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9006 said:
...if the OP was so "down" - as you put it - then she went out her way to make someone else feel the same, where's the justification? She got as good as she give.

I don't see how she did that, unless you're referring to her frustrated/angry responses.
I would just add that if you want to vent and not get replies, use the diary.
SophiaGrace said:
No it takes more effort to resist responding harshly than to ignore something that grinds your gears.

I disagree, but if even if that was the case, then she clearly doesn't feel nothing and isn't as dead as she thought. Either way it's still no justification.
9006 said:
I disagree, but if even if that was the case, then she clearly doesn't feel nothing and isn't as dead as she thought. Either way it's still no justification.

I honestly see where everyone is coming from here.. with the different views and I gotta say, they're all valid, yes. But whatever the situation, I still don't think it's very nice of someone to put others down or be harsh to them when they're only reaching out in positivity and care. That's all.

So like it was said.. if the OP can resist responding harshly, then that's even better, right. Besides, the responses to the OP weren't exactly negative.. they were all trying to support her.

Anyway, peace.
9006 said:
SophiaGrace said:
No it takes more effort to resist responding harshly than to ignore something that grinds your gears.

I disagree, but if even if that was the case, then she clearly doesn't feel nothing and isn't as dead as she thought. Either way it's still no justification.

Let me read how this sounds.

Well, clearly she's a liar.


First of all, people usually do not recognize or care about the pain that depressed people are in. They don't. They want to make it go away by any means possible. Advice. Ignoring it. Denying that it is really that serious (oh she's not dead after all!). Invalidating the emotions of that person. Excluding them from activities because "they're such a downer". They don't want to go and sit beside and person and give empathetic responses "I'm sorry you are hurting, you must feel like ______" They do EVERYTHING BUT THIS.

Then people get upset when the poster responds as if people aren't listening to her pain. Then she's the bad one.

Okay then.

I can see that Edward W cares. Your post was meant in care and was misunderstood.

So often people who are depressed feel isolated from others, and with this comes a defensiveness because they have no more walls to filter out responses that seem unempathetic and uncaring to them. So, it's like people are stabbing them, whereas other people would have thicker skin.
SophiaGrace said:
Let me read how this sounds.

Well, clearly she's a liar.


Let me read how this sounds

Marigold seems to come here more to vent than get "help."
Well, for her, the venting probably helps I mean.
Often, she reacts in a VERY negative way. This thread seems to have turned into one of opposing opinions more than anything else.
I hope Marigold is doing better, but Edward is correct. Venting is better suited to the Diary section, since replies are disabled.
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