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h i

Well-known member
Sep 23, 2009
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i posted another topic about education in misc. this is one of my biggest problems, and i dont see many people bring it up. yet it affects me directly, and now.

i want to go to school.
but i feel like im going to fail.
ive tried and tried and tried.
ive failed and failed and failed.
Education isn't the be-all and end-all. It's like any other tool: it's only good if there's a use for it. I've been educated well through going to several expensive schools and universities, but if I become a sound recordist then my knowledge of Brecht isn't going to count for very much. It sounds like you're a welder who enjoys what he does - how does it affect you so badly?
my sister has the same problem. i keep telling her that there are a lot of other things in life and she doesnt have to keep trying at this path. she thinks she should be a lawyer. but its not working for her. i think she has her ego wrapped up in the idea and she's made such a point of it to everyone that if she doesnt make it, she'll feel like a failure in everyone's eyes. but thats not because she's actually a failure, its because she's created this expectation on herself and in others eyes. she's telling herself "if i cant do this i'll be a failure." its about what you are telling yourself. I keep telling her she needs to take some time to find out what her strengths are and capitalize on them. then she'll feel better about herself.

you have strengths and you should do some soul searching to find out what they are. once you know, then those are the things you should pursue. then you wont feel like a failure.
little_buddha said:
Education isn't the be-all and end-all. It's like any other tool: it's only good if there's a use for it. I've been educated well through going to several expensive schools and universities, but if I become a sound recordist then my knowledge of Brecht isn't going to count for very much. It sounds like you're a welder who enjoys what he does - how does it affect you so badly?

^5 buddy!! I got an Associates Degree in Music Recording Technology and have done absolutely nothing with it :( I didnt really feel that I got much out of it and that I was truely prepared enough to land a job regarding that degree.. Now Im thinking about getting some certifications regarding something in the Information Technology field. I figure thats where most jobs are needed.
everyone fails. dont be afraid to fail. it helps you learn what not do and what could potentially be the solution.

you could look up almost every millionaire story, and it'll have some failure in there. a book that really helped me out with this problem was "The Success Principles" by Jack Canfield. awesome book that picks me up every time.

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