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Yeah I'll have to agree with perfanoff. You can do this Rosebolt. Stay safe and hang in there. I know that you'll make it.
I'm sorry you're going through this. It saddens me as well, due to the fact I live in a pretty hostile environment as well and I'm looking to get out myself. Hope you get out as well and wish you the best of luck! =) Keep us posted on how you're doing.
Alright, this day seems to be the turning point.

This morning i woke up to argueing, nothing new there. I went downstairs together with my sister, landing in a very tense situation.

Long story short, alot of things were said, and it ended up in my stepmom calling my sister names. After that my dad told her to get out of the house (her=stepmom) which she refused. My sister went to her room and was crying, i left to go to my sister to try to comfort her and we talked alot.

We ended up being afraid to go downstairs as there was no telling what my stepmom would do. Eventually we were both quite hungry so we just went for it. Dead silence. We ate semi-peacefully. After we prepared to clean the bathroom together, my stepmom came down in tears again. My dad followed not long after that, and my stepmom said "we'll i'll just leave then." My dad said he didn't want to go to her place for a couple of weeks (which they always do when my sis and me are at my mom's.) My stepmom then said they might as well end it here, to which my father disagreed, trying to work things out. My stepmom then proceeded to once again blame everything on either my dad or my sister, and turned to my sister to say: "(sister's name) is laughing her ass off inside right now" (she thinks it's my sisters' life mission to make the relationship fail.) We both ignored it and went upstairs.

She was about to leave and for all i care she drives into the grand canyons, but she's still here now. I'm very worried about my dad now, he feels in a position where he's bombarded by both his own children and his girlfriend, a horrendous position to be in. I want to show him i still care, but not while devil's incarnate is around him.

I talked alot with my sister so far, at the moment we're still hiding upstairs since we don't want to get caught in the artillery fire.

I just needed to vent this. Yes i know i am exceggarating and all.

I'm already thinking ahead of what to do now, i hope my stepmom dissapears so my dad, my sis, and me, can have a good life. We will show my dad we're not the cold terror children my stepmom thinks we are. (or rather, thinks my sister is) Perhaps we would even be able to have a genuine family laugh together, but i'm not going that far yet.
Oh dear. I don't know what to say really. But I'll give you a good cyber hug, Rosebolt. *HUGS*
I hope it works out well.
****, not sure what to say.

I guess keep doing what you are, look after your sister and be there for your dad as much as you can.

Good luck Rosebolt, take care of yourself.
Thanks for the responses, kind of needed that.

Anyway, positive news now, my sister and i went to my moms' together and it was great. My mom was all happy and she had cleaned the house (something that never happens, it's really messy, or was.) It felt like really nice for some reason, and my sis and i helped out with alot of stuff. Felt almost utopic.

So yeah, i'll do my best to maintain that for as long as possible and just generally have a good time. :)
Alright, about an hour ago i got a text from my dad saying that they wanted to talk with the four of us tommorow evening. I asked what the difference would be between then and this morning, to which he replied "that we want to listen to you." I'm still the definition of skepticism, but i will sure as hell give them this chance. I'm going to do my best to do my part.
^ Sounds good, let's hope it works out and they do listen.
Rosebolt said:
I'm very worried about my dad now, he feels in a position where he's bombarded by both his own children and his girlfriend, a horrendous position to be in.

Not to derail but there's no position there, I'd beat my son's mother to death with a wet sock if it meant my son's safety. There's no way he should be choosing her over you (except maybe if you were murdering or something)
Glad to hear some positive news, Rosebolt. I'll continue to hope for positive outcomes for this situation. Hope the talk goes well. *hugs*
Your step-mother sounds textbook sociopath, if not outright psychopath. Anything that sounds like a concession at your meeting is probably a front to lull you into a false sense of security. Your dad is taking the role of the pawn, with your sister a most convenient scapegoat.

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