fucken person.
More like...any swinging dick takes one look at her and all they wanna do is get into her pants...obviouse it's convient that I'm the ass-hole.
You feel lost and along, it's very, very painful...I wish it upon no one.
Toxic or abusive relationship on turbo charge...
Yeah..i was in an abusive relationship...the one getting abuse...Who the hell is going to belive me ??? I'm a guy.
The first time the cops came to the house...they fucken frisk me first and ask quenstions if i was the one cuasing the trouble...
It took them like 3-4 times to figure it out....

#4, GOD ??
God is fucken lunatic...
Why...becuase I work the 12 step program...(it's a god of my understanding).
I stopped drinking and using at a very young age for reasons...So I wouldn't wreck my fucken life anymore...not to have it wreck by another fucken drunk. ex-wf have been praying for me becuase i can't pray anymore. Kind of ironic really...becuase i made her life a living hell when i was married to her.
I had a really hard time with the god thing when i first got into recovery...It's even more difficult now, especailly of after Jenni's death...i can't wrap my head or
heart around that anymore....nothing fits like it used to anymore.
i used to pray and get down on my knees every night when I was married. i pray that some how god would help me or help us keep your marriage together.
I was really really asking for help. IDK....i don't really understand why things are the way they are. Maybe she's leading back to god ...IDK.
Some people say it ok that I don't belive in god becuase god belives in me..IDK Some people say that I'm under grace..Idk about that either.
What makes you think that you are lonely?

A. Because (Common Answer) you dont have friends?

B. Because i feel all alone since im getting to know that no one cares

C. I'm afraid to talk to somebody ex. shy type, sensitive, others..

D. "I dont know" but something I cant explain..

answer: none of those answers A-D, its because I spend alot of time with just myself and no one else. I have some friends, they are busy alot with thier own families so don't have alot of time left over I don't have my own family (husband and kids) so I have alot more free time. Not having anyone to talk to or interact with for days sometimes weeks makes me feel lonely, thats how I felt when I joined this site. Things have changed in my life and I'm finding myself less and less lonely, I have more friends now, having someone to care about makes me not feel lonely even if I am alone.

Are you a friendly type of Person?

A. Yes

B. No

Answer: Yes I think so most of the time

What are your past experience that makes you feel alone, Do you feel That they don't like you?

Answer: My past experiences that make me feel alone would have started around age 11 for me. My mom had worked at home my whole life until this point in time where she decided to join the workforce and still run the home business, way too busy to spend time with the kids. My sister was older and at the age where its not cool to have a kid sister tagging along everywhere and she had her own friends. My father got a better job and started traveling for his job being away for months at a time. Basically, I was home alone all the time. I lived a very sheltered life and attended private schools up until my last 2 years of high school. There was no parenting going on from age 11+ I raised myself, I became a total ***** and monster with no guidance from anyone, I slowly changed over the years learning about my actions and reactions with other people and I desired to be social because I hated being alone all the time, so I tried my best to learn as much as I could about people.

Also when I did find people who would put up with me I found users and abusers. I felt how it feels to be treated in those ways and desired to never make anyone feel that way. I feel like I made it through and came out half way decent even without parents, it took alot of learning experiences though, I've had quite a rough time. Alot of my life has been spent: wake up alone, go to work/school and feel alone not relating to anyone because they have a life, come home to an empty house, spend hours by myself until i sleep, sleep alone. I didn't talk alot in school, I just existed. I remember several days passing and never having uttered a single word or made any type of noise and feeling weird when I finally broke the silence almost like my vocal cords were asleep. That was a common occurence to not talk for days. Very lonely times... I would never want to be a child again, children have no options and no choices, I felt as if I was just sitting around waiting to be old enough to start real life and be able to work.

What do you do when your alone??

Answer: Watch tv, sleep, internet, clean stuff, exercise. I just try to entertain myself, it usually works I'm easily entertained.

How's your faith in God? I know we had different religion here so answer according to your own faith.

Answer: Yes I believe in God. I'm not going to go into detail here.

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