Dating a man who slep with 100 women?

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Well-known member
Dec 16, 2011
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Would you date a man who had slept with 100 women?

Would you want to know that he had slept with 100 women, is that important?

What's important?

My answer is, he's/she late bloomer, I think, unlike in the baby boom years, things are now better. You don't have to
get married to be happy, more job opporutunities, women don't have to marry to be supported, salaries are getting
a little better, though in the u.s. they pay 30% more to men than women (discrimination, on the uk ciitizen immigrant
questionaire they even have you answer "how much more does the male make in the UK - 5%, 10% or 20%...the
discrimination is right there on the form - is this a form of racism?

Yes, I would date that guy...I think our parents pressured us too young to get married and said you "have" to
get married to be happy.

I know a guy who recently went on a dating spree to find "the" women. He decided to just have coffee dates.
He went on 100 1 hour dates and said he knew within the first 15 minutes if it was the person he was looking
for or not. And the end of the story is, he found her and married here. He knew what he was looking for.
I wouldn't date ANY man.

But that's because I'm straight.

There are some porn actresses that I'd date, who have surely been with over 100 men. And there are other women that I'd never date, if they'd only been with 1 man.
Oh I'd date the person in question if I find them to be mentally stimulating. But I would never sleep or share any intimacy with them. As it stands, I have an aversion to people in general and touching is out of the question. A mere handshake is how I choose to greet people nowadays (even amongst close friends and family members).
You girls can come date me =P

Not been with 100 people, but have the ability to make you feel that.
The gender is irrelevant here (though you could argue that men are more likely to exaggerate about the number of sexual partners they’ve had) but I would ask why this person has felt the need to have relationships with 100 people.

Commitment issues?
Sex addiction?
Self-esteem issues?

Those are the questions I would start thinking about.
... I agree with Lost Drifter here... If a man or woman has slept with that many folks, that in itself is an indication that they are never satisfied, they keep looking and looking, but never satisfied. and 100? YUKKEERS!
That would be pretty cool, but to be honest I'd be worried about STD's. Also if she is my age, early twenties, I'd probably be asking Lost Drifters questions. But if she (and I) were older, like 35, it would be fine for me (assuming no STD's). Plus sounds like a horny woman, thats pretty ******* cool.
"I know a guy who recently went on a dating spree to find "the" women. He decided to just have coffee dates.
He went on 100 1 hour dates and said he knew within the first 15 minutes if it was the person he was looking
for or not. And the end of the story is, he found her and married here. He knew what he was looking for."

Ermmmmmmmmm.........any chance you could ask that guy to get me 100 coffee dates please?

Hell, just ONE would be nice

I don't know if I should write here since I am gay, but just wanted you guys to know that in the gay "community" it's very common. I can say for sure that I slept with more than 100 men since I started to experience men when I was at the age of around 18. I don't feel addicted to sex, I don't feel cheap or unnormal. I think that almost any men would do so if he had the chance. lately, I've been chilling a bit and try to maintain some kind of "relationship" with a fresia body or two, but still I love sex, for me it's some kind of comfort of having fun and breaking my routine. Moreover, I always want to have a serious relationship, I know it sounds hypocritical but it's true. I really do, I just want to find the right guy for me.

I don't think you should take that as a factor. the only thing matters is how this guy is. his bed resume does not have to do anything with it. good luck!
Would you [*knowingly*] date a [wo]man who had slept with 100 [men]?

~ No, unless there was an extraordinary circumstance.

Would you want to know that he had slept with 100 women, is that important?

~ I would not want to know in the first place because the past is the past and people need to leave there; however, it is normal for people to talk to much and you can normally a paint picture of everything just by listening.

~ At any rate, people normally like to throw things in the significant others face and I never understood why the male - most of the time in my experience - would do this and call the female a common nasty name - when this happens, the male more than likely just signed their death warrant in the relationship.

~ Leave the **** past in the **** past when it comes to interpersonal relationships for matters such as these unless one of the partners still has an STD!!!

What's important?

An emotionally, mental, psychological, intellectual, and spiritual connection.
Kinda gross in my view.

I guess it varies with age in a way. I think at my age (20), I'd be put off a girl sleeping with more than...three guys? I guess. Three seems like a fair few to me. A bit arbitrary, perhaps, but since I don't have experience of it all myself, I'd definitely prefer the number to be lower like that.

The circumstances matter. A woman who had slept with 100 would be extremely unlikely to hold my interest though.

There are girls I know at present who have slept with a lot of guys. I know a girl who prides herself on kissing over 70 guys. They usually think the experience they have makes them attractive from what I can gather.

What they don't seem to realise when they try to get friendly with me is that I don't care one bit about whatever amazing things they can apparently do in bed. I'd be far more attracted to a girl is less experienced but wants to explore her sexuality with me in a fashion that is committed and deeply personal.

I mean, if I were to sleep with a girl for even a couple of months, I'd imagine that in that time we'd become pretty intimately acquainted with how to make each other feel really pleasant - and all within the confines of one single, highly passionate relationship.

Sleeping with 100 people (or even 3-5+ at my age) speaks volumes in my mind about what the person is like. They clearly see sex (and the opposite gender) as disposable pleasure rather than particularly important or of human value.
TheSolitaryMan said:
Kinda gross in my view.

I guess it varies with age in a way. I think at my age (20), I'd be put off a girl sleeping with more than...three guys? I guess. Three seems like a fair few to me. A bit arbitrary, perhaps, but since I don't have experience of it all myself, I'd definitely prefer the number to be lower like that.

The circumstances matter. A woman who had slept with 100 would be extremely unlikely to hold my interest though.

There are girls I know at present who have slept with a lot of guys. I know a girl who prides herself on kissing over 70 guys. They usually think the experience they have makes them attractive from what I can gather.

What they don't seem to realise when they try to get friendly with me is that I don't care one bit about whatever amazing things they can apparently do in bed. I'd be far more attracted to a girl is less experienced but wants to explore her sexuality with me in a fashion that is committed and deeply personal.

I mean, if I were to sleep with a girl for even a couple of months, I'd imagine that in that time we'd become pretty intimately acquainted with how to make each other feel really pleasant - and all within the confines of one single, highly passionate relationship.

Sleeping with 100 people (or even 3-5+ at my age) speaks volumes in my mind about what the person is like. They clearly see sex (and the opposite gender) as disposable pleasure rather than particularly important or of human value.

I think your response sounds absolutely awesome.
Would I date a woman who has slept with that many men?

No. As a virgin myself, I would be looking for someone who was sexually on the same page as me. 100 partners is a bit scary to me, because it shows they can't commit.
I wouldn't date someone that has had a lot of sex partners. If someone has been with even close to 100 people, even half of that, (assuming they are not in the sex industry) then there are some major issues going on beneath the surface.

Why would a women want to date a men who slept with a 100 women? Beside the rise of STD, this man either does not know what he wants, or is just trying to hook up with any women he can.
decemberryan said:
Why would a women want to date a men who slept with a 100 women? Beside the rise of STD, this man either does not know what he wants, or is just trying to hook up with any women he can.
Sometimes it's more complicated than that. Some very handsome men have it easy with seducing women, but are not very realistic with their expectations about their gf. They expect the first moments' magic to stay forever. When they fall in love, it's like a high, they think they'll marry this girl. And as soon as reality catches up and the girl starts having little dissatisfactions, little defaults, little things here and there that are less than "ideal", the "high" ends, and your man cannot cope with the next part. Too ordinary, not magic enough. Not his "fairytale" definition of love. So the relationship gets discarded as "Not working".

How long does it take for a relationship to reveal reality? Weeks? A few months, at most? It's easy to pile up the exes in these conditions. 100? It's probably possible.
Arsenic Queen said:
Sometimes it's more complicated than that. Some very handsome men have it easy with seducing women, but are not very realistic with their expectations about their gf. They expect the first moments' magic to stay forever. When they fall in love, it's like a high, they think they'll marry this girl. And as soon as reality catches up and the girl starts having little dissatisfactions, little defaults, little things here and there that are less than "ideal", the "high" ends, and your man cannot cope with the next part. Too ordinary, not magic enough. Not his "fairytale" definition of love. So the relationship gets discarded as "Not working".

How long does it take for a relationship to reveal reality? Weeks? A few months, at most? It's easy to pile up the exes in these conditions. 100? It's probably possible.

Handsome or not, I'd argue any guy with a brain in his head doesn't need to rack up 100 sexual conquests before he knows vaguely what he wants in a relationship! :p

I mean, it's a conscious decision to kiss someone, get to know them closely (presumably) and then follow them into a bedroom. Not something that just happens at lightspeed. I know this from the fact that I've stopped it happening several times via my own "brake application" procedure :)

I still feel like I've thought about what I want in a girl and so I wouldn't just compromise on that over and over again until I found the right lady for me.

I suppose some guys are different in their approach to finding a good partner, but most I talk to only have sex with frequency if they're looking for a pretty simple and non-committed interaction. Not if they're trying to figure something out - that's when they become more verbal and caring towards a girl.