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Quadrivium - crossroads, place where four roads meet

Quadruplator - an exaggerator, informer

Quaggy - marshy, boggy

Qualislibet - of what sort you will

Quandary - predicament; a situation from which extrication is difficult especially an unpleasant or trying one; a state of uncertainty or perplexity

Quasso - to shake violently, shake to pieces, break, shatter

Quaver - to quiver, as from weakness; tremble; to speak, sing, or utter in a quivering voice

Quean - an overly forward, impudent woman; shrew; hussy

Quercetum - an oak grove, and oak forest

Quereia, Querella - complaint, complaining

Querimonia - complaint, a charge in court

Queritor - to complain excessively, whine, gripe

Quernus - oaken

Queror - to complain, lament, bewail; (of animals) whine, whimper

Querulus - complaining, whining, lamenting

Questus - (Latin) complaint, lament; of the nightingale

Quicquid - whoever, whatever, whatsoever, anything at all

Quidnunc - a nosy person; a busybody

Quietus - rest; something that serves to suppress, check, or eliminate; release from life; death; the act or fact of dying; demise; a final stroke that settles something; a release from a duty or debt (Quies, Quietis - (Latin) quiet, rest, peace; a resting place; sleep; a dream)

Quilibet - (Latin) anyone, anything, whatever (or whomever) you like

Quintessence - the pure, highly concentrated essence of a thing; the purest or most typical instance; in ancient and medieval philosophy, the fifth and highest essence after the four elements of earth, air, fire, and water, thought to be the substance of the heavenly bodies and latent in all things

Quippy - a clever, witty remark often prompted by the occasion; a clever, often sarcastic remark; a gibe

Quisquiliae - (Latin) quisquiliarum: rubbish, trash, garbage, refuse

Quondam - that once was; former; whilom; erstwhile; belonging to some prior time

Quotidian - of or occurring every day; daily, day-to-day; ordinary or everyday, especially when mundane

Quovis - to whatever place you will

Raconteur - someone who is skilled in telling anecdotes

Raillery - good-natured teasing or ridicule; banter

Rankle - to cause keen irritation or bitter resentment in

Rapine - the act of plundering

Rapscallion - a mischievous person; a rascal; a scamp; a rogue

Rancor - bitter resentment or ill will; malice

Rara avis - a rare person or thing

Recalcitrance - recalcitrant; refractoriness; the trait of being unmanageable; resisting authority or control; not obedient or compliant; hard to deal with, manage, or operate

Recension - a critical revision of a text

Recherche - very rare, exotic, or choice; affectedly refined

Recrudesce - to break out anew

Redolent - having or emitting fragrance, aromatic; suggestive, reminiscent

Refect - to refresh with food or drink; refectory

Refluent - flowing back or ebbing

Remanent - remaining or left behind

Remora - an obstacle, hindrance, or obstruction

Renege - to fail to carry out a promise or commitment; to renounce; disown; back down

Replete - filled; complete; stuffed or gorged with food and drink; abundantly supplied or provided

Resplendent - glorious; having great beauty and splendor; splendid or dazzling in appearance; brilliant

Revenant - one that returns after a lengthy absence; one who returns after death

Risible - exciting or provoking laughter

Rodomontade - pretentious, blustering talk

Roundelay - a song in which a phrase or line is continually repeated

Rubenesque - Fat

Rubicund - inclining to redness; ruddy

Rubric - a title, heading, or the like, written or printed in red or otherwise distinguished from the rest of the text

Runic - having some secret or mysterious meaning

Ruricolous - living in the country or fields

Saccade - the movement of the eye when it makes a sudden change, as in reading

Salad days - a period of youthful inexperience

Salvo - something to save a person's reputation or soothe a person's feelings

Sanctimonious - making or marked by a hypocritical and often smug, intolerant show of religious devotion, morality, righteousness, etc.

Sapid - having flavor; agreeable to the taste; palatable

Sapiosexual - one who finds intelligence the most sexually attractive feature

Satori - sudden enlightenment

Saturnine - sluggish or gloomy in temperament or appearance; somber; taciturn

Saudade - (Galician-Portuguese) A deep emotional state of nostalgic longing for an absent something or someone that one loves. It often carries a repressed knowledge that the object of longing might never return. It is related to the feelings of longing, yearning. Has been described as a "...vague and constant desire for something that does not and probably cannot exist ... a turning towards the past or towards the future." A stronger form of saudade may be felt towards people and things whose whereabouts are unknown, such as a lost lover, or a family member who has gone missing. It may also be translated as a deep longing or yearning for something that does not exist or is unattainable. Was once described as "the love that remains" after someone is gone. Saudade is the recollection of feelings, experiences, places or events that once brought excitement, pleasure, well-being, which now triggers the senses and makes one live again. It can be described as an emptiness, like someone (e.g., one's children, parents, sibling, grandparents, friends, pets) or something (e.g., places, things one used to do in childhood, or other activities performed in the past) should be there in a particular moment is missing, and the individual feels this absence. In fact, one can have 'saudades' of someone whom one is with, but have some feeling of loss towards the past or the future.

Saxicolous - growing on or living among rocks

Scapegoat - one that is made to bear the blame of others

Scintilla - a minute amount; an iota, trace, or tittle; a spark, flash

Scurrilous - expressed in vulgar, coarse, or abusive language; foul-mouthed

Sentience - awareness; the quality or state of being consciousness, sentient; feeling as distinguished from perception or thought

Septugenarian - a person whose age is in the 70's

Sepulchral - proper to or suggestive of a tomb; funereal or dismal

Serry - to crowd closely together

Sesquipedalian - given to the overuse of long words

Shasha - (Lakota) willow

Shibboleth - (Hebrew) password

Shiv - a knife, especially a switchblade

Sidereal - coming from the stars, or relating to stars

Sidle - to move sideways or obliquely; to edge along, trying not to be seen; a sidling movement

Simper - a silly, self-conscious, often coy smile or smirk

Sinusoidal - having a succession of waves or curves

Sisyphean - futile, hopeless, and never-ending

Slaver - to slobber, to drool

Slimsy - flimsy; frail

Snickersnee - a knife, especially a long, large one used as a weapon

Sobriquet - an affectionate or humorous nickname; an assumed name; A nickname, sometimes assumed, but often given by another. It is usually a familiar name, distinct from a pseudonym assumed as a disguise, but a nickname which is familiar enough such that it can be used in place of a real name without the need of explanation. This salient characteristic is of sufficient familiarity that the sobriquet can become more familiar than the original name.

Sockdolager - a decisive blow or remark

Sodality - fellowship; comradeship; an association or society

Soigne - carefully or elegantly done; well-groomed

Sojourn - to dwell for a time; also, a temporary stay

Solatium - something given in compensation for inconvenience, loss or injury

Solecism - a breach of good manners or etiquette

Soliloquy - the act of speaking to oneself

Solipsist - one who adheres to the belief that self is the only thing that is real, and can be verified

Solivagant - solivagous; wandering alone; one who wanders alone

Somnolence - a state of drowsiness; sleepiness

Sonder - the realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own, populated with their own ambitions, friends, routines, worries and inherited craziness; watching people and wondering about their lives or troubles

Sophismata - (Latin) false conclusions, logical fallacies

Sophistry - sophism; a deliberately invalid argument displaying ingenuity in reasoning that seems plausible in the hope of deceiving someone

Soupcon - a very small amount; a trace

Specious - sophistic; spurious; having the ring of truth or plausibility but actually fallacious; deceptively attractive

Spilth - something that is spilled

Spirituel, Spirituelle - showing or having a refined and graceful mind or wit

Splenetic - irritable; peevish; spiteful

Sprat - a small or inconsequential person or thing

Squamulose - covered with tiny scales; scaly

Stentorian - extremely loud

Sternutation - the act of sneezing; a sneeze

Stertor - a heavy snoring sound

Stillicide - the falling of water in drops

Stramash - disturbance, racket, uproar; crash

Strident - loud and harsh; grating or shrill; presenting a point of view, esp. a controversial one, in an excessively and unpleasantly forceful way; characterized by harsh, insistent, and discordant sound; commanding attention by a loud or obtrusive quality; making feelings or opinions known in a very strong way that perhaps makes people uncomfortable

Subaudition - an act or instance of understanding or mentally supplying something not expressed

Substrate - something that is spread or laid under something else

Subterfuge - a deceptive stratagem or device; ruse

Sudoriferous - secreting sweat

Sullage - refuse or waste, sewage; silt, sediment

Sundries - various; miscellaneous objects too numerous or too small to be specified

Supernal - heavenly; celestial, or divine

Surly - rude or bad-tempered; dark or threatening weather

Susurrus - susurration, sough; the act of whispering; a whisper; a murmur

Swill - slop; pig feed; hogwash; to drink great drafts of greedily or grossly

Sylph - a slender, graceful woman or girl

Syncope - the shortening of a word by omitting one or more sounds or letters from the middle (ex. "never" to "ne'er")

Tacenda - things to be passed over in silence; matters not to be mentioned

Tacit - silent; not spoken; implied, inferred, or understood without being openly expressed (tacitly, tacitness, taciturn, taciturnist, taciturny)

Tantamount - equivalent in effect or value

Tatterdemalion - a person in tattered clothing; shabby person; ragged

Tawdry - gaudy, showy and cheap

Tchotchke - a trinket; a knickknack

Ted - to spread out for drying, as newly mown hay

Teetotaler - one who abstains completely from alcoholic beverages

Tellurian - of, relating to, or inhabiting the earth; an inhabitant of the earth; a terrestrial

Temblor - earthquake

Temerarious - recklessly bold; rash

Temerity - audacity; fearless daring; foolhardy disregard of danger; recklessness

Tempest - storm; tumult

Tenebrific - gloomy; dark; serving to obscure or darken; producing darkness

Tenterhooks - in a state of uneasy suspense or painful anxiety

Tergiversator - one who uses evasions or ambiguities; one who changes sides; turncoat; recreant

Terrene - of or relating to the earth; earthly

Thalassocracy - dominion over the seas, as in exploration or trade

Thanatopsis - a view or contemplation of death

Theoretician - theorist, someone who theorizes; one who formulates, studies, or is expert in the theory of a science or an art

Theurgy - the working of a divine or supernatural agency in human affairs

Threnody - requiem; a poem or song of mourning or lamentation

Timorous - full of apprehensiveness; timid

Titivate - to make neat or trim; spruce up

Tittle - a dot or other small mark in writing or printing, used as a diacritic, punctuation, etc.

Titubant - a disturbance resulting in an uncertain gait and trembling

Tongue-in-cheek - banteringly; meant or expressed ironically or facetiously

Toothsome - delicious; attractive; luscious

Torrefy - to subject to fire or intense heat

Transpicuous - easily seen through; transparent

Trepidation - a state of alarm or dread; apprehension; an involuntary trembling or quivering

Trig - neat; trim; smart

Trill - a fluttering or tremulous sound; a warble; a vibrato; rapid vibration of one speech organ against another, as of the tongue against the alveolar ridge in Spanish "rr"

Tristitia - (Latin) despair; one of the 7 deadly sins

Troglodyte - hermit; one who lives in solitude

Tropology - the use of figurative language in speech or writing

Troubador - a medieval poet of southern Europe who performed songs of courtly love

Truckle - to act in a subservient manner

Truculence, Truculent - A disposition to fight, especially fiercely; Ferociously cruel actions or behavior; Obstreperous and defiant aggressiveness

Truss - to tie, bind, or fasten

Tumid - swollen, as a part of the body; pompous or inflated, as language; bombastic

Twaddle - drivel; trivial or idle talk or chatter; to talk foolishly; prate

Ufta (oof-dah) - (also ufda, ufdah, uffda, uff da, uff-da, uff-dah, oofta, oofda) An exclamation of Scandinavian origin relatively common in the Upper Midwestern states of the United States. Often used as a term for mild sensory overload, it roughly means "I am overwhelmed", "drats," "oops!" or "ouch!", especially if the "ouch!" is an empathetic one. It has become a mark of Scandinavian roots, particularly for people from North Dakota and Minnesota. Depending on tone of voice, it can be used as an expression of surprise, astonishment, exhaustion, relief and sometimes dismay. In Scandinavian, 'uff' is an interjection used when something is scary, uncomfortable, hurtful, annoying, sad or boring. 'Uff da' is most often used as a response when hearing something lamentable (but not too serious), and could often be translated as "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that." It is said to perform the same function as the Yiddish exclamation "oy vey".

Ugsome - horrid; loathesome

Ululate - to howl; to wail

Umbra - the invariable or characteristic accompaniment or companion of a person or thing

Umbrage - offense; resentment: shadow or shade; a vague or indistinct indication; a hint

Unctuous - marked by a false or smug earnestness or agreeableness

Uxorious - excessively fond of or submissive to a wife


Vapid - offering nothing that is stimulating or challenging

Vaticinate - to prophesy; foretell; soothsayer; haruspex; auspex

Veracity - unwillingness to tell lies

Verboten - forbidden; prohibited

Verdant - green

Veriest - utmost; most complete

Verisimilitude - the quality of appearing to be true or real

Vermiform - shaped like a worm; long and slender

Vertiginous - causing dizziness; also, giddy; dizzy

Vesuvian - volcanic, or pertaining to a fierce or fiery disposition

Vexillology - the study of flags

Vicissitude - a change or variation; the quality of being changeable; mutability; a variation in circumstances or fortune at different times in your life or in the development of something; one of the sudden or unexpected changes or shifts often encountered in one's life, activities, or surroundings

Vilify - to make vicious and defamatory statements about; spread negative information about; to lower in estimation or importance; slander

Vinosity - extreme fondness for or addiction to wine

Virilocal - living with or located near a husband's father's family

Viscid - having a glutinous consistency; sticky; adhesive

Vociferate - to speak or cry out loudly or noisily; shout; bawl

Volte-face - a complete turnabout or reversal of opinion or policy

Voluble - excessively talkative; fluent; glib

Votaress - nun

Votary - one devoted to some pursuit, worship, study, or way of life

Vulpine - cunning or crafty

Wabi-sabi - (Japanese) appreciation for beauty that is imperfect, impermanent, or incomplete

Waif - a person, especially a child, who has no home or friends

Wanderlust - a very strong or irresistible urge to travel

Warison - bugle call to assault

Weal - Well-being, prosperity, or happiness

Weald - wooded or uncultivated country

Weltschmerz - (German) sadness over thinking about the evils of the world, especially as an expression of romantic pessimism; world-weariness (literally 'world-ache' or 'world-sorrow'), a vague kind of melancholy; a mood of sentimental sadness; mental depression or apathy caused by comparison of the actual state of the world with an ideal state; the kind of feeling experienced by someone who understands that physical reality can never satisfy the demands of the mind

Wend - to pursue or direct (one's way)

Wetware - the human brain, when thought of as functionally equivalent to computer hardware and software

Whilom - former; in the past; erstwhile

Widdershins - counterclockwise

Will-o'-the-wisp - a phosphorescent light seen hovering or floating at night over marshy ground, thought to result from the combustion of natural gases (ignis fatuus); a person or thing that is difficult or impossible to find, reach, or catch; a goal that cannot be reached

Willowwacks - a wooded, uninhabited area

Wiredrawn - finely spun; extremely intricate; minute

Wisenheimer - a cocksure, conceited, insolent person; smart aleck

Withy - (Old/Middle English) willow; osier

Woolgathering - indulgence in idle daydreaming

Hmm, I have to learn some more 'X' words.


Yarely - with quickness or agility

Yeasayer - someone who agrees with people in authority, especially to flatter them; toady, apple-polisher, sycophant, fawner, yes-man; antonym of "naysayer"


Zamzummims - evil plotters; giants

Zetetic - proceeding by inquiry; investigating
^ Thank you! =] I have more but I tried to skim them down to the ones I like best. I didn't want to overwhelm people, though I probably did anyway, lol.
Forgot this one!:

Polymath, Polyhistor - a person of wide-ranging knowledge or learning; a person of great learning in several fields of study
Some more:

Adronitis - frustration with how long it takes to get to know someone

Altschmerz - weariness with the same old issues that you've always had -- the same boring flaws and anxieties that you've been gnawing on for years

Anecdoche - a conversation in which everyone is talking, but nobody is listening

Atrabilious - melancholy or ill-tempered; gloomy

Ceraunophilia - loving thunder and lightning and finding them intensely beautiful

Chrysalism - the amniotic tranquility of being indoors during a thunderstorm

Drapetomania - an overwhelming urge to run away; the desire to escape from a bleak life or responsibilities

Ellipsism - a sadness that you'll never be able to know how history will turn out

Endogamy - the practice of marrying within a specific ethnic group, class, or social group, rejecting others on such a basis as being unsuitable for marriage or for other close personal relationships; marriage within a specific group as required by custom or law

Enouement - the bittersweetness of having arrived in the future, seeing how things turn out, but not being able to tell your past self

Eudaimonia (also eudaemonia or eudemonia) - doing and living well; happiness or welfare; human flourishing

Exulansis - the tendency to give up trying to talk about an experience because people are unable to relate to it

Jouska - a hypothetical conversation that you compulsively play out in your head

Kenopsia - the eerie, forlorn atmosphere of a place that is usually bustling with people but is now abandoned and quiet

Kithless - not knowing anyone, having no acquaintances or family

Kuebiko - a state of exhaustion inspired by acts of senseless violence

Lachesism - the desire to be struck by disaster, e.g. to survive a plane crash, or to lose everything in a fire

Liberosis - the desire to care less about things

Mauerbauertraurigkeit - the inexplicable urge to push people away, even close friends who you really like

Monachopsis - the subtle but persistent feeling of being out of place

Nodus Tollens - the realization that the plot of your life doesn't make sense to you anymore

Occhiolism - the awareness of the smallness of your perspective

Onism - the frustration of being stuck in just one body, that inhabits only one place at a time

Opia - the ambiguous intensity of looking someone in the eye, which can feel simultaneously invasive and vulnerable

Outlier - a person or thing differing from all other members of a particular group or set

Rubatosis - the unsettling awareness of your own heartbeat

Ruckkehrunruhe - the feeling of returning home after an immersive trip only to find it fading rapidly from your awareness

Selenophilia - loving the moon and finding it soothingly captivating

Sonsy, Sonsie - (of a woman's body) having a large bosom and pleasing curves; having an attractive and healthy appearance; strong and healthy; robust

Vellichor - the strange wistfulness of used bookshops

Vemodalen - the frustration of photographing something amazing when thousands of identical photos already exist
Sophrosyne (σωφροσύνη):
(n.) a healthy state of mind, characterized
by self-control, moderation and a deep
awareness of one's true self, and resulting
in true happiness
Aeolist - a pompous person who pretends to have inspiration

Anagapesis - a loss of feelings for someone who was formerly loved

Apricate - to bask in the sun or to sun oneself

Bawcock - a fine fellow

Blatteroon - a senseless babbler or boaster

Overmorrow - the day after tomorrow

Potvaliant - to become brave only as a result of being drunk

Satisdiction - to say all that is required

Scurryfunge - to rush around cleaning when company is on their way over

Spanghew - to cause a frog or toad to fly into the air

Yestreen - last night; yesterday evening






Umbrakinesis - the ability to manipulate darkness.

Heard it on "Heroes: Reborn" last night, lol.

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