Feeling Down

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Staff member
Dec 2, 2010
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
Been feeling this way for quite a few days now, it sucks. It started when my co-worker bagged on going to the company Christmas party, I ended up going by myself and stood around with no one to talk to. The ones who know me more than the others pointed out I was quiet. I mean, going by myself was huge for me, HUGE! I'm proud of myself but I felt really let down by my co-worker because he knew why I really needed him to come along. He's the complete opposite of me, he's outgoing and not shy. I felt he kind of owed me too cause I do a lot of nice little things for him, not that I'm trying to sound selfish but sometimes you expect the favours returned.

Usually this time of the year I have the week off for holidays but not this year since my co-worker is only 15, he can't be left alone to run the place. I had a former co-worker who'd cover for me but in the spring he decided not to come back, which really threw a wrench into things. (I run an equipment rental shop so there's a joke in there too.) Right now I'd be at my mom's, sleeping in, playing video games, and just relaxing. Instead I'm at work, it's extremely slow, and I just can't focus on anything.

Everything has been bothering me too, I don't know what my boss (the owner) is going to do since it's been slow. He's unpredictable and changes his mind at a moments notice. My sick grandmother who isn't getting the peace she wants, though this time of the year would be a bad time for that. Last year a friend I had feelings for had us make a promise to each other which she has broken now, more than once. At first I didn't let it get to me but now that she's done it again it has been bothering me.

I dunno, I'm just right to that point where if I could I would really like to bust down and cry, but right now I just wear a sad face. My co-worker is a hugger, which is weird for a 15 year old boy, and for me because I'm not used to huggers. My mom isn't much of a hugger, she's more of a pat you on the back kind of person. Her parents never showed much in the way of emotions.

I've tried getting into my hobbies but right now they aren't bringing me much joy or solace. Probably doesn't help that I'm to the climatic battle point in one of my stories where characters die. I can't draw, I've tried and its just not there. Anyway, I just had to get that all out.
Inner strength is the key.

Haven't you noticed, when we are strong within, people get gravitated to us. A few hours of quiet contemplation will make realize that you really don't have to rely on anybody in everyday life. You are enough unto yourself. I have seen people who prefer to stay alone. And they are STRONG people. Strong. Non-violent. And Serene.

Bye 4 now.
I'm feeling a little down too. It's the holidays for me that does it but I'm trying to stay busy and distract myself. Can't wait till it's over!!!!!

Find a private place and let it all out. Crying can be very healing. It helps get me through sometimes. Holding thing in isn't healthy. Hope things get better for you.

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