Emotionally abusive family

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Is the OP the guilty party in all this?

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Mar 3, 2012
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Im currently living in an abusive family and funnily enough have only just really become aware of it all. Part of the abuse was in fact to have me convinced that I am the protagonist and my family are my victims.

My parents and brother have constructed this false paradigm which justifies everything they've done. The next issue is the fact that I AM guilty of plenty of crimes. Ive done things im ashamed of - ive definitely brought my family down a few social pegs and no mistake. Most of the things I refer to happened between 0-14 after which I had a sort of Damascus and from there on in gradually made changes. Admittedly I started to experience depression which screwed me over in the academics department and led to me becoming a painkiller addict which was a whole new vice which I havent yet licked yet but which I have under some control. My plan is to get my university finals and the rest of my coursework completed and then to kick it to the curb for and and for all.

After I finished my a levels (took 3 years due to the failed year) I ended up dropping out of uni which was completely my fault. I got in with the local stoner circle - they were the only group of people who I felt I could relate to on any level except they hated my guts and I ended up in the situation im in now locked in with people who hate me to bits and pieces. Long story short we were caught smoking and I ended up lying to save my own yellow streaked ass .

My family problems only really began when I left for uni. Once I was there the relationships deteriorated. They reasoned that the quieter home environment was a direct result of my absence. I was caught between 2 abusive extremes. Hanging with the stoners I felt like a total freak - I began to develop a severe and all encompassing obsession with my appearance I even attempted suicide and nearly ended up sectioned for something completely unrelated to that. All that time I never had a shoulder to cry on and I was too far gone to benefit from any offers .

I reasoned that if I were to admit to what I had done i'd be homeless. Catch 22. Either admit and be homeless or forced to become unacceptably dependent on the circle or not admit and be left friendless but still with accomodation. It turned out that I was hung drawn and quartered anyways. Cheaters never prosper and they escaped punishment while I had to escape before I was rehoused!

My problems began when I came back home to a reception so frosty I could see my breath clouding the air.It went from frosty to fiery and the games began. The situation had shifted subtly. The household had a new leader and his crown barely fit on his head. My younger brother controls the household from behind the scenes. Of course whenever this is suggested eyes roll but i've come to this conclusion hesitantly and over 6-7 months.

Just so you know what my brother is capable of, someone in the house has been contaminating my mum's cosmetics (were an italian family and something like that is just unforgivable) she's got MS anyway and ensuing mobility problems so she is vulnerable.

Anyway she suffered some serious health consequences and there are 2 possible suspects my dad and brother. It could easily be my dad but I just doubt it somehow. Its more likely to be my brother. Some of the things he's done are evil but unless you have been on the receiving end they seem innocous. It would be admirable if it didnt point to something pretty sinister.

I have been diagnosed with misophonia which is something aspergers sufferers will be well acquainted with but may not have given a name - its selective sound sensitivity, that is certain sounds reduce me to a quivering mass of flesh and jellied bone - the incident with me jumping out a moving car was a result of my misophonia.

I was trapped in the car hurtling along the motorway eating concrete at 80mph and he starts singing (thats one of the stimuli apparently sensitivity to family sounds are really common) in short it continued on and on and my anxiety climbed until it became so unbearable that I was opening the car door. He saw my anxiety rising, he was sat right next to me he knew that what he was doing was causing my reaction but he didnt care. Even after the door was opening he actually continued.

My family play mindgames with me. Often on the weekends when theyre all present. It begins on friday and persists until the weekday and the cycle begins again. Its as if something occult descends on the family for each weekend. My dad for instance will be perfectly congenial weekdays but come friday bang! im suddenly the reason he wants to leave my mum im hopeless weird a freak useless. Then the others start and for the last few weeks its reached a fever pitch and ive been inconsolable crying uncontrollably.

She'll begin an emotionally charged discussion for instance she'll call my dad a paedo (I know I know I dont believe he is - he's just incredibly innapropriate...) and drag stuff up from the past. She'll go on like a harpy with conviction and when the listener gets involved she uses several tactics to ensure that no matter how untenable and illogical her position she wins.

Case in point I discussed how every single one of my suicide attempts were directly due to things that they had done. Its not really something that requires a massive bust up. Something caused me to try and take my own life and I just happened to be in the room when it happened so I know what triggered it. My mum however either ignored me completely, changed the subject constantly,shouted me down, deflected questions such as me:why are you doing this her:why are you doing this me youre hurting me her:youre hurting us. By that time invariably im in tears or recently self harming. The other week after one such session I ended up covered in blood.

The worst thing and the thing i'll end this rambling claptrap with is that she has admitted that they do deliberately torment me. Its revenge for my mistakes. Theyve graduated from physical violence to emotional violence. Ive on ocassions got on my knees and plead wit her to stop torturing me and asked why she was doing it, and the response has always been I deserve it - and this with me wailing the house down curled up in a ball. There are times I thought that if it were possible to die of despair I would and I dont exaggerate its what I believe hell would be like. That cold clammy realisation that you have an eternity of pain with no means of escape in front of you. Thats what I have.

There's loads more but these are the most salient points. Im not perfect and the last few years I must be honest and admit that ive been deadweight. In the last days/weeks ive been really pulling out all the stops to keep the house going. Scrubbing sweeping and sweating - theres been no change however - its always been the same thing. No matter how hard I try my efforts are spat on. My mum told me the other day that I had no right to discuss anything emotional with her that I had no right to love and that if I wanted emotional support I needed to go to a therapist.

I havent mentioned my dad's affairs, the acussations of child abuse, the physical violence to me as a kid being called ugly, seeing my dad almost jump out a moving car because my mum was using the tactics I described on him (like I said its fiendish and you have to experience it) experiencing the same thing myself but at the hands of my brother the various incidents between my brother and I that have scarred me. Oh we've all suffered if im honest. Its just an abusive situation. My sadness is that apparently when im not there theyre the model family. I dont believe im to blame for their behaviour but it frustrates me that there'll be no "Payback". It sounds wrong I know but I need to know that the universe is just and that evil is punished and good rewarded. A happily ever after would just be wrong.

c'mon 56 views and noone has any opinion of any sort? I know its pretty long winded but someone must have something to say. I ended up doing something im pretty ashamed of. I've literally just had enough. This weekend was unbearable and the only time I have some sort of respite is between 8-4 school hours. My brother was home however and I just ended up cracking.
This isnt my style at all but I basically invented a fictional psychologist/ casual observer who notified me by email that my brother had sadistic traits. I showed my folks the email in the hopes that someone independent would convince them that my concerns are valid. This is what ive lived but I couldnt get my parents to give me the time of day. My parents just rationalised it all away and I ended up suffering my parents wrath - they dont suspect me of foul play but theyre behind him all the way.
I feel so dirty and unclean. I dont do this sort of thing but I just dont see any other way out. My relationship with my family is pretty normal when its just us but introduce my brother into the equation and suddenly im afraid to leave my room.
I thought that if my parents understood what he was about they'd put measures into place to make life less painful. Turns out I was wrong. I had a massive argument with my mum and it was the same routine this time however I didnt break down into tears - ive given up on them. I now no longer care.
That is kind of long, you may have to wait for replies. You gotta catch people at the right time when they have the attention span to sit and read it all.

Okay, first let me say I've had friends and a relative who was the "controlling" member of the family or the manipulative one. I'll say this, I absolutely hate when people play the innocent card and people fall for it. Come on, how blind do you have to be to not see it? I've never understood this.

The contamination of the cosmetics, that is disturbing. Too bad you couldn't catch the person red handed or set up a camera somewhere to catch them.

Try not to be too hard on your parents, it is frustrating but they are victims themselves. For whatever reason they don't want to see what is going on. Well, there isn't much you can do about that. You said it's pretty normal until your brother comes in. Enjoy that time, don't deprive yourself of it.
Your situation sounds unbearable. Do you have any help from social services at all? If you have somewhere to live other than in this household, I would advise you to leave and never come back.
Have they always behaved like this? It is not a healthy home and although you need love and care from these people, it sounds like they have massive issues and will not be able to give you what you need.
The fact you are at uni is your ticket out of there. Get qualified, get a good job and get out of there. Abusive people can rarely change.
I am sure the things you have done are not bad at all. We all do things we're not proud of and things that seem worse to us than they are.
You're only human. What your family sound like they're doing to you could not be any worse.
Get out as soon as you can and make a new life for yourself.
Wow that is some complex family dynamic. It sounds like you are in emotional turmoil. It's TOO complicated and the complicatedness has gotten you all topsy turvey and you have no emotional balance or center.

Please leave that environment for your own emotional health.

You do sound a bit emeshed in it.
wow thanks for that. I needed some confirmation that im a good person caught in an impossible situation. What ought I to do in the next months to survive though?
My primary immediate goal is to get squeaky clean if I have to lock myself in a room to do it. After that im cutting my losses and taking me and my kitbag out. For me that will equal happiness and equanimity. Here im in constant fight or flight. Im just holding on until these exams are over.
avast! said:
wow thanks for that. I needed some confirmation that im a good person caught in an impossible situation. What ought I to do in the next months to survive though?
My primary immediate goal is to get squeaky clean if I have to lock myself in a room to do it. After that im cutting my losses and taking me and my kitbag out. For me that will equal happiness and equanimity. Here im in constant fight or flight. Im just holding on until these exams are over.

Maybe spend a lot fo time at the local library or school library. There aren't any drugs there. delete all your druggie friends contact info.

Find a support group?
I dont want to sound like a dick even if I am probably pretty good at it heh but that post sounded almost mocking. I'm practising assertiveness at the moment or saying what im thinking - now I know why I dont usually haha
I think you misunderstood. She's just trying to be helpful suggesting a quiet place to get away from it all. And support groups can be great for you to get things out in the open.
Meh ure right im just ultra-defensive right now - spent all day on guard heh apologies anyways
I think part of the issue is that it's just really difficult to follow the text due to some poor sentence structure. I'm not trying to be a grammar nazi either, but I tried to get through it and understand what you were saying and it was a little difficult.
I do have unusual sentence structures. I really ought to be less liberal with the composite sentencing. I tend to just write without much forethought so it does come out sounding fairly disjointed.

Today I did myself proud though my mum was on fire today having a go for three seperate mistakes ive made in the past week or so. I had a vase in my room which was filled with old soil. The soil had gathered mold and I wasnt keen on inhaling it day in day out so I tipped the soil in the compost in our garden and left the vase upside down outside - mistake.

Second was my fault. We shop at costco and the shopping arrives home unbagged. Were talking massive crates strapped with supersize groceries. Mum needed help lugging it all in which I agreed to - just then I was exhausted and wasn't up for breaking a sweat so I asked her to delay it for a while.

Third is slightly embarassing but most guys will be able to relate to this through experience. The short and sweet of it is that I was caught in the act of well you know.

Fourth I tripped over a bag full of my mum's stuff/mobile phone which was left in the middle of the stairs. The phone is now damaged unfortunately

To be honest I have been pretty unlucky lately. The above isn't all that unusual. Negative coincidences seem to follow me around lately. But I digress. All morning the mater has been using these things as a stick to beat me with.

Usually i'd end up self harming or in tears and my mum would go on without missing a beat. This time I just found it all amusing. I'd made errors yes, but I can see now how in each of these situations my guilt isn't as cut and dried as my parents would like to think.

I had agreed to go outside but rather than calling me to let me know when she was ready as I asked the folks just went ahead did it then called me lazy useless and sadistic to boot. The vase I can appreciate since I didnt mention why it was outside in the first place. Additionally, i've been banned from watching pornography in the house which tickled me pink. Its ok for everyone else to but not for me to. Im sorry that I have to air this - its embarassing, but it underlines how silly this can all be.

At least she can no longer accuse me of being a zoophile (dont ask) since she saw just how phenomenally mundane my tastes are.

Anyway once my mum saw that I wasnt moved at all she went to the next level - threatening to kick me out. I thought this would happen. Essentially, as long as they can torture me emotionally there's no need to have me out because its their method of control. But the moment that method of control becomes useless they have no choice but to get the big guns out.

She was literally saying that I needed to be evicted, and threatening to get solicitors involved. The sadist incident has as it was always going to backfired. My parents love my brother even more and hate me even more. Now IM being accused of sadism at every turn!

I dont know what my mm expects of me. By the looks of it im expected to be superman. Im 21 and ive never had a girl or a relationship - if I didnt look at porn I think i'd be a ticking time bomb of sexual repression. Ive never heard this happening to anyone else unless they live in religious homes of which mine is not one.
I do have unusual sentence structures. I really ought to be less liberal with the composite sentencing. I tend to just write without much forethought so it does come out sounding fairly disjointed.

Today I did myself proud though my mum was on fire today having a go for three seperate mistakes ive made in the past week or so. I had a vase in my room which was filled with old soil. The soil had gathered mold and I wasnt keen on inhaling it day in day out so I tipped the soil in the compost in our garden and left the vase upside down outside - mistake.

Second was my fault. We shop at costco and the shopping arrives home unbagged. Were talking massive crates strapped with supersize groceries. Mum needed help lugging it all in which I agreed to - just then I was exhausted and wasn't up for breaking a sweat so I asked her to delay it for a while.

Third is slightly embarassing but most guys will be able to relate to this through experience. The short and sweet of it is that I was caught in the act of well you know.

Fourth I tripped over a bag full of my mum's stuff/mobile phone which was left in the middle of the stairs. The phone is now damaged unfortunately

To be honest I have been pretty unlucky lately. The above isn't all that unusual. Negative coincidences seem to follow me around lately. But I digress. All morning the mater has been using these things as a stick to beat me with.

Usually i'd end up self harming or in tears and my mum would go on without missing a beat. This time I just found it all amusing. I'd made errors yes, but I can see now how in each of these situations my guilt isn't as cut and dried as my parents would like to think.

I had agreed to go outside but rather than calling me to let me know when she was ready as I asked the folks just went ahead did it then called me lazy useless and sadistic to boot. The vase I can appreciate since I didnt mention why it was outside in the first place. Additionally, i've been banned from watching pornography in the house which tickled me pink. Its ok for everyone else to but not for me to. Im sorry that I have to air this - its embarassing, but it underlines how silly this can all be.

At least she can no longer accuse me of being a zoophile (dont ask) since she saw just how phenomenally mundane my tastes are.

Anyway once my mum saw that I wasnt moved at all she went to the next level - threatening to kick me out. I thought this would happen. Essentially, as long as they can torture me emotionally there's no need to have me out because its their method of control. But the moment that method of control becomes useless they have no choice but to get the big guns out.

She was literally saying that I needed to be evicted, and threatening to get solicitors involved. The sadist incident has as it was always going to backfired. My parents love my brother even more and hate me even more. Now IM being accused of sadism at every turn!

I dont know what my mm expects of me. By the looks of it im expected to be superman. Im 21 and ive never had a girl or a relationship - if I didnt look at porn I think i'd be a ticking time bomb of sexual repression. Ive never heard this happening to anyone else unless they live in religious homes of which mine is not one.

It does make sense when I consider that I showed my mum a picture of the woman whom I invented (the one who called my brother a sadist) simply because she asked to see some evidence of who she was etc. We're an italian family while she is german and my mother being Sicilian is very sensitive about me finding unSicillian women attractive. She believes that white women view my curly hair and dark skin and eyes with disgust, that im repulsive to white blonde german women since I look like an Iranian - apparently. She said so in words to that effect. Along the lines of "they spit on the ground you walk".

Ive been called disgusting and ugly by my mum and brother more times that I care to ennumerate. So its clear that either they believe me to be ugly or use my insecurities about my appearance -either way the result is the same they know that ive had suicide attempts over my dysmorphia yet they still choose to torment me with it.

I mean im struggling to believe that this is not all a paranoid nightmare. But when I look at the situation im in I cant deny it. Its liberating because now I can see that the fact that im still here is in itself a laudable achievement. I'll also hopefully be able to be a stirling father since ive had first hand experience of how parents' flaws and personal problems can effect their children

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