Do you ever feel like you're lying...

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Well-known member
Oct 31, 2007
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to your self and other people when you act differently around different people?

I find myself doing that a lot and it bothers me. The person I am when I'm by myself doesn't match up with the person I am around other people. I mimic other people, go along with their ideas and agree or nod my head and shrug or something... A couple days ago I was outside a room waiting for it to be unlocked standing around with the people I play d&d with, when someone else I knew who thinks I am fairly normal, not because I outright lied to him at any point but because I had been mimicking him and so I seemed normal. So he walks up to me and asks what I'm doing tonight and I had to take a minute and think about this for a minute, the true answer was I'm playing d&d, what I would have said normally around him would have been, "o not much", but the people I play d&d with were right there so I couldn't say something like that because then it would have seemed like I was embarrassed of playing d&d, which I am.

And just yesterday someone said if they could describe me in one word it'd be "pushover" and you know what I did even then? Agreed with them! And it goes even deeper for me, because I have many odd quirks that I suppress around other people so I feel that not only am I leading them on to have a good opinion about me but also that I'm trying to portray a sense or normalcy that I know is a lie...

Does anyone know what I'm talking about and feel the same way?
I can be a different person when im around different people, Tho once I get to know them well I just end up being myself again, to a degree.

Its all about how you click with people. Some people are on a different wave length then you so you cannot be your true self around them and feel comfortable, where as others you can.

Everyone changes alittle to who there with, because you think of different people differently and people have different interests and opinions. Im not real good at hiding my true self tho, I can at the beggining, tho I end up getting comfortable and just be the gardenia I am lol.
This is one big talent youve got nevermore. Most people cant do that, I mean being flexible and thinking like the people around you. This is why you get along with everybodybody. I think I have the same mimicking character in me which makes me fit into any place. Nothing to be worried of.
NeverMore what are you rambling on about :p lol Joke mate. I know exactly what you mean.

You well be different with different ppl. You well act a certain way with your mum. Anther way with ye dad and another way when there together. I act different with different ppl. If am talking to a nob head I would give nothing away about myself and act distant if you well. If am talking to a moor placed kinder guy I would act a lot moor friendly and talkative. And if I was talking to a girl I liked I would probably end up making a twat of my self haha

You well take a peace from every person you meat. Everything that you are you learnt from mimicking someone else. Even when we learn to talk as a baby we only copy from what we can hear. so its no surprise that if you have two friends that's been friends for most of there life they well probably have some of the same characters about themself.'re a chameleon eh ? :p

It's normal Neva....don't trip.

We are products of our environments to a degree.
Just like things that might come out the mouths of
They're like little know.
Humans has great capibiltes to adapt.

Everybody wants to fit in and get accepted. Then again if certain activities are un healthy
and a degree of peer pressrue is involved..It's hard sometime to remain above the infuence.
That is why we must remain vigilent prevent negativities from entering our lives.
You grandmama would say..."if everyone is jumping off of the don't have to."

Someone told me once...sometimes you have to like TeflonMan. :p
Nothing sticks to teflon of course.....

Be accepting that we are influence by outside forces. Oneway or the other.
It becomes transparent. We can use this to our advantage....
We try to surround ourselves with positive people and beautiful surroundings.

As you mentally and emotionally grow or get more mature. You'll gain more self esteem.
Perhapse there's a person in your life that can sort of explain what
"to thy own self be true" means....
It's about freedom..At first free from controled substance.
Then freewill....then being a free thinker.
Maybe you can ask about what this saying means...."hang out with the winners".
I think that is great instinct of blending and possible to learn skill.
We want to be the one but we do know that being a member of group is strong connection to survive.
Once I find out I am not fit in there then I will remove make up and take off shoes and go home.
If I fit there well will stay late night.
Porman said:
I can be a different person when im around different people, Tho once I get to know them well I just end up being myself again, to a degree.

Its all about how you click with people. Some people are on a different wave length then you so you cannot be your true self around them and feel comfortable, where as others you can.

Everyone changes alittle to who there with, because you think of different people differently and people have different interests and opinions. Im not real good at hiding my true self tho, I can at the beggining, tho I end up getting comfortable and just be the gardenia I am lol.

Yea it's the same with me to a lesser extent, I start to become myself little by little as I start to feel more comfortable around people, this takes about 2 years unfortunately, for instance my old roommate, I knew him in high school and I started acting like myself around him during the second year we lived together, he didn't like that I don't think, we don't live with each other anymore..

Sanal said:
This is one big talent youve got nevermore. Most people cant do that, I mean being flexible and thinking like the people around you. This is why you get along with everybodybody. I think I have the same mimicking character in me which makes me fit into any place. Nothing to be worried of.

O okay, well I guess it is helpful in some ways, though I hope it isn't the same skill that politicians have...

Bluey said:
NeverMore what are you rambling on about :p lol Joke mate. I know exactly what you mean.

You well be different with different ppl. You well act a certain way with your mum. Anther way with ye dad and another way when there together. I act different with different ppl. If am talking to a nob head I would give nothing away about myself and act distant if you well. If am talking to a moor placed kinder guy I would act a lot moor friendly and talkative. And if I was talking to a girl I liked I would probably end up making a twat of my self haha

You well take a peace from every person you meat. Everything that you are you learnt from mimicking someone else. Even when we learn to talk as a baby we only copy from what we can hear. so its no surprise that if you have two friends that's been friends for most of there life they well probably have some of the same characters about themself.

Glad to know everyone mimics people kinda thought that was just something I do out of desperation

lol nah bluey I'm sure your quite the ladies man

Bluey: Aren't you tired?
Girl: No, why?
Bluey: Cause you've been running through my head all day
Lonesome Crow said:'re a chameleon eh ? :p

It's normal Neva....don't trip.

We are products of our environments to a degree.
Just like things that might come out the mouths of
They're like little know.
Humans has great capibiltes to adapt.

Everybody wants to fit in and get accepted. Then again if certain activities are un healthy
and a degree of peer pressrue is involved..It's hard sometime to remain above the infuence.
That is why we must remain vigilent prevent negativities from entering our lives.
You grandmama would say..."if everyone is jumping off of the don't have to."

Someone told me once...sometimes you have to like TeflonMan. :p
Nothing sticks to teflon of course.....

Be accepting that we are influence by outside forces. Oneway or the other.
It becomes transparent. We can use this to our advantage....
We try to surround ourselves with positive people and beautiful surroundings.

As you mentally and emotionally grow or get more mature. You'll gain more self esteem.
Perhapse there's a person in your life that can sort of explain what
"to thy own self be true" means....
It's about freedom..At first free from controled substance.
Then freewill....then being a free thinker.
Maybe you can ask about what this saying means...."hang out with the winners".

Yes, I am a chameleon *changes color*

and I'll try to hang out with winners...I think that was the moral of that all anyways? lol
I'm too a chameleon of sorts, that's how I imagine it. With people I see for the first time or who don't really know me, I always do my best to act as if I am ever so normal and easy-going, but this facade is very hard to keep up, it drops eventually, usually sooner rather than later :( This is because it's really difficult for me to find any points of connection to keep the conversation going with someone whom I don't spend a considerable amount of time with. Also, I quickly pick up a certain manner/feel of speech characteristic of that particular group and start consciously using it.

Somehow the less I like a certain person, the easier I find it to be myself. That's because I don't care then whether they think me normal or a weirdo or whatever. If only it were that easy with people I do like/admire a lot, in this case I'm constantly on the lookout not to say anything stupid or controversial or anything that would make them think less of me (yes, I am that insecure), or not to step out of line, you get the idea. It sucks but I can't seem to change it. Well, this trend diminishes with time, the longer I know the person but very slowly, and never goes completely away.

Actually, the only person ever with whom I am completely myself and don't bother pretending otherwise is my mum. Yeah :p
You should've just said you're going to be playing video games =P

I lie all the time, I act as another person all the time, I can't help it, but I don't really feel bad about it, I was kind of taught to be that way, modest, quiet, easy-going, there's no reason to act the opposite, I act like that whether I like it or not, sometimes it's kind of painful because I would automatically say yes to everything people ask, I feel worse if I say no to these people, ever since I drew the line of what "myself" really is, it becomes harder and harder to be my own self, because I don't even like who I really am when I'm alone, it's like having two persona, however I can't live without the other me, because it's generally the more "positive" side people could see and hang out around with.

I stopped caring about how I act and continue to live this way, I even act infront of my family, it doesn't matter anyway, they live in their own little world and only hear what they want to hear, see me the way they want to see me as, it'd be more awkward to say anything different than I usually do, because it would be like moon language to them "why did you say that? that's not like you", it's far too late now to start letting my family know who I really am.
Lawrens said:
You should've just said you're going to be playing video games =P

I lie all the time, I act as another person all the time, I can't help it, but I don't really feel bad about it, I was kind of taught to be that way, modest, quiet, easy-going, there's no reason to act the opposite, I act like that whether I like it or not, sometimes it's kind of painful because I would automatically say yes to everything people ask, I feel worse if I say no to these people, ever since I drew the line of what "myself" really is, it becomes harder and harder to be my own self, because I don't even like who I really am when I'm alone, it's like having two persona, however I can't live without the other me, because it's generally the more "positive" side people could see and hang out around with.

I stopped caring about how I act and continue to live this way, I even act infront of my family, it doesn't matter anyway, they live in their own little world and only hear what they want to hear, see me the way they want to see me as, it'd be more awkward to say anything different than I usually do, because it would be like moon language to them "why did you say that? that's not like you", it's far too late now to start letting my family know who I really am.

Well it was actually funny how it turned out, I paused for what seemed like a minute as I tried to think of something to say but ended up telling the truth I said "I am playing some d&d tonight" but I must have not spoken clearly cause he said "o cool I love that game, I suck at it though even on easy difficulty I can't dance fast enough", whoch confused the hell outta me for a second than I figured out that he thought I said ddr (dance dance revolution) which apparently is cool...? Then he walked away, so I never lied but now he probably thinks I belong to some elite dance dance revolution

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