Death fear

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LGH-- Kudos to you for caring enough to reach out this far. The world could use more folks like you...:cool:
@LGH Iam so sorry about your cat, its so heartbreaking. I do appreciate your info, I never knew my fear had a name or was common. I never heard about it before. So what do you believe is afterlife? You are lucky you have a good attitude about it with no fear
evanescencefan91 said:
her relationship with god and religion is her own

i won't deny that it can be a good and loving community with a good message for most people and I won't deny that can have positive psychological effects on people, but i don't think it's the answer for everyone, there are other ways to help people emotionally
i thought that sofia was just discussing her personal experience with it

I agree. I wasn't suggesting that religion was the answer for everyone; however, the OP is already religious. Given her state and the scientific data, she probably will benefit more if we're supportive of her in her religious practice.

Religion is like family. For some, it's a font of support. For others, it's a harbinger of destruction.
Nina said:
LGH-- Kudos to you for caring enough to reach out this far. The world could use more folks like you...:cool:

Thanks for your sweet sentiment!

Lonely_girl said:
@LGH I am so sorry about your cat, its so heartbreaking. I do appreciate your info, I never knew my fear had a name or was common. I never heard about it before. So what do you believe is afterlife? You are lucky you have a good attitude about it with no fear

Thanks for your concern. My kitty is OK for now and is recuperating at home. She and I are exhausted. I didn't know about the fear until I researched it for you. I learned a lot, too. There was even one part of it that I experienced (worrying about how my loved ones will fare in life without me being around to take care of daily responsibilities). Sometimes I have a fear that a drunk driver will cause my death unnecessarily. I went to a doctor to discuss my concerns. Although they are not full-blown phobias (such as your two-year ideations), they were generalized anxieties now being helped by a mild medicine. Noticeable improvement!
I believe there will be a wonderful, amazing, beautiful "afterlife". It will be like a heaven or nirvana or a fantastic cosmic existence. I believe this because I choose to believe it, because I want to believe it, and not because of a particular religion. It's my spiritual belief. You can choose to believe in your own personal destiny. If that's "Heaven" then that's OK. It should be something special to you. It's not being lucky; it's having faith.

Mary Mary said:
(Snipped) I wasn't suggesting that religion was the answer for everyone; however, the OP is already religious. Given her state and the scientific data, she probably will benefit more if we're supportive of her in her religious practice. Religion is like family. For some, it's a font of support. For others, it's a harbinger of destruction.

I agree. And, even if religion was the phobia's stressor, it would be very harmful to "pull the rug" out from under a fragile person. That would leave them without anything familiar to hold on to while their therapeutic process was underway. (Nice avatar!)
LGH1288 said:
Mary Mary said:
(Snipped) I wasn't suggesting that religion was the answer for everyone; however, the OP is already religious. Given her state and the scientific data, she probably will benefit more if we're supportive of her in her religious practice. Religion is like family. For some, it's a font of support. For others, it's a harbinger of destruction.

I agree. And, even if religion was the phobia's stressor, it would be very harmful to "pull the rug" out from under a fragile person. That would leave them without anything familiar to hold on to while their therapeutic process was underway. (Nice avatar!)

I agree with that, too. Religion is like family. Even if it's the problem, I think it better to help the person develop more positive perceptions about their own beliefs than encouraging them to just abandon them although in the case of extreme cults, it may be better to extract the person from that situation.


I read your post and thought I'd share my near death experience. I died of a heart attack in April 2008. It came on sudden and I didn't have time to contemplate death. I was shocked back to life about 7 times before the ambulance arrived, after that I don't know. I have no memory of CPR or being shocked. I did not have a near death experience per se, but I can say it was very peaceful. My next memory was being on a hard table with medical people all around me. A woman beside me was speaking to me and I think I was speaking back. This memory is strange because it is only a visual memory, there is no audio at all. I felt relaxed and without fear. My next memory is in ICU. My dad and brother are standing beside me. My dad is saying something about Jesus. I sensed their fears and concerns. I told my dad, I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid. And I wasn't. I felt very peaceful and absolutely no fear.

Like you, I used to fear death, but now I don't. I have lived a life. I have a great many experiences. I don't like to hear people say that someone has lost their life, because I don't believe that is something you can lose. Your life is your life, no matter how short. If it were longer, it would be a different life, now wouldn't it.

My life has been extended. To what means? I don't know. Might be a good thing, might be a bad thing. If my life is all I get, then I'm ok with that. I feel that it has been quite a lot. If there is nothing after this, I wouldn't know it anyway. I don't know what came before my life and that doesn't bother me. I don't feel bad for dead people, because I believe they are not suffering.

I talk to God like he knows my every thought. I'm up front and honest and I don't try to fool him. I just trust him. Please live your life and put what comes in God's hands. And trust him.
Lonely_girl said:
Besides my issues, when I do have the odd good day or if I feel to be happy, I cant be happy because I have this fear of death and it will always make me feel upset and drag me down:( I believe in God, always pray, Iam Catholic but maybe not that confident in it. I dont know... Im scared to be happy because if Iam then you hear about bad stuff happening in the news to people, too many people dieing and it gets me upset again. And then Im scared whats after this life, is it just nothing or do we really go on pass over somewhere? Im terrorfied the thought of just dieing and thats it, nothing.... Its so scarey, Im confused. And I be wondering where are the people now who have died, I hope they are liveing on some place, but where and how? I have had this problem for 2 years now, it wont go away

I know what you're talking about/going through. Been having the same problem for a couple of years now, ever since I started to spend more time thinking rationally about death and its consequences.

Can't really help you with a possible solution though, as I've still not managed to solve my own problem; I've just managed to make it feel a little better for a while...

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