Does anyone still believe in true love?

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well, maybe it exists, maybe it doesn't. My problem is that I can't find anyone that stimulates my interests. My problem is that I'm simply too intelligent, and I think that scares girls. and it makes me bored with most girls. it's a bit contradictory like that. I really want a girlfriend, but nobody stimulates my interests.

I just want a girlfriend for the sake of having one. because no one interests me really.

The best you can hope for is peaceful cohabitation, shared interests, and some more-or-less meaningful communication.

Things like sex, chemistry, and fun are entirely optional and hard to attain.
I think it could be true but only know for sure, if I ever get the chance to proove it

I know how you feel x]

I am similar to this. I could sit here and bad mouth the special Girls that have been in my life. But at the same time I could just as easily and happily remissness about the good times. I have actually stopped talking to them though, although they're no more then an Inbox, PM or Text away if I really wanted to get in touch (Although if I did, I'd probably only hear about how lucky they've been since we broke up, whilst my life has fallen apart slowly and painfully lol)

I do think that true love exists. But I think that many many people falsely feel this type of love. They think they feel that way but they don't. To me, true love means you simply cannot argue with that special person. You would do anything for them. You know that they feel the same ect. Everyone I know with partners could probably easily slag off their other half lol. Yes they do probably love eachother but it's not true love to me, if that makes sense.

As for you, I hope your relationship works out x]
quietmess said:
I'm aware that movies/romance novels/ryan gossling has tainted the minds of many women alike. Love isn't always how it looks on a movie screen or in a Nicholas Sparks novel. Despite knowing this, and spending the majority of my time as a cynic, I still wonder if true love is really out there.

So many people fall in love and think they've found, "the one". Then a few months/years later it all falls apart. I watched My Week With Mariyln the other day, and a line that was said really stuck with me. The guy in the film told her that maybe she just hasn't found the right guy yet. She replies by saying, "They all look right from the start."

That hits home so hard for me. I'm in a relationship now, and I have been in two other serious ones in the past. Each and every time I find myself in states of bliss where I am so sure with every part of me that he is "the one". I fantisize about spending the rest of my life with him. Each time it has fallen apart, and even in my current realtionship now I'm starting to see little cracks that are breaking up my illusion of us as the perfect couple. Sometimes I even think that I could probably be with anyone. These guys that come into my life get there by chance only. Does anything make them special or could I really just be with anyone if I tried hard enough?

Even worse, I miss my exes so much, and have starting fearing ever losing touch with my current boyfriend if we ever end things. It's just not fair to me. Maybe I'm just totally flawed, but while I understand the problems with monogamy, I can't wrap my mind around losing touch with an ex. When you give so much to one person, they become your best friend. Every single say I think about my ex-boyfriends and how I wish so badly we still talked.

Relationships are so messy and leave my heart torn to pieces, but each time I risk it again in the hopes something will turn out differently. Maybe I'm doing it because a small part of me still believes in the fairy tale.

Does anyone still believe in true love?

Not anymore - never again for me.
I don't believe in best friend thinks he meet's the one or a girl that he wants to have a good relationship...but I know that that means he wants to have sex with her and keep her around as a fresia buddy when one of his other fresia buddies isn't putting out or he get's sick of them or something....just watching this guy and the women in his life has me thinking "this is it"...this is a relationship or "love" because of course he claims to love some of these girls and that he always will and some of these girls claim the same even though they just use each other to satisfy each other carnal pleasures. So just watching this guy has me thinking true love doesn't exist...people just give each other sex( not that that's bad) and that pretty much it.
I still believe in true love. It may not be your first love. It may not be someone you'll ever get to spend the rest of your life with. I don't know if I've met my true love honestly. Could be my ex. Could be not. Who knows. But I still believe. :)
I'm just an average girl working hard to support my goals and hobbies...
I don't have any particular outstanding qualities or talents like being able to play an instrument very well or impressing people with a wealth of knowledge in any particular subject...
Just sweet, caring and kind is what others always tell me..
I'm kinda like vanilla pudding and not parfait...:p
Nothing "off-the-wall" kinda "makes-you-fuzzy" special or have the beauty that any man would devote himself to me for. :p

I've seen true love in other couples though...the doting, loving husbands that care for their ill wives...
The couples that even after many decades still get excited over seeing each other...
There's a cute neighbourhood British couple I see...both in their 70s...they dress up and go on dates regularly...

I believe that today's men and women are kinda messed in the head...honestly.
People are looser in morals (they call it being "open-minded") and everyone I work with is ******* everything in sight - and believe me, they are NOT single.

I believe in true love but not so much for today's generation and for myself.
It's all in the shitter...
But who knows? Just try to stay positive and push never know what life will bring.
Maybe you'll be one of the lucky ones.
Stars said:
I believe that today's men and women are kinda messed in the head...honestly.
People are looser in morals (they call it being "open-minded") and everyone I work with is ******* everything in sight - and believe me, they are NOT single.

Haha. Well said and I'd agree.
I belive in my own concept of true love to be lucky to find someone you have chemistry with, that is respectful and caring and doesn't mind trying new ways or someone elses perspective. I see relationships that are good around me and have been lucky enough to experience it firsthand. Luck and hard work.
Of course true love exist and is very real. It's real when a parent would do anything for his/her child even to lose their lives. It's real when a person defend a friend because he/she knows loyalty but also it's real when a friend will scold a friend of his flaws because he/she wants that friend to better.

True love is real, it's just not like in fairy tales. It's something that makes you your strongest and makes you your weakest. I think it's maybe a balance of selflessness and love for yourself because you want to be the best version of you for the people that you love and wanting those loved ones to be the best persons they can become as well.

Like any other human emotions, it's honest and it's real, it's just that we fail it because we are too are trying to understand it. For me it's like kindness as well, when you see someone who needs help yet you choose to walk away because at that certain point it's easier for you to walk away. That doesn't mean the kindness you wanted to show wasn't real. it's just that you're not brave not to show it. It's not love that fails us, we fail love.

When we get hurt or cheated, does it make what we felt for the person who hurt us unreal? Of course there are many compatible people out there, there are so many wrong people out there as well. There must not be one right person out of billions, but when you are with someone whom you know you've shared quite a bond with, someone whom you've been honest and who has been honest with you as well, you can't say that you'll forever be together. But if you break apart, you can't also say that you've done everything you needed to when you needed to. Love requires loyalty, honesty of course, but it also requires vigilance to the tiniest cracks that may break your relationship with that person. But the tricky part is it requires dedication from both partners.

But I also know that sometimes we do everything and it still wont work. But we can look at situations differently, we can either get the worst out of it or get the best out of it. With every experience comes knowledge. I think it's kinda silly to say that true love does not exist because you see a lot of couples break apart even after years of marriage. What about those couples who are still together even at old age? It's also kinda silly to say that maybe it existed before but time has changed, because you never know what will happen to couples who are still happy and together at this moment.

I know a lot of people will say that I can say this because I haven't experienced the real hardship of relationship, but I've seen it in a lot of people who are still happy and in love, including my parents. Maybe I won't be as lucky as them but knowing that it is real for them will always keep me in believing that love is real, at least to the very lucky ones... but in actuality, we can find love in a lot of places and people. Not necessarily romantic but it can still be intimate. It's just that most people today would give up on everything if one thing didn't work out.

I hope I made sense (hehe)
I think true love is cherishing a sense of "us" rather than "me". And when problems arise, you do what's right for "us", rather than what's right for "me". (Or at least, that's one element of it!) :)
I had this saved from a while ago.

Love has stages. People often confuse the first stage, with the concurrent spikes of oxytocin to be what "being in love" should always feel like. The passion, the excitement, and the butterflies in the stomach.

Some people realize, over time, that love can change and grow. It can become more fulfilling but less exciting. That it even becomes occasionally content, boring, and repetitive because life can be content, boring, and repetitive. People on ALL should be able to identify with this. Some people never realize this. They're always looking for the passion, the joy, the excitement, and if the excitement fades in an otherwise great relationship they say, "Oh well, we fell out of love, we couldn't help it," and they never consider the fact that the emotion we call "love" is stimulated by specific hormones and sensations, and that they can be re-stimulated if willing to put in the time and effort. When both partners are willing to do that then we get what you would call "True" love I guess, or a "Lasting" love. Most of the time that is not the case. Basically, "true" love only exists for couples that have come to terms with the fact that it doesn't really exist.

Usually, instead, they may meet someone else, and feel the falling-in-love passion and excitement all over again. They may tell their current partner, "I love you, I'm just not in love with you," and their partner will say, "But we were doing well! We weren't fighting! We were happy!" and the one who fell out of love will shrug and say, "I'm sorry. I didn't want to hurt you. But I love this new person now and I don't love you that way."

And it never occurs to them that the excitement and passion will fade with the new person just as they faded with the old, and they are in a perpetual search of a fleeting and transient emotion.
Thanks for that kamya. That basically describes my (soon-to-be-ex) husband. As much as I love him, when it comes down to it he's just one of those guys who has no idea what love really is :/
What exactly would set "true love" apart from "love"? Would true love mean dying for the person you're truly in love with in order to save him/her? Would true love mean giving up the last bit of your favorite chocolate cake? What makes love "true" or "not true" anyway? Love that is "not true" wouldn't even be considered love since an untrue love cannot be considered love. At least thats how I see it, since I think any kind of love would be pure. So that may mean that every type of love is true love. If that is how true love can be defined, then I would believe in it. But if there are varying degrees of "trueness" in love, then the truest love may as well be impossible for us to comprehend. The truest love may as well be the highest number of infinity or may as well be the limit of something us humans are unable to attain. Love; like us, doesn't last forever and a love that doesn't last forever may as well not be the truest form of love.

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