Corrupt the wish game.

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Alright, you draw your ticket from a lottery. It has a black dot on it. This means you are the One. Now, get into the town square. You will now be stoned to death by your neighbors. (**** right I stole that :cool: )

I wish I had a plastic figurine of one of my favorite anime characters to put on my shelf.
Granted but at midnight is freakingly getting alive

I wish I was Don Michael Corleone
Congratulations! You don't really exist. :)

I wish I was as happy and excited as the guy in my signature.
Granted, and you are surrounded by people 15 years younger than you.

Wish I could leap through time.
You jumped. and landed in the middle of the big bang. sorry, you vaporize instantly... but you are part of us all now. and you realize the meaning of life.


You leaped and fell off the 3rd floor and went into a coma. you wake up 30 years in the future... and 30 years older in a frail body.

I wish I was lucky
Yes you are the world renound luckyest person. You are barred from all casinos, all the clubs because you create chaos with people wanting to be your friend. FBI is after you, they want you as a secret weapon...

I wish i could shapeshift
So you decide to shape shift into a bird to fly and satisfy your inner most deepest desires of freedom.

But you were not able to shift back, living the rest of your life as the bird of your choice.

I wish I could honeysuckle gold.
Granted, gold is heavy and scraches your insides. Going for a honeysuckle becomes so painfull you develop constipation. Then to save your life doctors need to remove your bowels and whatever is causing you to honeysuckle gold. and you can figure out the rest...

I wish i could walk through fire and not get burned
awwww... that sucks...

granted. you slowly start to turn into stone

I wish the sky would rain diamonds for everyone.
Granted, but they will be valueless, since they are not rare stones anymore

I wish I knew German language very well
Your corruption didnt really corrupt my wish...
Its exactly the result I wanted... :p

Diamonds are not worth the blood and tears that they shed.
Blood Diamond anyone? its a dirty game but we just cant resist that sparkle.....


I grant your wish sir.
Magically, you start speaking German. Unfortunately, you cannot speak anything else. You lose all you contacts because they cannot understand you. You cannot find work for the same reason. You wander, aimlessly & drunk through a German neighbourhood of town and meet a dazzling young lady. To your drunken amazement, you are so well spoken, she invites you to her home - where you start to get comfortable and relax. Maybe, you can make a new life in this German part of town. But that thought was short lived because she was really a guy and he gets a hard on for killing hobos.... end... scene.

I wish I can have ice cream at work any time I wanted.
Granted, but every time you eat it, you get awful stomach pains

( ... this time I hope your wish is to eat ice cream, not just have it)

I wish I play chess very well
Granted, you become so good and obsessed with it that you strategise your every move, even in life. Your family realise you a a severe mental problem and put you in a mental hospital that has checkered floors, where you spend the rest of your life beeing good at chess, and knocking out Queens ( other patients).

I wish i'd be dancing with a friend right now
Granted right now, but is not "right then" anymore

I wish I spend one year in the USA

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